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QGVector Class Reference

The QGVector class is an internal class for implementing Qt collection classes. More...

#include <qgvector.h>

Inherits QCollection.

Inherited by QVector.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

  • QDataStream& read ( QDataStream & ) (internal)
  • QDataStream& write ( QDataStream & ) const (internal)
  • virtual int compareItems ( Item, Item ) 

Protected Members

  • QGVector () (internal)
  • QGVector ( uint size ) (internal)
  • QGVector ( const QGVector & v ) (internal)
  • ~QGVector () (internal)
  • QGVector& operator= ( const QGVector & v ) (internal)
  • Item* data () const
  • uint size () const
  • virtual uint count () const
  • bool insert ( uint index, Item ) (internal)
  • bool remove ( uint index ) (internal)
  • Item take ( uint index ) 
  • virtual void clear () (internal)
  • bool resize ( uint newsize ) (internal)
  • bool fill ( Item, int flen ) (internal)
  • void sort () (internal)
  • int bsearch ( Item ) const (internal)
  • int findRef ( Item, uint index ) const (internal)
  • int find ( Item, uint index ) const (internal)
  • uint containsRef ( Item ) const (internal)
  • uint contains ( Item ) const (internal)
  • Item at ( uint index ) const
  • bool insertExpand ( uint index, Item ) (internal)
  • void toList ( QGList * ) const (internal)
  • virtual QDataStream& read ( QDataStream &, Item & ) 
  • virtual QDataStream& write ( QDataStream &, Item ) const

Detailed Description

The QGVector class is an internal class for implementing Qt collection classes.

QGVector is a strictly internal class that acts as a base class for the QVector collection class.

QGVector has some virtual functions that may be reimplemented in subclasses to customize behavior.

  • compareItems() compares two collection/vector items.
  • read() reads a collection/vector item from a QDataStream.
  • write() writes a collection/vector item to a QDataStream.

Member Function Documentation

Item QGVector::at ( uint index ) const [protected]

For internal use only.

int QGVector::compareItems ( Item d1, Item d2 ) [virtual]

This virtual function compares two list items.


  • 0 if item1 == item2
  • non-zero if item1 != item2

This function returns int rather than bool so that reimplementations can return one of three values and use it to sort by:

  • 0 if item1 == item2
  • > 0 (positive integer) if item1 > item2
  • < 0 (negative integer) if item1 < item2

The QVector::sort() and QVector::bsearch() functions require that compareItems() is implemented as described here.

This function should not modify the vector because some const functions call compareItems().

uint QGVector::count () const [virtual protected]

For internal use only.

Reimplemented from QCollection.

Item * QGVector::data () const [protected]

For internal use only.

QDataStream & QGVector::read ( QDataStream & s, Item & d ) [virtual protected]

Reads a collection/vector item from the stream s and returns a reference to the stream.

The default implementation sets item to 0.

See also write().

uint QGVector::size () const [protected]

For internal use only.

QDataStream & QGVector::write ( QDataStream & s, Item ) const [virtual protected]

Writes a collection/vector item to the stream s and returns a reference to the stream.

The default implementation does nothing.

See also read().

QGVector::QGVector () [protected]

For internal use only.

QGVector::QGVector ( const QGVector & a ) [protected]

For internal use only.

QGVector::QGVector ( uint size ) [protected]

For internal use only.

QGVector::~QGVector () [protected]

For internal use only.

int QGVector::bsearch ( Item d ) const [protected]

For internal use only.

void QGVector::clear () [virtual protected]

For internal use only.

Reimplemented from QCollection.

uint QGVector::contains ( Item d ) const [protected]

For internal use only.

uint QGVector::containsRef ( Item d ) const [protected]

For internal use only.

bool QGVector::fill ( Item d, int flen ) [protected]

For internal use only.

int QGVector::find ( Item d, uint index ) const [protected]

For internal use only.

int QGVector::findRef ( Item d, uint index ) const [protected]

For internal use only.

bool QGVector::insert ( uint index, Item d ) [protected]

For internal use only.

bool QGVector::insertExpand ( uint index, Item d ) [protected]

For internal use only.

QGVector& QGVector::operator= ( const QGVector & v ) [protected]

For internal use only.

QDataStream & QGVector::read ( QDataStream & s )

For internal use only.

bool QGVector::remove ( uint index ) [protected]

For internal use only.

bool QGVector::resize ( uint newsize ) [protected]

For internal use only.

void QGVector::sort () [protected]

For internal use only.

void QGVector::toList ( QGList * list ) const [protected]

For internal use only.

QDataStream & QGVector::write ( QDataStream & s ) const

For internal use only.

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