qlistbox.hThis is the verbatim text of the qlistbox.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech. /********************************************************************** ** $Id: //depot/qt/main/src/widgets/qlistbox.h#104 $ ** ** Definition of QListBox widget class ** ** Created : 941121 ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the widgets module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef QLISTBOX_H #define QLISTBOX_H #ifndef QT_H #include "qscrollview.h" #include "qpixmap.h" #include "qtimer.h" #endif // QT_H #ifndef QT_NO_LISTBOX class QListBoxPrivate; class QListBoxItem; class QString; class QStrList; class QStringList; class Q_EXPORT QListBox : public QScrollView { friend class QListBoxItem; friend class QListBoxPrivate; Q_OBJECT Q_ENUMS( SelectionMode LayoutMode ) Q_PROPERTY( uint count READ count ) Q_PROPERTY( int numItemsVisible READ numItemsVisible ) Q_PROPERTY( int currentItem READ currentItem WRITE setCurrentItem DESIGNABLE false ) Q_PROPERTY( QString currentText READ currentText ) Q_PROPERTY( int topItem READ topItem WRITE setTopItem DESIGNABLE false ) Q_PROPERTY( SelectionMode selectionMode READ selectionMode WRITE setSelectionMode ) Q_PROPERTY( bool multiSelection READ isMultiSelection WRITE setMultiSelection DESIGNABLE false ) Q_PROPERTY( LayoutMode columnMode READ columnMode WRITE setColumnMode ) Q_PROPERTY( LayoutMode rowMode READ rowMode WRITE setRowMode ) Q_PROPERTY( int numColumns READ numColumns ) Q_PROPERTY( int numRows READ numRows ) Q_PROPERTY( bool variableWidth READ variableWidth WRITE setVariableWidth ) Q_PROPERTY( bool variableHeight READ variableHeight WRITE setVariableHeight ) public: QListBox( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0 ); ~QListBox(); virtual void setFont( const QFont & ); uint count() const; void insertStringList( const QStringList&, int index=-1 ); void insertStrList( const QStrList *, int index=-1 ); void insertStrList( const QStrList &, int index=-1 ); void insertStrList( const char **, int numStrings=-1, int index=-1 ); void insertItem( const QListBoxItem *, int index=-1 ); void insertItem( const QListBoxItem *, const QListBoxItem *after ); void insertItem( const QString &text, int index=-1 ); void insertItem( const QPixmap &pixmap, int index=-1 ); void insertItem( const QPixmap &pixmap, const QString &text, int index=-1 ); void removeItem( int index ); void clear(); QString text( int index ) const; const QPixmap *pixmap( int index ) const; void changeItem( const QListBoxItem *, int index ); void changeItem( const QString &text, int index ); void changeItem( const QPixmap &pixmap, int index ); void changeItem( const QPixmap &pixmap, const QString &text, int index ); void takeItem( const QListBoxItem * ); int numItemsVisible() const; int currentItem() const; QString currentText() const { return text(currentItem()); } virtual void setCurrentItem( int index ); virtual void setCurrentItem( QListBoxItem * ); void centerCurrentItem() { ensureCurrentVisible(); } int topItem() const; virtual void setTopItem( int index ); virtual void setBottomItem( int index ); long maxItemWidth() const; enum SelectionMode { Single, Multi, Extended, NoSelection }; virtual void setSelectionMode( SelectionMode ); SelectionMode selectionMode() const; void setMultiSelection( bool multi ); bool isMultiSelection() const; virtual void setSelected( QListBoxItem *, bool ); void setSelected( int, bool ); bool isSelected( int ) const; bool isSelected( const QListBoxItem * ) const; QSize sizeHint() const; QSize minimumSizeHint() const; QListBoxItem *item( int index ) const; int index( const QListBoxItem * ) const; QListBoxItem *findItem( const QString &text ) const; void triggerUpdate( bool doLayout ); bool itemVisible( int index ); bool itemVisible( const QListBoxItem * ); enum LayoutMode { FixedNumber, FitToWidth, FitToHeight = FitToWidth, Variable }; virtual void setColumnMode( LayoutMode ); virtual void setColumnMode( int ); virtual void setRowMode( LayoutMode ); virtual void setRowMode( int ); LayoutMode columnMode() const; LayoutMode rowMode() const; int numColumns() const; int numRows() const; bool variableWidth() const; virtual void setVariableWidth( bool ); bool variableHeight() const; virtual void setVariableHeight( bool ); void viewportPaintEvent( QPaintEvent * ); #ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT // obsolete, provided for source compatibility bool dragSelect() const { return TRUE; } void setDragSelect( bool ) {} bool autoScroll() const { return TRUE; } void setAutoScroll( bool ) {} bool autoScrollBar() const { return vScrollBarMode() == Auto; } void setAutoScrollBar( bool enable ) { setVScrollBarMode( enable ? Auto : AlwaysOff ); } bool scrollBar() const { return vScrollBarMode() != AlwaysOff; } void setScrollBar( bool enable ) { setVScrollBarMode( enable ? AlwaysOn : AlwaysOff ); } bool autoBottomScrollBar() const { return hScrollBarMode() == Auto; } void setAutoBottomScrollBar( bool enable ) { setHScrollBarMode( enable ? Auto : AlwaysOff ); } bool bottomScrollBar() const { return hScrollBarMode() != AlwaysOff; } void setBottomScrollBar( bool enable ) { setHScrollBarMode( enable ? AlwaysOn : AlwaysOff ); } bool smoothScrolling() const { return FALSE; } void setSmoothScrolling( bool ) {} bool autoUpdate() const { return TRUE; } void setAutoUpdate( bool ) {} void setFixedVisibleLines( int lines ) { setRowMode( lines ); } void inSort( const QListBoxItem * ); void inSort( const QString& text ); int cellHeight( int i ) const { return itemHeight(i); } int cellHeight() const { return itemHeight(); } int cellWidth() const { return maxItemWidth(); } int cellWidth(int i) const { ASSERT(i==0); return maxItemWidth(); } int numCols() const { return numColumns(); } #endif int itemHeight( int index = 0 ) const; QListBoxItem * itemAt( QPoint ) const; QRect itemRect( QListBoxItem *item ) const; QListBoxItem *firstItem() const; void sort( bool ascending = TRUE ); public