QLocale Class Reference |
Constant | Value |
QLocale::AnyCountry | 0 |
QLocale::Afghanistan | 1 |
QLocale::Albania | 2 |
QLocale::Algeria | 3 |
QLocale::AmericanSamoa | 4 |
QLocale::Andorra | 5 |
QLocale::Angola | 6 |
QLocale::Anguilla | 7 |
QLocale::Antarctica | 8 |
QLocale::AntiguaAndBarbuda | 9 |
QLocale::Argentina | 10 |
QLocale::Armenia | 11 |
QLocale::Aruba | 12 |
QLocale::Australia | 13 |
QLocale::Austria | 14 |
QLocale::Azerbaijan | 15 |
QLocale::Bahamas | 16 |
QLocale::Bahrain | 17 |
QLocale::Bangladesh | 18 |
QLocale::Barbados | 19 |
QLocale::Belarus | 20 |
QLocale::Belgium | 21 |
QLocale::Belize | 22 |
QLocale::Benin | 23 |
QLocale::Bermuda | 24 |
QLocale::Bhutan | 25 |
QLocale::Bolivia | 26 |
QLocale::BosniaAndHerzegowina | 27 |
QLocale::Botswana | 28 |
QLocale::BouvetIsland | 29 |
QLocale::Brazil | 30 |
QLocale::BritishIndianOceanTerritory | 31 |
QLocale::BruneiDarussalam | 32 |
QLocale::Bulgaria | 33 |
QLocale::BurkinaFaso | 34 |
QLocale::Burundi | 35 |
QLocale::Cambodia | 36 |
QLocale::Cameroon | 37 |
QLocale::Canada | 38 |
QLocale::CapeVerde | 39 |
QLocale::CaymanIslands | 40 |
QLocale::CentralAfricanRepublic | 41 |
QLocale::Chad | 42 |
QLocale::Chile | 43 |
QLocale::China | 44 |
QLocale::ChristmasIsland | 45 |
QLocale::CocosIslands | 46 |
QLocale::Colombia | 47 |
QLocale::Comoros | 48 |
QLocale::DemocraticRepublicOfCongo | 49 |
QLocale::PeoplesRepublicOfCongo | 50 |
QLocale::CookIslands | 51 |
QLocale::CostaRica | 52 |
QLocale::IvoryCoast | 53 |
QLocale::Croatia | 54 |
QLocale::Cuba | 55 |
QLocale::Cyprus | 56 |
QLocale::CzechRepublic | 57 |
QLocale::Denmark | 58 |
QLocale::Djibouti | 59 |
QLocale::Dominica | 60 |
QLocale::DominicanRepublic | 61 |
QLocale::EastTimor | 62 |
QLocale::Ecuador | 63 |
QLocale::Egypt | 64 |
QLocale::ElSalvador | 65 |
QLocale::EquatorialGuinea | 66 |
QLocale::Eritrea | 67 |
QLocale::Estonia | 68 |
QLocale::Ethiopia | 69 |
QLocale::FalklandIslands | 70 |
QLocale::FaroeIslands | 71 |
QLocale::FijiCountry | 72 |
QLocale::Finland | 73 |
QLocale::France | 74 |
QLocale::MetropolitanFrance | 75 |
QLocale::FrenchGuiana | 76 |
QLocale::FrenchPolynesia | 77 |
QLocale::FrenchSouthernTerritories | 78 |
QLocale::Gabon | 79 |
QLocale::Gambia | 80 |
QLocale::Georgia | 81 |
QLocale::Germany | 82 |
QLocale::Ghana | 83 |
QLocale::Gibraltar | 84 |
QLocale::Greece | 85 |
QLocale::Greenland | 86 |
QLocale::Grenada | 87 |
QLocale::Guadeloupe | 88 |
QLocale::Guam | 89 |
QLocale::Guatemala | 90 |
QLocale::Guinea | 91 |
QLocale::GuineaBissau | 92 |
QLocale::Guyana | 93 |
QLocale::Haiti | 94 |
QLocale::HeardAndMcDonaldIslands | 95 |
QLocale::Honduras | 96 |
QLocale::HongKong | 97 |
QLocale::Hungary | 98 |
QLocale::Iceland | 99 |
QLocale::India | 100 |
QLocale::Indonesia | 101 |
QLocale::Iran | 102 |
QLocale::Iraq | 103 |
QLocale::Ireland | 104 |
QLocale::Israel | 105 |
QLocale::Italy | 106 |
QLocale::Jamaica | 107 |
QLocale::Japan | 108 |
QLocale::Jordan | 109 |
QLocale::Kazakhstan | 110 |
QLocale::Kenya | 111 |
QLocale::Kiribati | 112 |
QLocale::DemocraticRepublicOfKorea | 113 |
