qnamespace.hThis is the verbatim text of the qnamespace.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech. /**************************************************************************** ** $Id: qt/qnamespace.h 3.3.7 edited Feb 22 2006 $ ** ** Definition of Qt namespace (as class for compiler compatibility) ** ** Created : 980927 ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef QNAMESPACE_H #define QNAMESPACE_H #ifndef QT_H #include "qglobal.h" #endif // QT_H class QColor; class QCursor; class Q_EXPORT Qt { public: QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & color0; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & color1; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & black; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & white; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & darkGray; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & gray; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & lightGray; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & red; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & green; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & blue; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & cyan; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & magenta; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & yellow; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & darkRed; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & darkGreen; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & darkBlue; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & darkCyan; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & darkMagenta; QT_STATIC_CONST QColor & darkYellow; // documented in qevent.cpp enum ButtonState { // mouse/keyboard state values NoButton = 0x0000, LeftButton = 0x0001, RightButton = 0x0002, MidButton = 0x0004, MouseButtonMask = 0x0007, ShiftButton = 0x0100, ControlButton = 0x0200, AltButton = 0x0400, MetaButton = 0x0800, KeyButtonMask = 0x0f00, Keypad = 0x4000 }; // documented in qobject.cpp // ideally would start at 1, as in QSizePolicy, but that breaks other things enum Orientation { Horizontal = 0, Vertical }; // documented in qlistview.cpp enum SortOrder { Ascending, Descending }; // Text formatting flags for QPainter::drawText and QLabel // the following four enums can be combined to one integer which // is passed as textflag to drawText and qt_format_text. // documented in qpainter.cpp enum AlignmentFlags { AlignAuto = 0x0000, // text alignment AlignLeft = 0x0001, AlignRight = 0x0002, AlignHCenter = 0x0004, AlignJustify = 0x0008, AlignHorizontal_Mask = AlignLeft | AlignRight | AlignHCenter | AlignJustify, AlignTop = 0x0010, AlignBottom = 0x0020, AlignVCenter = 0x0040, AlignVertical_Mask = AlignTop | AlignBottom | AlignVCenter, AlignCenter = AlignVCenter | AlignHCenter }; // documented in qpainter.cpp enum TextFlags { SingleLine = 0x0080, // misc. flags DontClip = 0x0100, ExpandTabs = 0x0200, ShowPrefix = 0x0400, WordBreak = 0x0800, BreakAnywhere = 0x1000, #ifndef Q_QDOC DontPrint = 0x2000, Underline = 0x01000000, Overline = 0x02000000, StrikeOut = 0x04000000, IncludeTrailingSpaces = 0x08000000, #endif NoAccel = 0x4000 }; // Widget flags; documented in qwidget.cpp typedef uint WState; // QWidget state flags (internal, barely documented in qwidget.cpp) enum WidgetState { WState_Created = 0x00000001, WState_Disabled = 0x00000002, WState_Visible = 0x00000004, WState_ForceHide = 0x00000008, WState_OwnCursor = 0x00000010, WState_MouseTracking = 0x00000020, WState_CompressKeys = 0x00000040, WState_BlockUpdates = 0x00000080, WState_InPaintEvent = 0x00000100, WState_Reparented = 0x00000200, WState_ConfigPending = 0x00000400, WState_Resized = 0x00000800, WState_AutoMask = 0x00001000, WState_Polished = 0x00002000, WState_DND = 0x00004000, WState_Reserved0 = 0x00008000, WState_FullScreen = 0x00010000, WState_OwnSizePolicy = 0x00020000, WState_CreatedHidden = 0x00040000, WState_Maximized = 0x00080000, WState_Minimized = 0x00100000, WState_ForceDisabled = 0x00200000, WState_Exposed = 0x00400000, WState_HasMouse = 0x00800000 }; // Widget flags2; documented in qwidget.cpp typedef uint WFlags; // documented in qwidget.cpp enum WidgetFlags { WType_TopLevel = 0x00000001, // widget type flags WType_Dialog = 0x00000002, WType_Popup = 0x00000004, WType_Desktop = 0x00000008, WType_Mask = 0x0000000f, WStyle_Customize = 0x00000010, // window style flags WStyle_NormalBorder = 0x00000020, WStyle_DialogBorder = 0x00000040, // MS-Windows only WStyle_NoBorder = 0x00002000, WStyle_Title = 0x00000080, WStyle_SysMenu = 0x00000100, WStyle_Minimize = 0x00000200, WStyle_Maximize = 0x00000400, WStyle_MinMax = WStyle_Minimize | WStyle_Maximize, WStyle_Tool = 0x00000800, WStyle_StaysOnTop = 0x00001000, WStyle_ContextHelp = 0x00004000, WStyle_Reserved = 0x00008000, WStyle_Mask = 0x0000fff0, WDestructiveClose = 0x00010000, // misc flags WPaintDesktop = 0x00020000, WPaintUnclipped = 0x00040000, WPaintClever = 0x00080000, WResizeNoErase = 0x00100000, // OBSOLETE WMouseNoMask = 0x00200000, WStaticContents = 0x00400000, WRepaintNoErase = 0x00800000, // OBSOLETE #if defined(Q_WS_X11) WX11BypassWM = 0x01000000, WWinOwnDC = 0x00000000, WMacNoSheet = 0x00000000, WMacDrawer = 0x00000000, #elif defined(Q_WS_MAC) WX11BypassWM = 0x00000000, WWinOwnDC = 0x00000000, WMacNoSheet = 0x01000000, WMacDrawer = 0x20000000, #else WX11BypassWM = 0x00000000, WWinOwnDC = 0x01000000, WMacNoSheet = 0x00000000, WMacDrawer = 0x00000000, #endif WGroupLeader = 0x02000000, WShowModal = 0x04000000, WNoMousePropagation = 0x08000000, WSubWindow = 0x10000000, #if defined(Q_WS_X11) WStyle_Splash = 0x20000000, #else WStyle_Splash = WStyle_NoBorder | WMacNoSheet | WStyle_Tool | WWinOwnDC, #endif WNoAutoErase = WRepaintNoErase | WResizeNoErase #ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT , WNorthWestGravity = WStaticContents, WType_Modal = WType_Dialog | WShowModal, WStyle_Dialog = WType_Dialog, WStyle_NoBorderEx = WStyle_NoBorder #endif }; enum WindowState { WindowNoState = 0x00000000, WindowMinimized = 0x00000001, WindowMaximized = 0x00000002, WindowFullScreen = 0x00000004, WindowActive = 0x00000008 }; // Image conversion flags. The unusual ordering is caused by // compatibility and default requirements. // Documented in qimage.cpp enum ImageConversionFlags { ColorMode_Mask = 0x00000003, AutoColor = 0x00000000, ColorOnly = 0x00000003, MonoOnly = 0x00000002, // Reserved = 0x00000001, AlphaDither_Mask = 0x0000000c, ThresholdAlphaDither = 0x00000000, OrderedAlphaDither = 0x00000004, DiffuseAlphaDither = 0x00000008, NoAlpha = 0x0000000c, // Not supported Dither_Mask = 0x00000030, DiffuseDither = 0x00000000, OrderedDither = 0x00000010, ThresholdDither = 0x00000020, // ReservedDither= 0x00000030, DitherMode_Mask = 0x000000c0, AutoDither = 0x00000000, PreferDither = 0x00000040, AvoidDither = 0x00000080 }; // documented in qpainter.cpp enum BGMode { // background mode TransparentMode, OpaqueMode }; #ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT // documented in qpainter.cpp enum PaintUnit { // paint unit PixelUnit, LoMetricUnit, // OBSOLETE HiMetricUnit, // OBSOLETE LoEnglishUnit, // OBSOLETE HiEnglishUnit, // OBSOLETE TwipsUnit // OBSOLETE }; #endif // documented in qstyle.cpp #ifdef QT_NO_COMPAT enum GUIStyle { WindowsStyle = 1, // ### Qt 4.0: either remove the obsolete enums or clean up compat vs. MotifStyle = 4 // ### QT_NO_COMPAT by reordering or combination into one enum. }; #else enum GUIStyle { MacStyle, // OBSOLETE WindowsStyle, Win3Style, // OBSOLETE PMStyle, // OBSOLETE MotifStyle }; #endif // documented in qkeysequence.cpp enum SequenceMatch { NoMatch, PartialMatch, Identical }; // documented in qevent.cpp enum Modifier { // accelerator modifiers META = 0x00100000, SHIFT = 0x00200000, CTRL = 0x00400000, ALT = 0x00800000, MODIFIER_MASK = 0x00f00000, UNICODE_ACCEL = 0x10000000, ASCII_ACCEL = UNICODE_ACCEL // 1.x compat }; // documented in qevent.cpp enum Key { Key_Escape = 0x1000, // misc keys Key_Tab = 0x1001, Key_Backtab = 0x1002, Key_BackTab = Key_Backtab, Key_Backspace = 0x1003, Key_BackSpace = Key_Backspace, Key_Return = 0x1004, Key_Enter = 0x1005, Key_Insert = 0x1006, Key_Delete = 0x1007, Key_Pause = 0x1008, Key_Print = 0x1009, Key_SysReq = 0x100a, Key_Clear = 0x100b, Key_Home = 0x1010, // cursor movement Key_End = 0x1011, Key_Left = 0x1012, Key_Up = 0x1013, Key_Right = 0x1014, Key_Down = 0x1015, Key_Prior = 0x1016, Key_PageUp = Key_Prior, Key_Next = 0x1017, Key_PageDown = Key_Next, Key_Shift = 0x1020, // modifiers Key_Control = 0x1021, Key_Meta = 0x1022, Key_Alt = 0x1023, Key_CapsLock = 0x1024, Key_NumLock = 0x1025, Key_ScrollLock = 0x1026, Key_F1 = 0x1030, // function keys Key_F2 = 0x1031, Key_F3 = 0x1032, Key_F4 = 0x1033, Key_F5 = 0x1034, Key_F6 = 0x1035, Key_F7 = 0x1036, Key_F8 = 0x1037, Key_F9 = 0x1038, Key_F10 = 0x1039, Key_F11 = 0x103a, Key_F12 = 0x103b, Key_F13 = 0x103c, Key_F14 = 0x103d, Key_F15 = 0x103e, Key_F16 = 0x103f, Key_F17 = 0x1040, Key_F18 = 0x1041, Key_F19 = 0x1042, Key_F20 = 0x1043, Key_F21 = 0x1044, Key_F22 = 0x1045, Key_F23 = 0x1046, Key_F24 = 0x1047, Key_F25 = 0x1048, // F25 .. F35 only on X11 Key_F26 = 0x1049, Key_F27 = 0x104a, Key_F28 = 0x104b, Key_F29 = 0x104c, Key_F30 = 0x104d, Key_F31 = 0x104e, Key_F32 = 0x104f, Key_F33 = 0x1050, Key_F34 = 0x1051, Key_F35 = 0x1052, Key_Super_L = 0x1053, // extra keys Key_Super_R = 0x1054, Key_Menu = 0x1055, Key_Hyper_L = 0x1056, Key_Hyper_R = 0x1057, Key_Help = 0x1058, Key_Direction_L = 0x1059, Key_Direction_R = 0x1060, Key_Space = 0x20, // 7 bit printable ASCII Key_Any = Key_Space, Key_Exclam = 0x21, Key_QuoteDbl = 0x22, Key_NumberSign = 0x23, Key_Dollar = 0x24, Key_Percent = 0x25, Key_Ampersand = 0x26, Key_Apostrophe = 0x27, Key_ParenLeft = 0x28, Key_ParenRight = 0x29, Key_Asterisk = 0x2a, Key_Plus = 0x2b, Key_Comma = 0x2c, Key_Minus = 0x2d, Key_Period = 0x2e, Key_Slash = 0x2f, Key_0 = 0x30, Key_1 = 0x31, Key_2 = 0x32, Key_3 = 0x33, Key_4 = 0x34, Key_5 = 0x35, Key_6 = 0x36, Key_7 = 0x37, Key_8 = 0x38, Key_9 = 