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This is the verbatim text of the qwindowsystem_qws.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
** $Id: //depot/qt/qws/util/qws/qws.h#4 $
** Definition of Qt/FB central server classes
** Created : 991025
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
** licenses for Qt/Embedded may use this file in accordance with the
** Qt Embedded Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See or email for
**   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.

#ifndef QTFB_H
#define QTFB_H

#ifndef QT_H
#include <qwssocket_qws.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qintdict.h>

#include "qwsproperty_qws.h"
#include "qwscommand_qws.h"
#include "qwsevent_qws.h"
#include "qkeyboard_qws.h"
#endif // QT_H

struct SWCursorData;
class QWSCursor;
class QWSClient;
class QWSRegionManager;
class QGfx;
class QWSServerData;

class QWSInternalWindowInfo


    int winid;
    unsigned int clientid;
    QString name;   // Corresponds to QObject name of top-level widget


struct QWSWindowData;

class QWSScreenSaver
    virtual ~QWSScreenSaver();
    virtual void restore()=0;
    virtual bool save(int level)=0;

class QWSWindow
    friend class QWSServer;
    QWSWindow(int i, QWSClient* client);

    int winId() const { return id; }
    const QString &name() const { return rgnName; }
    const QString &caption() const { return rgnCaption; }
    QWSClient* client() const { return c; }
    QRegion requested() const { return requested_region; }
    QRegion allocation() const { return allocated_region; }
    bool isVisible() const { return !requested_region.isEmpty(); }
    bool isPartiallyObscured() const { return requested_region!=allocated_region; }
    bool isFullyObscured() const { return allocated_region.isEmpty(); }

    void raise();
    void lower();
    void show();
    void hide();
    void setActiveWindow();

    bool hidden() const { return requested_region.isEmpty(); }
    bool forClient(const QWSClient* cl) const { return cl==c; }

    void setName( const QString &n );
    void setCaption( const QString &c );

    void addAllocation( QWSRegionManager *, const QRegion & );
    void removeAllocation( QWSRegionManager *, const QRegion & );

    int  allocationIndex() const { return alloc_region_idx; }
    void setAllocationIndex( int i ) { alloc_region_idx = i; modified = TRUE; }
    void updateAllocation();

    void setNeedAck( bool n ) { needAck = n; }

    void focus(bool get);
    int focusPriority() const { return last_focus_time; }
    void operation( QWSWindowOperationEvent::Operation o );
    void shuttingDown() { last_focus_time=0; }

    int id;
    QString rgnName;
    QString rgnCaption;
    int alloc_region_idx;
    bool modified;
    bool needAck;
    bool onTop;
    QWSClient* c;
    QRegion requested_region;
    QRegion allocated_region;
    QRegion exposed;
    int last_focus_time;
    QWSWindowData *d;

#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
class QWSSoundServer;

class QWSSoundServer : public QObject {
    QWSSoundServer(QObject* parent);
    void playFile(const QString& filename);
private slots:
    void feedDevice(int fd);
    QWSSoundServerData* d;

 * Class: QWSServer

class QWSMouseHandler;
struct QWSCommandStruct;

class QWSServer : public QWSServerSocket
class QWSServer : public QObject
    friend class QCopChannel;
    friend class QWSMouseHandler;
    friend class QWSWindow;
    friend class QWSDisplay;
    friend class QWSInputMethod;
    friend class QWSGestureMethod;

    QWSServer( int flags = 0, QObject *parent=0, const char *name=0 );
    enum ServerFlags { DisableKeyboard = 0x01,
                       DisableMouse = 0x02 };

    enum GUIMode { NoGui = FALSE, NormalGUI = TRUE, Server };
    static void sendKeyEvent(int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress,
                             bool autoRepeat);
    static void processKeyEvent(int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress,
                                bool autoRepeat);

#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_IM
    enum IMState { Reserved, IMCompose, IMEnd, IMInternal = 42, IMMarkedText };
    enum IMMouse { MousePress, MouseRelease, MouseMove }; //MouseMove reserved but not used
    void sendIMEvent( IMState state, const QString& txt, int cpos, int selLen );

