These classes provide support for graphics (2D, and with OpenGL, 3D), image encoding, decoding, and manipulation, sound, animation, printing etc.
QBitmap | Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps |
QBrush | Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a QPainter |
QColor | Colors based on RGB or HSV values |
QColorDialog | Dialog widget for specifying colors |
QDirectPainter | Direct access to the video hardware |
QFont | Font used for drawing text |
QFontDatabase | Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system |
QFontInfo | General information about fonts |
QFontMetrics | Font metrics information |
QFontMetricsF | Font metrics information |
QGL | Miscellaneous identifiers used in the Qt OpenGL module |
QGLColormap | Used for installing custom colormaps into QGLWidgets |
QGLContext | Encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context |
QGLFormat | The display format of an OpenGL rendering context |
QGLWidget | Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics |
QIcon | Scalable icons in different modes and states |
QIconEngine | Abstract base class for QIcon renderers |
QImage | Hardware-independent pixmap that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint device |
QImageReader | Format independent interface for reading images from files or other devices |
QImageWriter | Format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices |
QMatrix | 2D transformations of a coordinate system |
QMovie | Convenience class for playing movies with QImageReader |
QPaintDevice | The base class of objects that can be painted |
QPainter | Performs low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices |
QPalette | Color groups for each widget state |
QPen | Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes |
QPicture | Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands |
QPictureIO | Parameters for loading and saving pictures |
QPixmap | Off-screen, pixel-based paint device |
QPixmapCache | Application-wide cache for pixmaps |
QPoint | Defines a point in the plane |
QPolygon | Vector of points |
QPolygonF | Vector of floating point points |
QPrinter | Paint device that paints on a printer |
QRect | Defines a rectangle in the plane that uses integer point accuracy for coordinates |
QRectF | Defines a rectangle in the plane using floating point coordinates for accuracy |
QRegion | Clip region for a painter |
QSize | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object |
QSizeF | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point values for accuracy |
QSound | Access to the platform audio facilities |
QStylePainter | Convenience class for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget |