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QDomDocumentType Class Reference
[QtXml module]

The QDomDocumentType class is the representation of the DTD in the document tree. More...

 #include <QDomDocumentType>

Inherits QDomNode.

Note: All the functions in this class are reentrant.

Public Functions

  • 66 public functions inherited from QDomNode

Detailed Description

The QDomDocumentType class is the representation of the DTD in the document tree.

The QDomDocumentType class allows read-only access to some of the data structures in the DTD: it can return a map of all entities() and notations(). In addition the function name() returns the name of the document type as specified in the &lt;!DOCTYPE name&gt; tag. This class also provides the publicId(), systemId() and internalSubset() functions.

See also QDomDocument.

Member Function Documentation

QDomDocumentType::QDomDocumentType ()

Creates an empty QDomDocumentType object.

QDomDocumentType::QDomDocumentType ( const QDomDocumentType & n )

Constructs a copy of n.

The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use cloneNode().

QDomNamedNodeMap QDomDocumentType::entities () const

Returns a map of all entities described in the DTD.

QString QDomDocumentType::internalSubset () const

Returns the internal subset of the document type or an empty string if there is no internal subset.

See also publicId() and systemId().

QString QDomDocumentType::name () const

Returns the name of the document type as specified in the &lt;!DOCTYPE name&gt; tag.

See also nodeName().

QDomNode::NodeType QDomDocumentType::nodeType () const

Returns DocumentTypeNode.

See also isDocumentType() and QDomNode::toDocumentType().

QDomNamedNodeMap QDomDocumentType::notations () const

Returns a map of all notations described in the DTD.

QString QDomDocumentType::publicId () const

Returns the public identifier of the external DTD subset or an empty string if there is no public identifier.

See also systemId(), internalSubset(), and QDomImplementation::createDocumentType().

QString QDomDocumentType::systemId () const

Returns the system identifier of the external DTD subset or an empty string if there is no system identifier.

See also publicId(), internalSubset(), and QDomImplementation::createDocumentType().

QDomDocumentType & QDomDocumentType::operator= ( const QDomDocumentType & n )

Assigns n to this document type.

The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use cloneNode().

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