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QAxWidget Class Reference
[QAxContainer module]

The QAxWidget class is a QWidget that wraps an ActiveX control. More...

This class is part of the Qt ActiveQt Extension.

#include <qaxwidget.h>

Inherits QWidget and QAxBase.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

  • QAxWidget ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, WFlags f = 0 )
  • QAxWidget ( const QString & c, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, WFlags f = 0 )
  • QAxWidget ( IUnknown * iface, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, WFlags f = 0 )

Important Inherited Members

  • QVariant dynamicCall ( const QCString & function, const QVariant & var1 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var2 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var3 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var4 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var5 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var6 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var7 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var8 = QVariant ( ) )
  • QVariant dynamicCall ( const QCString & function, QValueList<QVariant> & vars )
  • QAxObject * querySubObject ( const QCString & name, const QVariant & var1 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var2 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var3 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var4 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var5 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var6 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var7 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var8 = QVariant ( ) )

Protected Members

Detailed Description

This class is defined in the Qt ActiveQt Extension, which can be found in the qt/extensions directory. It is not included in the main Qt API.

The QAxWidget class is a QWidget that wraps an ActiveX control.

A QAxWidget can be instantiated as an empty object, with the name of the ActiveX control it should wrap, or with an existing interface pointer to the ActiveX control. The ActiveX control's properties, methods and events which only use supported data types, become available as Qt properties, slots and signals. The base class QAxBase provides an API to access the ActiveX directly through the IUnknown pointer.

QAxWidget is a QWidget and can be used as such, e.g. it can be organized in a widget hierarchy, receive events or act as an event filter. Standard widget properties, e.g. enabled are supported, but it depends on the ActiveX control to implement support for ambient properties like e.g. palette or font. QAxWidget tries to provide the necessary hints.

Warning: You can subclass QAxWidget, but you cannot use the Q_OBJECT macro in the subclass (the generated moc-file will not compile), so you cannot add further signals, slots or properties. This limitation is due to the metaobject information generated in runtime. To work around this problem, aggregate the QAxWidget as a member of the QObject subclass.

Member Function Documentation

QAxWidget::QAxWidget ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, WFlags f = 0 )

Creates an empty QAxWidget widget and propagates parent, name and f to the QWidget constructor. To initialize a control, call setControl.

QAxWidget::QAxWidget ( const QString & c, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, WFlags f = 0 )

Creates an QAxWidget widget and initializes the ActiveX control c. parent, name and f are propagated to the QWidget contructor.

QAxWidget::QAxWidget ( IUnknown * iface, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, WFlags f = 0 )

Creates a QAxWidget that wraps the COM object referenced by iface. parent, name and f are propagated to the QWidget contructor.

QAxWidget::~QAxWidget ()

Shuts down the ActiveX control and destroys the QAxWidget widget, cleaning up all allocated resources.

See also clear().

bool QAxWidget::createHostWindow ( bool initialized ) [virtual protected]

Creates the client site for the ActiveX control, and returns TRUE if the control could be embedded successfully, otherwise returns FALSE. If initialized is TRUE the control has already been initialized.

This function is called by initialize(). If you reimplement initialize to customize the actual control instantiation, call this function in your reimplementation to have the control embedded by the default client side. Creates the client site for the ActiveX control, and returns TRUE if the control could be embedded successfully, otherwise returns FALSE.

QVariant QAxBase::dynamicCall ( const QCString & function, const QVariant & var1 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var2 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var3 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var4 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var5 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var6 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var7 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var8 = QVariant ( ) )

Calls the COM object's method function, passing the parameters var1, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7 and var8, and returns the value returned by the method, or an invalid QVariant if the method does not return a value or when the function call failed.

If function is a method of the object the string must be provided as the full prototype, for example as it would be written in a QObject::connect() call.

    activeX->dynamicCall( "Navigate(const QString&)", "" );

If function is a property the string has to be the name of the property. The property setter is called when var1 is a valid QVariant, otherwise the getter is called.

    activeX->dynamicCall( "Value", 5 );
    QString text = activeX->dynamicCall( "Text" ).toString();
Note that it is faster to get and set properties using QObject::property() and QObject::setProperty().

It is only possible to call functions through dynamicCall() that have parameters or return values of datatypes supported by QVariant. See the QAxBase class documentation for a list of supported and unsupported datatypes. If you want to call functions that have unsupported datatypes in the parameter list, use queryInterface() to retrieve the appropriate COM interface, and use the function directly.

    IWebBrowser2 *webBrowser = 0;
    activeX->queryInterface( IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**)&webBrowser );
    if ( webBrowser ) {
        webBrowser->Navigate2( pvarURL );

This is also more efficient.

Example: qutlook/centralwidget.cpp.

QVariant QAxBase::dynamicCall ( const QCString & function, QValueList<QVariant> & vars )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.

Calls the COM object's method function, passing the parameters in vars, and returns the value returned by the method. If the method does not return a value or when the function call failed this function returns an invalid QVariant object.

The QVariant objects in vars are updated when the method has out-parameters.

QAxObject * QAxBase::querySubObject ( const QCString & name, const QVariant & var1 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var2 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var3 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var4 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var5 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var6 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var7 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var8 = QVariant ( ) )

Returns a pointer to a QAxObject wrapping the COM object provided by the method or property name, passing passing the parameters var1, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7 and var8.

If name is provided by a method the string must include the full function prototype.

If name is a property the string must be the name of the property, and var1, ... var8 are ignored.

The returned QAxObject is a child of this object (which is either of type QAxObject or QAxWidget), and is deleted when this object is deleted. It is however safe to delete the returned object yourself, and you should do so when you iterate over lists of subobjects.

COM enabled applications usually have an object model publishing certain elements of the application as dispatch interfaces. Use this method to navigate the hierarchy of the object model, e.g.

    QAxWidget outlook( "Outlook.Application" );
    QAxObject *session = outlook.querySubObject( "Session" );
    if ( session ) {
        QAxObject *defFolder = session->querySubObject(
                                "olFolderContacts" );

Example: qutlook/centralwidget.cpp.

This file is part of the Qt toolkit. Copyright © 1995-2003 Trolltech. All Rights Reserved.


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