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Pictures of Most Qt Widgets

Most of these widgets are shown in either Motif or Windows style. All widgets are supported in both styles (and other styles), but for clarity we just present a selection.

Below we have three views seperated by QSplitters. At the top-left there's a QListBox, at the top-right there's a QListView with a QHeader and two QScrollBars. And at the bottom there's a QIconView.

Below we present a QMainWindow which has a QMenuBar and some QToolBars that contain various widgets, e.g. QToolButtons and QComboBoxes. The central widget is a QWorkspace which is used for MDI window management and which contains an MDI-Window featuring a QTextEdit. At the bottom you see a QStatusBar and at the bottom-right a QSizeGrip.

The image below shows a QFileDialog. On the Macintosh and Windows platforms you can either use a QFileDialog or the native file dialog. This is explained in the QFileDialog class documentation.

Below is a QPrintDialog. On Macintosh and Windows the native print dialog is used, but for other platforms we provide QPrintDialog. Use QPrinter::setup() for portability instead of the QPrintDialog if you need to be platform independent.

Below is a QFontDialog.


The screenshot below shows a QColorDialog.

Messages are presented using QMessageBoxes, as shown below.

The image below shows a QProgressDialog. The QProgressBar can also be used as a separate widget.

In the screenshot below we have a QGroupBox that contains a QLineEdit, a read-only QComboBox and an editable QComboBox.

The screenshot below shows a QPopupMenu.

In the screenshot below there's a QButtonGroup containing four QRadioButtons and two QCheckBoxes.

The screenshot below shows a QTabDialog. The tabs (QTabBar) or the more convenient class QTabWidget, which combines a tab bar with the pages, can be used separately. In the visible page you see a QLabel, the range controls QSlider and QSpinBox and below a QLCDNumber. In the bottom row there are some QPushButtons.

In the screenshot below there's a QTextBrowser displaying a HTML page. See also QTextEdit.


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Le Qt Developer Network au hasard


Introduction à Qt Quick pour les développeurs C++

Le Qt Developer Network est un réseau de développeurs Qt anglophone, où ils peuvent partager leur expérience sur le framework. Lire l'article.



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