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qmake Common Projects

This chapter describes how to set up qmake project files for three common types of project that are based on Qt. Although all kinds of project use many of the same variables, each of them use special variables to define

Building an Application

The app Template

The app template tells qmake to generate a Makefile that will build an application. With this template, the type of application can be specified by adding one of the following options to the CONFIG variable definition:

windowsThe application is a Windows GUI application.
consoleapp template only: the application is a Windows console application.

When using this template the following qmake system variables are recognized. You should use these in your .pro file to specify information about your application.

  • HEADERS - A list of all the header files for the application.
  • SOURCES - A list of all the source files for the application.
  • FORMS - A list of all the .ui files (created using Qt Designer) for the application.
  • LEXSOURCES - A list of all the lex source files for the application.
  • YACCSOURCES - A list of all the yacc source files for the application.
  • TARGET - Name of the executable for the application. This defaults to the name of the project file. (The extension, if any, is added automatically).
  • DESTDIR - The directory in which the target executable is placed.
  • DEFINES - A list of any additional pre-processor defines needed for the application.
  • INCLUDEPATH - A list of any additional include paths needed for the application.
  • DEPENDPATH - The dependency search path for the application.
  • VPATH - The search path to find supplied files.
  • DEF_FILE - Windows only: A .def file to be linked against for the application.
  • RC_FILE - Windows only: A resource file for the application.
  • RES_FILE - Windows only: A resource file to be linked against for the application.

You only need to use the system variables that you have values for, for instance, if you don't have any extra INCLUDEPATHs then you don't need to specify any, qmake will add in the default ones needed. For instance, an example project file might look like this:

    TEMPLATE = app
    DESTDIR  = c:/helloapp
    HEADERS += hello.h
    SOURCES += hello.cpp
    SOURCES += main.cpp
    CONFIG  += qt warn_on release

For items that are single valued, e.g. the template or the destination directory, we use "="; but for multi-valued items we use "+=" to add to the existing items of that type. Using "=" replaces the item's value with the new value, for example if we wrote DEFINES=QT_DLL, all other definitions would be deleted.

Building a Library

The lib Template

The lib template tells qmake to generate a Makefile that will build a library. When using this template, in addition to the system variables mentioned above for the app template the VERSION variable is supported. You should use these in your .pro file to specify information about the library.

When using the lib template, the following options determine the type of library that is built:

dllThe library is a shared library (dll).
staticlibThe library is a static library.
pluginThe library is a plugin; this also enables the dll option.

  • VERSION - The version number of the target library, for example, 2.3.1.

Building a Plugin

The plugin Template

The plugin template tells qmake to generate a Makefile that will build a plugin, usually in the form of a library. As with the lib template, the VERSION variable is supported. You should use this to specify information about the plugin.

  • VERSION - The version number of the target library, for example, 2.3.1.

Building a Qt Designer Plugin

Qt Designer plugins are built using a specific set of configuration settings that depend on the way Qt was configured for your system. For convenience, these settings can be enabled by adding designer to the project's CONFIG variable. For example:

    CONFIG      += designer plugin debug_and_release

See the Qt Designer examples for more examples of plugin-based projects.

Building and Installing in Debug and Release Modes

Sometimes, it is necessary to build a project in both debug and release modes. Although the CONFIG variable can hold both debug and release options, the debug option overrides the release option.

Building in Both Modes

To enable a project to be built in both modes, you must add the debug_and_release option to your project's CONFIG definition:

    CONFIG += debug_and_release

    CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
        TARGET = debug_binary
    } else {
        TARGET = release_binary

The scope in the above snippet modifies the build target in each mode to ensure that the resulting targets have different names. Providing different names for targets ensures that one will not overwrite the other.

When qmake processes the project file, it will generate a Makefile rule to allow the project to be built in both modes. This can be invoked in the following way:

    make all

The build_all option can be added to the CONFIG variable in the project file to ensure that the project is built in both modes by default:

    CONFIG += build_all

This allows the Makefile to be processed using the default rule:


Installing in Both Modes

The build_all option also ensures that both versions of the target will be installed when the installation rule is invoked:

    make install

It is possible to customize the names of the build targets depending on the target platform. For example, a library or plugin may be named using a different convention on Windows to the one used on Unix platforms:

    CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
        unix: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,_debug)
        else: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,d)

The default behavior in the above snippet is to modify the name used for the build target when building in debug mode. An else clause could be added to the scope to do the same for release mode; left as it is, the target name remains unmodified.

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