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QWSInputMethod Class Reference

The QWSInputMethod class provides international input methods for Qt/Embedded. More...

#include <qwindowsystem_qws.h>

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Protected Members

  • void sendIMEvent ( QWSServer::IMState state, const QString & txt, int cpos, int selLen = 0 )

Detailed Description

The QWSInputMethod class provides international input methods for Qt/Embedded.

Subclass this class to implement your own input method.

An input methods consists of a keyboard filter and optionally a graphical interface. The keyboard filter intercepts key events from physical or virtual keyboards by implementing the filter() function.

Use sendIMEvent() to send composition events. Composition starts with the input method sending an IMStart event, followed by a number of IMCompose events and ending with an IMEnd event or when the virtual reset() function is called.

The functions setMicroFocus() and setFont() can be reimplemented to receive more information about the state of the focus widget.

Use QWSServer::setCurrentInputMethod() to install an input method.

Member Function Documentation

QWSInputMethod::QWSInputMethod ()

Constructs a new input method

QWSInputMethod::~QWSInputMethod () [virtual]

Destructs the input method uninstalling it if it is currently installed.

bool QWSInputMethod::filter ( int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat ) [pure virtual]

This function must be implemented in subclasses to handle key input from physical or virtual keyboards. Returning TRUE will block the event from further processing.

The Unicode value is given in unicode and the key code in keycode. Keyboard modifiers are OR-ed together in modifiers. If isPress is TRUE this is a key press; otherwise it is a key release. If autoRepeat is TRUE this is an auto-repeated key press.

All normal key events should be blocked while in compose mode (i.e., between IMStart and IMEnd).

void QWSInputMethod::reset () [virtual]

Implemented in subclasses to reset the state of the input method.

void QWSInputMethod::sendIMEvent ( QWSServer::IMState state, const QString & txt, int cpos, int selLen = 0 ) [protected]

Causes a QIMEvent to be sent to the focus widget. state may be one of QWSServer::IMStart, QWSServer::IMCompose and QWSServer::IMEnd.

txt is the text being composed (or the finished text if state is IMEnd). cpos is the current cursor position.

If state is IMCompose, selLen is the number of characters in the composition string ( starting at cpos ) that should be marked as selected by the input widget receiving the event.

void QWSInputMethod::setFont ( const QFont & ) [virtual]

Implemented in subclasses to handle font changes in the focus widget.

This functionality is provided for future expansion; it is not used in this version of Qt/Embedded.

void QWSInputMethod::setMicroFocus ( int x, int y ) [virtual]

Implemented in subclasses to handle microFocusHint changes in the focus widget. x and y are the global coordinates of the

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