#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD    
    typedef struct KeyMap {
        int  key_code;
        ushort unicode;
        ushort shift_unicode;
        ushort ctrl_unicode;

    static const KeyMap *keyMap();

    static void setOverrideKeys( QIntDict<QWSServer::KeyMap> *map );

    class KeyboardFilter
        virtual bool filter(int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress,
                      bool autoRepeat)=0;
    static void setKeyboardFilter( KeyboardFilter *f );
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_IM
    static void setCurrentInputMethod( QWSInputMethod *im );
    static void resetInputMethod();
    static void setMicroFocus( int x, int y );
    static void requestMarkedText();
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_FSIM
    static void setCurrentGestureMethod( QWSGestureMethod *im );
    static void resetGestureMethod();

    static void setDefaultMouse( const char * );
    static void setDefaultKeyboard( const char * );
    static void setMaxWindowRect(const QRect&);
    static void sendMouseEvent(const QPoint& pos, int state);

    static void setDesktopBackground( const QImage &img );
    static void setDesktopBackground( const QColor & );
    static QWSMouseHandler *mouseHandler();
    static void setMouseHandler(QWSMouseHandler*);
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD    
    static QWSKeyboardHandler* keyboardHandler();
    static void setKeyboardHandler(QWSKeyboardHandler* kh);
    QWSWindow *windowAt( const QPoint& pos );

    const QList<QWSWindow> &clientWindows() { return windows; }

    void openMouse();
    void closeMouse();
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD    
    void openKeyboard();
    void closeKeyboard();

    static void setScreenSaver(QWSScreenSaver*);
    static void setScreenSaverIntervals(int* ms, int eventBlockLevel /* = -1 */);
    static void setScreenSaverInterval(int, int eventBlockLevel /* = -1 */);
    // the next two are provided for backwards compabitility
    static void setScreenSaverIntervals(int* ms);
    static void setScreenSaverInterval(int);
    static bool screenSaverActive();
    static void screenSaverActivate(bool);
    static void restartScreenSaverTimer();

    // the following are internal.
    void refresh();
    void refresh(const QRegion &);
    void enablePainting(bool);
    static void processEventQueue();
    static QList<QWSInternalWindowInfo> * windowList();

    void sendPropertyNotifyEvent( int property, int state );
    QWSPropertyManager *manager() {
        return &propertyManager;
    static QPoint mousePosition;

    static void startup( int flags );
    static void closedown();

    static void beginDisplayReconfigure();
    static void endDisplayReconfigure();

    static void setCursorVisible( bool );
    static bool isCursorVisible();

    enum WindowEvent { Create=0x0001, Destroy=0x0002, Hide=0x0004, Show=0x0008,
                       Raise=0x0010, Lower=0x0020, Geometry=0x0040, Active=0x0080,
                       Name=0x0100 };

    void windowEvent( QWSWindow *w, QWSServer::WindowEvent e );
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
    void newChannel( const QString& channel);
    void removedChannel(const QString& channel);
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_IM
    void markedText( const QString & );
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
    static void sendQCopEvent( QWSClient *c, const QCString &ch,
                               const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data,
                               bool response = FALSE );
    void move_region( const QWSRegionMoveCommand * );
    void set_altitude( const QWSChangeAltitudeCommand * );
    void request_focus( const QWSRequestFocusCommand * );
    void request_region( int, QRegion );
    void destroy_region( const QWSRegionDestroyCommand * );
    void name_region( const QWSRegionNameCommand * );
    void set_identity( const QWSIdentifyCommand * );
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_IM
    void set_im_info( const QWSSetIMInfoCommand * );
    void reset_im( const QWSResetIMCommand * );
    void set_im_font( const QWSSetIMFontCommand * );
    void send_im_mouse( const QWSIMMouseCommand * );
    static void sendKeyEventUnfiltered(int unicode, int keycode, 
                                       int modifiers, bool isPress,
                                       bool autoRepeat);

