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Window System-specific Notes

Qt is a multiplatform GUI toolkit, so almost the entire API is the same on all platforms and window systems. If you wish to use platform-specific features, and still maintain a platform-independent source tree, you should protect the platform-specific code using the appropriate #ifdef statements (see below).

For information about which platforms are supported by Qt, see the Platform Notes.


When compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_X11 is defined.

Not documented here. Please contact Trolltech Technical Support if you have queries.


When compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_WIN is defined.

Not documented here. Please contact Trolltech Technical Support if you have queries.


When compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_MACX is defined.


When compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_QWS is defined (the window system is literally the Qt Window System).

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