A simple ActiveQt control (executable)The ActiveX control in this example is a layouted QWidget with a QSlider, a QLCDNumber and a QLineEdit. It provides a signal/slot/property interface to change the values of the slider and the line edit, and to get notified of any property changes.It demonstrates the use of QAxBindable::requestPropertyChange() and QAxBindable::propertyChanged(), and the use of the default QAxFactory through the QAXFACTORY_DEFAULT macro.
The Qt implementation of the ActiveX for this example is class QSimpleAX : public QWidget, public QAxBindable { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( QString text READ text WRITE setText ) Q_PROPERTY( int value READ value WRITE setValue ) public: QSimpleAX( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout( this ); slider = new QSlider( 0, 100, 1, 0, QSlider::Horizontal, this ); LCD = new QLCDNumber( 3, this ); edit = new QLineEdit( this ); The control is exported using the default QAxFactory QAXFACTORY_DEFAULT(QSimpleAX, "{DF16845C-92CD-4AAB-A982-EB9840E74669}", "{616F620B-91C5-4410-A74E-6B81C76FFFE0}", "{E1816BBA-BF5D-4A31-9855-D6BA432055FF}", "{EC08F8FC-2754-47AB-8EFE-56A54057F34E}", "{A095BA0C-224F-4933-A458-2DD7F6B85D8F}") To build the example you must first build the QAxServer library. Then run qmake and your make tool in examples/simple.
The demonstration requires your WebBrowser to support ActiveX controls, and scripting to be enabled. The simple ActiveX control is embedded using the <object> tag. <object ID="QSimpleAX" CLASSID="CLSID:DF16845C-92CD-4AAB-A982-EB9840E74669" CODEBASE=http://www.trolltech.com/demos/simpleax.cab> <PARAM NAME="text" VALUE="A simple control"> <PARAM NAME="value" VALUE="1"> [Object not available! Did you forget to build and register the server?] </object> A simple HTML button is connected to the ActiveQt's about() slot. <FORM> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="About..." onClick="QSimpleAX.about()"> </FORM> A second ActiveX control - the standard Calendar Control - is instantiated <object ID="Calendar" CLASSID="CLSID:8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02"> [Standard Calendar control not available!] <PARAM NAME="day" VALUE="1"> </object> Events from the ActiveX controls are handled using both Visual Basic Script and JavaScript. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript> Sub Calendar_Click() MsgBox( "Calendar Clicked!" ) End Sub Sub QSimpleAX_TextChanged( str ) document.title = str End Sub </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> function QSimpleAX::ValueChanged( Newvalue ) { Calendar.Day = Newvalue; } </SCRIPT> See also The QAxServer Examples. |
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