    static void sendMouseEventUnfiltered(const QPoint &, int state);

    static void emergency_cleanup();

    static QColor *bgColor;
    static QImage *bgImage;

    void sendMaxWindowRectEvents();
    void newConnection( int socket );
    void invokeIdentify( const QWSIdentifyCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeCreate( QWSCreateCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeRegionName( const QWSRegionNameCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeRegion( QWSRegionCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeRegionMove( const QWSRegionMoveCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeRegionDestroy( const QWSRegionDestroyCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeSetAltitude( const QWSChangeAltitudeCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeAddProperty( QWSAddPropertyCommand *cmd );
    void invokeSetProperty( QWSSetPropertyCommand *cmd );
    void invokeRemoveProperty( QWSRemovePropertyCommand *cmd );
    void invokeGetProperty( QWSGetPropertyCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeSetSelectionOwner( QWSSetSelectionOwnerCommand *cmd );
    void invokeConvertSelection( QWSConvertSelectionCommand *cmd );
    void invokeSetFocus( const QWSRequestFocusCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );

    void initIO();
    void setFocus( QWSWindow*, bool gain );
    void invokeDefineCursor( QWSDefineCursorCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeSelectCursor( QWSSelectCursorCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeMoveCursor( QWSMoveCursorCommand *cmd );
    void invokeGrabMouse( QWSGrabMouseCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
    void invokeGrabKeyboard( QWSGrabKeyboardCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
    void invokePlaySound( QWSPlaySoundCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
    void invokeRegisterChannel( QWSQCopRegisterChannelCommand *cmd,
                                QWSClient *client );
    void invokeQCopSend( QWSQCopSendCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client );

#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_IM
        void invokeSetIMInfo( const QWSSetIMInfoCommand *cmd,
                                QWSClient *client );
        void invokeSetIMFont( const QWSSetIMFontCommand *cmd,
                                QWSClient *client );

    QWSMouseHandler* newMouseHandler(const QString& spec);
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD    
    QWSKeyboardHandler* newKeyboardHandler(const QString& spec);
    void openDisplay();
    void closeDisplay();

    void showCursor();
    void hideCursor();
    void initializeCursor();
    void paintServerRegion();
    void paintBackground( const QRegion & );
    void clearRegion( const QRegion &r, const QColor &c );
    void refreshBackground();
    void resetGfx();

private slots:
    void clientClosed();
    void doClient();
    void setMouse(const QPoint& pos,int bstate);

    void screenSaverWake();
    void screenSaverSleep();
    void screenSaverTimeout();

    void disconnectClient( QWSClient * );
    void screenSave(int level);
    void doClient( QWSClient * );
    typedef QMapIterator<int,QWSClient*> ClientIterator;
    typedef QMap<int,QWSClient*> ClientMap;
    void releaseMouse(QWSWindow* w);
    void releaseKeyboard(QWSWindow* w);
    void updateClientCursorPos();

    uchar* sharedram;
    int ramlen;

    QGfx *gfx;

    ClientMap client;
    QWSPropertyManager propertyManager;
    struct SelectionOwner {
        int windowid;
        struct Time {
            void set( int h, int m, int s, int s2 ) {
                hour = h; minute = m; sec = s; ms = s2;
            int hour, minute, sec, ms;
        } time;
    } selectionOwner;
    QTime timer;
    QWSServerData* d;
    int* screensaverinterval;

    QWSWindow *focusw;
    QWSWindow *mouseGrabber;
    bool mouseGrabbing;
    int swidth, sheight, sdepth;
    bool haveviscurs;
    QWSCursor *cursor;      // cursor currently shown
    QWSCursor *nextCursor;  // cursor to show once grabbing is off
    QRegion screenRegion;   // the entire display region
    QRegion serverRegion;
    QRegion dirtyBackground;
    bool disablePainting;
    QList<QWSMouseHandler> mousehandlers;
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD    
    QList<QWSKeyboardHandler> keyboardhandlers;

    QList<QWSCommandStruct> commandQueue;
    QWSRegionManager *rgnMan;