slots: virtual void ensureCurrentVisible(); virtual void clearSelection(); void selectAll( bool select ); // ###### make virtual void invertSelection(); // ######### make virtual signals: void highlighted( int index ); void selected( int index ); void highlighted( const QString &); void selected( const QString &); void highlighted( QListBoxItem * ); void selected( QListBoxItem * ); void selectionChanged(); void selectionChanged( QListBoxItem * ); void currentChanged( QListBoxItem * ); void clicked( QListBoxItem * ); void clicked( QListBoxItem *, const QPoint & ); void pressed( QListBoxItem * ); void pressed( QListBoxItem *, const QPoint & ); void doubleClicked( QListBoxItem * ); void returnPressed( QListBoxItem * ); void rightButtonClicked( QListBoxItem *, const QPoint & ); void rightButtonPressed( QListBoxItem *, const QPoint & ); void mouseButtonPressed( int, QListBoxItem*, const QPoint& ); void mouseButtonClicked( int, QListBoxItem*, const QPoint& ); void onItem( QListBoxItem *item ); void onViewport(); protected: void viewportMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * ); void viewportMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ); void viewportMouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * ); void viewportMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * ); void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * ); void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ); void mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * ); void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * ); void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ); void focusInEvent( QFocusEvent *e ); void focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent *e ); void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ); void showEvent( QShowEvent * ); void updateItem( int index ); void updateItem( QListBoxItem * ); #ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT void updateCellWidth() { } int totalWidth() const { return contentsWidth(); } int totalHeight() const { return contentsHeight(); } #endif virtual void paintCell( QPainter *, int row, int col ); void toggleCurrentItem(); bool isRubberSelecting() const; void doLayout() const; #ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT // obsolete, provided for source compatibility bool itemYPos( int index, int *yPos ) const; int findItem( int yPos ) const {return index(itemAt(QPoint(0,yPos)));} #endif protected slots: void clearInputString(); private slots: void refreshSlot(); void doAutoScroll(); void adjustItems(); private: void tryGeometry( int, int ) const; int currentRow() const; int currentColumn() const; void updateSelection(); void drawRubber(); void doRubberSelection( const QRect &old, const QRect &rubber ); void handleItemChange( QListBoxItem *old, bool shift, bool control ); void selectRange( QListBoxItem *from, QListBoxItem *to, bool invert, bool includeFirst, bool clearSel = FALSE ); void emitChangedSignal( bool ); int columnAt( int ) const; int rowAt( int ) const; QListBoxPrivate * d; static QListBox * changedListBox; private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator= #if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY) QListBox( const QListBox & ); QListBox &operator=( const QListBox & ); #endif }; class Q_EXPORT QListBoxItem { public: QListBoxItem( QListBox* listbox = 0 ); QListBoxItem( QListBox* listbox, QListBoxItem *after ); virtual ~QListBoxItem(); virtual QString text() const; virtual const QPixmap *pixmap() const; virtual int height( const QListBox * ) const; virtual int width( const QListBox * ) const; bool selected() const { return s; } bool current() const; QListBox *listBox() const; void setSelectable( bool b ); bool isSelectable() const; QListBoxItem *next() const; QListBoxItem *prev() const; protected: virtual void paint( QPainter * ) = 0; virtual void setText( const QString &text ) { txt = text; } void setCustomHighlighting( bool ); private: QString txt; uint s:1; uint dirty:1; uint custom_highlight : 1; int x, y; QListBoxItem * p, * n; QListBox* lbox; friend class QListBox; friend class QListBoxPrivate; friend class QComboBox; private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator= #if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY) QListBoxItem( const QListBoxItem & ); QListBoxItem &operator=( const QListBoxItem & ); #endif }; class Q_EXPORT QListBoxText : public QListBoxItem { public: QListBoxText( QListBox* listbox, const QString & text=QString::null ); QListBoxText( const QString & text=QString::null ); QListBoxText( QListBox* listbox, const QString & text, QListBoxItem *after ); ~QListBoxText(); int height( const QListBox * ) const; int width( const QListBox * ) const; protected: void paint( QPainter * ); private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator= #if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY) QListBoxText( const QListBoxText & ); QListBoxText &operator=( const QListBoxText & ); #endif }; class Q_EXPORT QListBoxPixmap : public QListBoxItem { public: QListBoxPixmap( QListBox* listbox, const QPixmap & ); QListBoxPixmap( const QPixmap & ); QListBoxPixmap( QListBox* listbox, const QPixmap & pix, QListBoxItem *after ); QListBoxPixmap( QListBox* listbox, const QPixmap &, const QString& ); QListBoxPixmap( const QPixmap &, const QString& ); QListBoxPixmap( QListBox* listbox, const QPixmap & pix, const QString&, QListBoxItem *after ); ~QListBoxPixmap(); const QPixmap *pixmap() const { return ± } int height( const QListBox * ) const; int width( const QListBox * ) const; protected: void paint( QPainter * ); private: QPixmap pm; private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator= #if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY) QListBoxPixmap( const QListBoxPixmap & ); QListBoxPixmap &operator=( const QListBoxPixmap & ); #endif }; #endif // QT_NO_LISTBOX #endif // QLISTBOX_H |
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