Model Subclassing Reference
IntroductionModel subclasses need to provide implementations of many of the virtual functions defined in the QAbstractItemModel base class. The number of these functions that need to be implemented depends on the type of model - whether it supplies views with a simple list, a table, or a complex hierarchy of items. Models that inherit from QAbstractListModel and QAbstractTableModel can take advantage of the default implementations of functions provided by those classes. Models that expose items of data in tree-like structures must provide implementations for many of the virtual functions in QAbstractItemModel. The functions that need to be implemented in a model subclass can be divided into three groups:
Each of these groups are described in detail in the following sections. Item Data HandlingModels can provide varying levels of access to the data they provide: They can be simple read-only components, some models may support resizing operations, and others may allow items to be edited. Read-Only AccessTo provide read-only access to data provided by a model, the following functions must be implemented in the model's subclass:
These four functions must be implemented in all types of model, including list models (QAbstractListModel subclasses) and table models (QAbstractTableModel subclasses). Additionally, the following functions must be implemented in direct subclasses of QAbstractTableModel and QAbstractItemModel:
Editable ItemsEditable models allow items of data to be modified, and may also provide functions to allow rows and columns to be inserted and removed. To enable editing, the following functions must be implemented correctly:
Resizable ModelsAll types of model can support the insertion and removal of rows. Table models and hierarchical models can also support the insertion and removal of columns. It is important to notify other components about changes to the model's dimensions both before and after they occur. As a result, the following functions can be implemented to allow the model to be resized, but implementations must ensure that the appropriate functions are called to notify attached views and delegates:
Generally, these functions should return true if the operation was successful. However, there may be cases where the operation only partly succeeded; for example, if less than the specified number of rows could be inserted. In such cases, the model should return false to indicate failure to enable any attached components to handle the situation. The signals emitted by the functions called in implementations of the resizing API give attached components the chance to take action before any data becomes unavailable. The encapsulation of insert and remove operations with begin and end functions also enable the model to manage persistent model indexes correctly. Normally, the begin and end functions are capable of informing other components about changes to the model's underlying structure. For more complex changes to the model's structure, perhaps involving internal reorganization or sorting of data, it is necessary to emit the layoutChanged() signal to cause any attached views to be updated. Navigation and Model Index CreationHierarchical models need to provide functions that views can call to navigate the tree-like structures they expose, and obtain model indexes for items. Parents and ChildrenSince the structure exposed to views is determined by the underlying data structure, it is up to each model subclass to create its own model indexes by providing implementations of the following functions:
Both the above functions use the createIndex() factory function to generate indexes for other components to use. It is normal for models to supply some unique identifier to this function to ensure that the model index can be re-associated with its corresponding item later on. Drag and Drop Support and MIME Type HandlingThe model/view classes support drag and drop operations, providing default behavior that is sufficient for many applications. However, it is also possible to customize the way items are encoded during drag and drop operations, whether they are copied or moved by default, and how they are inserted into existing models. Additionally, the convenience view classes implement specialized behavior that should closely follow that expected by existing developers. The Convenience Views section provides an overview of this behavior. MIME DataBy default, the built-in models and views use an internal MIME type (application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist) to pass around information about model indexes. This specifies data for a list of items, containing the row and column numbers of each item, and information about the roles that each item supports. Data encoded using this MIME type can be obtained by calling QAbstractItemModel::mimeData() with a QModelIndexList containing the items to be serialized. When implementing drag and drop support in a custom model, it is possible to export items of data in specialized formats by reimplementing the following functions:
For many models, it is useful to provide the contents of items in common format represented by MIME types such as text/plain and image/png. Note that images, colors and HTML documents can easily be added to a QMimeData object with the QMimeData::setImageData(), QMimeData::setColorData(), and QMimeData::setHtml() functions. Accepting Dropped DataWhen a drag and drop operation is performed over a view, the underlying model is queried to determine which types of operation it supports and the MIME types it can accept. This information is provided by the QAbstractItemModel::supportedDropActions() and QAbstractItemModel::mimeTypes() functions. Models that do not override the implementations provided by QAbstractItemModel support copy operations and the default internal MIME type for items. When serialized item data is dropped onto a view, the data is inserted into the current model using its implementation of QAbstractItemModel::dropMimeData(). The default implementation of this function will never overwrite any data in the model; instead, it tries to insert the items of data either as siblings of an item, or as children of that item. To take advantage of QAbstractItemModel's default implementation for the built-in MIME type, new models must provide reimplementations of the following functions:
To accept other forms of data, these functions must be reimplemented:
If the implementation of the dropMimeData() function changes the dimensions of a model by inserting or removing rows or columns, or if items of data are modified, care must be taken to ensure that all relevant signals are emitted. It can be useful to simply call reimplementations of other functions in the subclass, such as setData(), insertRows(), and insertColumns(), to ensure that the model behaves consistently. Convenience ViewsThe convenience views (QListWidget, QTableWidget, and QTreeWidget) override the default drag and drop functionality to provide less flexible, but more natural behavior that is appropriate for many applications. For example, since it is more common to drop data into cells in a QTableWidget, replacing the existing contents with the data being transferred, the underlying model will set the data of the target items rather than insert new rows and columns into the model. [Previous: Proxy Models] [Contents] |
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