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Using Custom QDialogs

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After we have replaced the standard dialogs, we move onto the custom dialogs. This project has a single custom dialog: the Page Edit dialog.

Instead of writing the code ourselves, we use Qt Designer to design our dialog. Designing a custom dialog is beyond the scope of this document: see the Qt Designer Manual if you're unfamiliar with Qt's visual design tool.

Replacing the Page Edit Dialog

The custom QDialog description for the Page Edit dialog is saved as pageeditdialog.ui. We add this file to the project file by adding the line

FORMS = pageeditdialog.ui
to the .pro file, and regenerate the Makefile. The uic utility generates the code for our custom QDialog, which is then compiled and linked into our application. (uic is invoked automatically from makefiles generated from .pro files.)

We need to pass the top-level QMotifWidget as the client_data argument to the EditPage function, which we will use as the parent for our new PageEditDialog. We do this the same way as we have done for the Open and Save As dialogs in todo.cpp.

The EditPage() function is implemented in actions.cpp. We start by adding the includes needed for the PageEditDialog and QLineEdit.

In the EditPage() function, We create the PageEditDialog, set the initial values of the three QLineEdit widgets with values from the current page and execute the dialog.


At this point in the code, the page properties should be modified. The code to do this is in the DoEditPage() function. We move the contents of DoEditPage() to this point and remove the DoEditPage() function completely.

The Page struct defined in page.h stores strings in char* arrays. Since the PageEditDialog and the data it contains will be destroyed when we return from this function, we need to convert the unicode QString data into a QCString in the local encoding and duplicate it with qstrdup().

The same process must be done for the minorTab text:

... and for the majorTab text:

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