0x39, Key_Colon = 0x3a, Key_Semicolon = 0x3b, Key_Less = 0x3c, Key_Equal = 0x3d, Key_Greater = 0x3e, Key_Question = 0x3f, Key_At = 0x40, Key_A = 0x41, Key_B = 0x42, Key_C = 0x43, Key_D = 0x44, Key_E = 0x45, Key_F = 0x46, Key_G = 0x47, Key_H = 0x48, Key_I = 0x49, Key_J = 0x4a, Key_K = 0x4b, Key_L = 0x4c, Key_M = 0x4d, Key_N = 0x4e, Key_O = 0x4f, Key_P = 0x50, Key_Q = 0x51, Key_R = 0x52, Key_S = 0x53, Key_T = 0x54, Key_U = 0x55, Key_V = 0x56, Key_W = 0x57, Key_X = 0x58, Key_Y = 0x59, Key_Z = 0x5a, Key_BracketLeft = 0x5b, Key_Backslash = 0x5c, Key_BracketRight = 0x5d, Key_AsciiCircum = 0x5e, Key_Underscore = 0x5f, Key_QuoteLeft = 0x60, Key_BraceLeft = 0x7b, Key_Bar = 0x7c, Key_BraceRight = 0x7d, Key_AsciiTilde = 0x7e, // Latin 1 codes adapted from X: keysymdef.h,v 1.21 94/08/28 16:17:06 Key_nobreakspace = 0x0a0, Key_exclamdown = 0x0a1, Key_cent = 0x0a2, Key_sterling = 0x0a3, Key_currency = 0x0a4, Key_yen = 0x0a5, Key_brokenbar = 0x0a6, Key_section = 0x0a7, Key_diaeresis = 0x0a8, Key_copyright = 0x0a9, Key_ordfeminine = 0x0aa, Key_guillemotleft = 0x0ab, // left angle quotation mark Key_notsign = 0x0ac, Key_hyphen = 0x0ad, Key_registered = 0x0ae, Key_macron = 0x0af, Key_degree = 0x0b0, Key_plusminus = 0x0b1, Key_twosuperior = 0x0b2, Key_threesuperior = 0x0b3, Key_acute = 0x0b4, Key_mu = 0x0b5, Key_paragraph = 0x0b6, Key_periodcentered = 0x0b7, Key_cedilla = 0x0b8, Key_onesuperior = 0x0b9, Key_masculine = 0x0ba, Key_guillemotright = 0x0bb, // right angle quotation mark Key_onequarter = 0x0bc, Key_onehalf = 0x0bd, Key_threequarters = 0x0be, Key_questiondown = 0x0bf, Key_Agrave = 0x0c0, Key_Aacute = 0x0c1, Key_Acircumflex = 0x0c2, Key_Atilde = 0x0c3, Key_Adiaeresis = 0x0c4, Key_Aring = 0x0c5, Key_AE = 0x0c6, Key_Ccedilla = 0x0c7, Key_Egrave = 0x0c8, Key_Eacute = 0x0c9, Key_Ecircumflex = 0x0ca, Key_Ediaeresis = 0x0cb, Key_Igrave = 0x0cc, Key_Iacute = 0x0cd, Key_Icircumflex = 0x0ce, Key_Idiaeresis = 0x0cf, Key_ETH = 0x0d0, Key_Ntilde = 0x0d1, Key_Ograve = 0x0d2, Key_Oacute = 0x0d3, Key_Ocircumflex = 0x0d4, Key_Otilde = 0x0d5, Key_Odiaeresis = 0x0d6, Key_multiply = 0x0d7, Key_Ooblique = 0x0d8, Key_Ugrave = 0x0d9, Key_Uacute = 0x0da, Key_Ucircumflex = 0x0db, Key_Udiaeresis = 0x0dc, Key_Yacute = 0x0dd, Key_THORN = 0x0de, Key_ssharp = 0x0df, Key_agrave = 0x0e0, Key_aacute = 0x0e1, Key_acircumflex = 0x0e2, Key_atilde = 0x0e3, Key_adiaeresis = 0x0e4, Key_aring = 0x0e5, Key_ae = 0x0e6, Key_ccedilla = 0x0e7, Key_egrave = 0x0e8, Key_eacute = 0x0e9, Key_ecircumflex = 0x0ea, Key_ediaeresis = 0x0eb, Key_igrave = 0x0ec, Key_iacute = 0x0ed, Key_icircumflex = 0x0ee, Key_idiaeresis = 0x0ef, Key_eth = 0x0f0, Key_ntilde = 0x0f1, Key_ograve = 0x0f2, Key_oacute = 0x0f3, Key_ocircumflex = 0x0f4, Key_otilde = 0x0f5, Key_odiaeresis = 0x0f6, Key_division = 0x0f7, Key_oslash = 0x0f8, Key_ugrave = 0x0f9, Key_uacute = 0x0fa, Key_ucircumflex = 0x0fb, Key_udiaeresis = 0x0fc, Key_yacute = 0x0fd, Key_thorn = 0x0fe, Key_ydiaeresis = 0x0ff, // multimedia/internet keys - ignored by default - see QKeyEvent c'tor Key_Back = 0x1061, Key_Forward = 0x1062, Key_Stop = 0x1063, Key_Refresh = 0x1064, Key_VolumeDown = 0x1070, Key_VolumeMute = 0x1071, Key_VolumeUp = 0x1072, Key_BassBoost = 0x1073, Key_BassUp = 0x1074, Key_BassDown = 0x1075, Key_TrebleUp = 0x1076, Key_TrebleDown = 0x1077, Key_MediaPlay = 0x1080, Key_MediaStop = 0x1081, Key_MediaPrev = 0x1082, Key_MediaNext = 0x1083, Key_MediaRecord = 0x1084, Key_HomePage = 0x1090, Key_Favorites = 0x1091, Key_Search = 0x1092, Key_Standby = 0x1093, Key_OpenUrl = 0x1094, Key_LaunchMail = 0x10a0, Key_LaunchMedia = 0x10a1, Key_Launch0 = 0x10a2, Key_Launch1 = 0x10a3, Key_Launch2 = 0x10a4, Key_Launch3 = 0x10a5, Key_Launch4 = 0x10a6, Key_Launch5 = 0x10a7, Key_Launch6 = 0x10a8, Key_Launch7 = 0x10a9, Key_Launch8 = 0x10aa, Key_Launch9 = 0x10ab, Key_LaunchA = 0x10ac, Key_LaunchB = 0x10ad, Key_LaunchC = 0x10ae, Key_LaunchD = 0x10af, Key_LaunchE = 0x10b0, Key_LaunchF = 0x10b1, Key_MediaLast = 0x1fff, Key_unknown = 0xffff }; // documented in qcommonstyle.cpp enum ArrowType { UpArrow, DownArrow, LeftArrow, RightArrow }; // documented in qpainter.cpp enum RasterOp { // raster op mode CopyROP, OrROP, XorROP, NotAndROP, EraseROP=NotAndROP, NotCopyROP, NotOrROP, NotXorROP, AndROP, NotEraseROP=AndROP, NotROP, ClearROP, SetROP, NopROP, AndNotROP, OrNotROP, NandROP, NorROP, LastROP=NorROP }; // documented in qpainter.cpp enum PenStyle { // pen style NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine, MPenStyle = 0x0f }; // documented in qpainter.cpp enum PenCapStyle { // line endcap style FlatCap = 0x00, SquareCap = 0x10, RoundCap = 0x20, MPenCapStyle = 0x30 }; // documented in qpainter.cpp enum PenJoinStyle { // line join style MiterJoin = 0x00, BevelJoin = 0x40, RoundJoin = 0x80, MPenJoinStyle = 0xc0 }; // documented in qpainter.cpp enum BrushStyle { // brush style NoBrush, SolidPattern, Dense1Pattern, Dense2Pattern, Dense3Pattern, Dense4Pattern, Dense5Pattern, Dense6Pattern, Dense7Pattern, HorPattern, VerPattern, CrossPattern, BDiagPattern, FDiagPattern, DiagCrossPattern, CustomPattern=24 }; // documented in qapplication_mac.cpp enum MacintoshVersion { //Unknown MV_Unknown = 0x0000, //Version numbers MV_9 = 0x0001, MV_10_DOT_0 = 0x0002, MV_10_DOT_1 = 0x0003, MV_10_DOT_2 = 0x0004, MV_10_DOT_3 = 0x0005, MV_10_DOT_4 = 0x0006, //Code names MV_CHEETAH = MV_10_DOT_0, MV_PUMA = MV_10_DOT_1, MV_JAGUAR = MV_10_DOT_2, MV_PANTHER = MV_10_DOT_3, MV_TIGER = MV_10_DOT_4 }; // documented in qapplication_win.cpp enum WindowsVersion { WV_32s = 0x0001, WV_95 = 0x0002, WV_98 = 0x0003, WV_Me = 0x0004, WV_DOS_based = 0x000f, WV_NT = 0x0010, WV_2000 = 0x0020, WV_XP = 0x0030, WV_2003 = 0x0040, WV_VISTA = 0x0080, WV_NT_based = 0x00f0, WV_CE = 0x0100, WV_CENET = 0x0200, WV_CE_based = 0x0f00 }; // documented in qstyle.cpp enum UIEffect { UI_General, UI_AnimateMenu, UI_FadeMenu, UI_AnimateCombo, UI_AnimateTooltip, UI_FadeTooltip, UI_AnimateToolBox }; // documented in qcursor.cpp enum CursorShape { ArrowCursor, UpArrowCursor, CrossCursor, WaitCursor, IbeamCursor, SizeVerCursor, SizeHorCursor, SizeBDiagCursor, SizeFDiagCursor, SizeAllCursor, BlankCursor, SplitVCursor, SplitHCursor, PointingHandCursor, ForbiddenCursor, WhatsThisCursor, BusyCursor, LastCursor = BusyCursor, BitmapCursor = 24 }; // Global cursors QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & arrowCursor; // standard arrow cursor QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & upArrowCursor; // upwards arrow QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & crossCursor; // crosshair QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & waitCursor; // hourglass/watch QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & ibeamCursor; // ibeam/text