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QNPWidget Class Reference

The QNPWidget class provides a QWidget that is a Web-browser plugin window.

This class is part of the Qt NSPlugin Extension. More...

#include <qnp.h>

Inherits QWidget.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Detailed Description

This class is defined in the Qt NSPlugin Extension, which can be found in the qt/extensions directory. It is not included in the main Qt API.

The QNPWidget class provides a QWidget that is a Web-browser plugin window.

Derive from QNPWidget to create a widget that can be used as a Browser plugin window, or create one and add child widgets. Instances of QNPWidget may only be created when QNPInstance::newWindow() is called by the browser.

A common way to develop a plugin widget is to develop it as a stand-alone application window, then make it a child of a plugin widget to use it as a browser plugin. The technique is:

class MyPluginWindow : public QNPWidget
    QWidget* child;
        // Some widget that is normally used as a top-level widget
        child = new MyIndependentlyDevelopedWidget();

        // Use the background color of the web page
        child->setBackgroundColor( backgroundColor() );

        // Fill the plugin widget
        child->setGeometry( 0, 0, width(), height() );

    void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*)
        // Fill the plugin widget

The default implementation is an empty window.

Member Function Documentation

QNPWidget::QNPWidget ()

Creates a QNPWidget.

QNPWidget::~QNPWidget ()

Destroys the window. This will be called by the plugin binding code when the window is no longer required. The Web-browser will delete windows when they leave the page. The bindings will change the QWidget::winId() of the window when the window is resized, but this should not affect normal widget behavior.

void QNPWidget::enterInstance () [virtual]

Called when the mouse enters the plugin window. Does nothing by default.

Example: grapher/grapher.cpp.

QNPInstance * QNPWidget::instance ()

Returns the instance for which this widget is the window.

void QNPWidget::leaveInstance () [virtual]

Called when the mouse leaves the plugin window. Does nothing by default.

Example: grapher/grapher.cpp.

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