    // Window management
    QList<QWSWindow> windows; // first=topmost
    QWSWindow* newWindow(int id, QWSClient* client);
    QWSWindow* findWindow(int windowid, QWSClient* client);
    void moveWindowRegion(QWSWindow*, int dx, int dy );
    QRegion setWindowRegion(QWSWindow*, QRegion r );
    void raiseWindow( QWSWindow *, int = 0);
    void lowerWindow( QWSWindow *, int = -1);
    void exposeRegion( QRegion , int index = 0 );
    void notifyModified( QWSWindow *active = 0 );
    void syncRegions( QWSWindow *active = 0 );

    void setCursor(QWSCursor *curs);

    // multimedia
#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
    QWSSoundServer *soundserver;
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
    QMap<QString, QList<QWSClient> > channels;
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_IM
    bool microF;
    int microX;
    int microY;

extern QWSServer *qwsServer; //there can be only one

#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_IM
class QWSInputMethod : public QObject
    virtual ~QWSInputMethod();
    virtual bool filter(int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, 
                        bool isPress, bool autoRepeat)=0;
    virtual void reset();
    virtual void setMicroFocus( int x, int y );
    virtual void mouseHandler( int, int );
    QFont font() const;
    QRect inputRect() const; 
    void sendIMEvent (QWSServer::IMState state, const QString & txt, int cpos, int selLen = 0);

inline void QWSInputMethod::sendIMEvent( QWSServer::IMState state, const QString &txt, int cpos, int selLen )
    qwsServer->sendIMEvent( state, txt, cpos, selLen );


#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_FSIM
class QWSGestureMethod : public QObject
    virtual ~QWSGestureMethod();
    virtual bool filter(const QPoint &, int) = 0;
    virtual void reset();
    uint setInputResolution(bool isHigh);
    uint inputResolutionShift() const;
    void sendIMEvent( QWSServer::IMState, const QString& txt, int cpos, int selLen = 0 );
    void sendKeyEvent( int, int, int, bool, bool);
    void sendFilteredKeyEvent( int, int, int, bool, bool);
    void sendMouseEvent( const QPoint &, int );
    bool mIResolution;

inline void QWSGestureMethod::sendIMEvent( QWSServer::IMState state, const QString &txt, int cpos, int selLen )
    qwsServer->sendIMEvent( state, txt, cpos, selLen );


inline void QWSGestureMethod::sendFilteredKeyEvent( int uni, int code, int mod, bool press, bool repeat)
    qwsServer->sendKeyEvent( uni, code, mod, press, repeat );

inline void QWSGestureMethod::sendKeyEvent( int uni, int code, int mod, bool press, bool repeat)
    qwsServer->sendKeyEventUnfiltered( uni, code, mod, press, repeat );



 * Class: QWSClient

struct QWSMouseEvent;

typedef QMap<int, QWSCursor*> QWSCursorMap;

class QWSClient : public QObject
    QWSClient( QObject* parent, int socket, int id );

    int socket() const;

    void setIdentity(const QString&);
    QString identity() const { return id; }

    void sendEvent( QWSEvent* event );
    void sendConnectedEvent( const char *display_spec );
    void sendMaxWindowRectEvent();
    void sendRegionModifyEvent( int winid, QRegion exposed, bool ack );
    void sendFocusEvent( int winid, bool get );
    void sendPropertyNotifyEvent( int property, int state );
    void sendPropertyReplyEvent( int property, int len, char *data );
    void sendSelectionClearEvent( int windowid );
    void sendSelectionRequestEvent( QWSConvertSelectionCommand *cmd, int windowid );
    QWSCommand* readMoreCommand();

    int clientId() const { return cid; }

    QWSCursorMap cursors;       // cursors defined by this client
    void connectionClosed();
    void readyRead();
private slots:
    void closeHandler();
    void errorHandler( int );
    int s; // XXX csocket->d->socket->socket() is this value
    QWSSocket *csocket;
    QWSCommand* command;
    uint isClosed : 1;
    QString id;
    int cid;



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