entry QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & sizeVerCursor; // vertical resize QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & sizeHorCursor; // horizontal resize QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & sizeBDiagCursor; // diagonal resize (/) QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & sizeFDiagCursor; // diagonal resize (\) QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & sizeAllCursor; // all directions resize QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & blankCursor; // blank/invisible cursor QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & splitVCursor; // vertical bar with left-right // arrows QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & splitHCursor; // horizontal bar with up-down // arrows QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & pointingHandCursor; // pointing hand QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & forbiddenCursor; // forbidden cursor (slashed circle) QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & whatsThisCursor; // arrow with a question mark QT_STATIC_CONST QCursor & busyCursor; // arrow with hourglass enum TextFormat { PlainText, RichText, AutoText, LogText }; // Documented in qtextedit.cpp enum AnchorAttribute { AnchorName, AnchorHref }; // Documented in qmainwindow.cpp enum Dock { DockUnmanaged, DockTornOff, DockTop, DockBottom, DockRight, DockLeft, DockMinimized #ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT , Unmanaged = DockUnmanaged, TornOff = DockTornOff, Top = DockTop, Bottom = DockBottom, Right = DockRight, Left = DockLeft, Minimized = DockMinimized #endif }; // compatibility typedef Dock ToolBarDock; // documented in qdatetime.cpp enum DateFormat { TextDate, // default Qt ISODate, // ISO 8601 LocalDate // locale dependent }; // documented in qdatetime.cpp enum TimeSpec { LocalTime, UTC }; // documented in qwidget.cpp enum BackgroundMode { FixedColor, FixedPixmap, NoBackground, PaletteForeground, PaletteButton, PaletteLight, PaletteMidlight, PaletteDark, PaletteMid, PaletteText, PaletteBrightText, PaletteBase, PaletteBackground, PaletteShadow, PaletteHighlight, PaletteHighlightedText, PaletteButtonText, PaletteLink, PaletteLinkVisited, X11ParentRelative }; typedef uint ComparisonFlags; // Documented in qstring.cpp enum StringComparisonMode { CaseSensitive = 0x00001, // 0 0001 BeginsWith = 0x00002, // 0 0010 EndsWith = 0x00004, // 0 0100 Contains = 0x00008, // 0 1000 ExactMatch = 0x00010 // 1 0000 }; // Documented in qtabwidget.cpp enum Corner { TopLeft = 0x00000, TopRight = 0x00001, BottomLeft = 0x00002, BottomRight = 0x00003 }; // "handle" type for system objects. Documented as \internal in // qapplication.cpp #if defined(Q_WS_MAC) typedef void * HANDLE; #elif defined(Q_WS_WIN) typedef void *HANDLE; #elif defined(Q_WS_X11) typedef unsigned long HANDLE; #elif defined(Q_WS_QWS) typedef void * HANDLE; #endif }; class Q_EXPORT QInternal { public: enum PaintDeviceFlags { UndefinedDevice = 0x00, Widget = 0x01, Pixmap = 0x02, Printer = 0x03, Picture = 0x04, System = 0x05, DeviceTypeMask = 0x0f, ExternalDevice = 0x10, // used to emulate some of the behaviour different between Qt2 and Qt3 (mainly for printing) CompatibilityMode = 0x20 }; }; #endif // QNAMESPACE_H |
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