QLocale::RepublicOfKorea | 114 |
QLocale::Kuwait | 115 |
QLocale::Kyrgyzstan | 116 |
QLocale::Lao | 117 |
QLocale::Latvia | 118 |
QLocale::Lebanon | 119 |
QLocale::Lesotho | 120 |
QLocale::Liberia | 121 |
QLocale::LibyanArabJamahiriya | 122 |
QLocale::Liechtenstein | 123 |
QLocale::Lithuania | 124 |
QLocale::Luxembourg | 125 |
QLocale::Macau | 126 |
QLocale::Macedonia | 127 |
QLocale::Madagascar | 128 |
QLocale::Malawi | 129 |
QLocale::Malaysia | 130 |
QLocale::Maldives | 131 |
QLocale::Mali | 132 |
QLocale::Malta | 133 |
QLocale::MarshallIslands | 134 |
QLocale::Martinique | 135 |
QLocale::Mauritania | 136 |
QLocale::Mauritius | 137 |
QLocale::Mayotte | 138 |
QLocale::Mexico | 139 |
QLocale::Micronesia | 140 |
QLocale::Moldova | 141 |
QLocale::Monaco | 142 |
QLocale::Mongolia | 143 |
QLocale::Montserrat | 144 |
QLocale::Morocco | 145 |
QLocale::Mozambique | 146 |
QLocale::Myanmar | 147 |
QLocale::Namibia | 148 |
QLocale::NauruCountry | 149 |
QLocale::Nepal | 150 |
QLocale::Netherlands | 151 |
QLocale::NetherlandsAntilles | 152 |
QLocale::NewCaledonia | 153 |
QLocale::NewZealand | 154 |
QLocale::Nicaragua | 155 |
QLocale::Niger | 156 |
QLocale::Nigeria | 157 |
QLocale::Niue | 158 |
QLocale::NorfolkIsland | 159 |
QLocale::NorthernMarianaIslands | 160 |
QLocale::Norway | 161 |
QLocale::Oman | 162 |
QLocale::Pakistan | 163 |
QLocale::Palau | 164 |
QLocale::PalestinianTerritory | 165 |
QLocale::Panama | 166 |
QLocale::PapuaNewGuinea | 167 |
QLocale::Paraguay | 168 |
QLocale::Peru | 169 |
QLocale::Philippines | 170 |
QLocale::Pitcairn | 171 |
QLocale::Poland | 172 |
QLocale::Portugal | 173 |
QLocale::PuertoRico | 174 |
QLocale::Qatar | 175 |
QLocale::Reunion | 176 |
QLocale::Romania | 177 |
QLocale::RussianFederation | 178 |
QLocale::Rwanda | 179 |
QLocale::SaintKittsAndNevis | 180 |
QLocale::StLucia | 181 |
QLocale::StVincentAndTheGrenadines | 182 |
QLocale::Samoa | 183 |
QLocale::SanMarino | 184 |
QLocale::SaoTomeAndPrincipe | 185 |
QLocale::SaudiArabia | 186 |
QLocale::Senegal | 187 |
QLocale::SerbiaAndMontenegro | 241 |
QLocale::Seychelles | 188 |
QLocale::SierraLeone | 189 |
QLocale::Singapore | 190 |
QLocale::Slovakia | 191 |
QLocale::Slovenia | 192 |
QLocale::SolomonIslands | 193 |
QLocale::Somalia | 194 |
QLocale::SouthAfrica | 195 |
QLocale::SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands | 196 |
QLocale::Spain | 197 |
QLocale::SriLanka | 198 |
QLocale::StHelena | 199 |
QLocale::StPierreAndMiquelon | 200 |
QLocale::Sudan | 201 |
QLocale::Suriname | 202 |
QLocale::SvalbardAndJanMayenIslands | 203 |
QLocale::Swaziland | 204 |
QLocale::Sweden | 205 |
QLocale::Switzerland | 206 |
QLocale::SyrianArabRepublic | 207 |
QLocale::Taiwan | 208 |
QLocale::Tajikistan | 209 |
QLocale::Tanzania | 210 |
QLocale::Thailand | 211 |
QLocale::Togo | 212 |
QLocale::Tokelau | 213 |
QLocale::TongaCountry | 214 |
QLocale::TrinidadAndTobago | 215 |
QLocale::Tunisia | 216 |
QLocale::Turkey | 217 |
QLocale::Turkmenistan | 218 |
QLocale::TurksAndCaicosIslands | 219 |
QLocale::Tuvalu | 220 |
QLocale::Uganda | 221 |
QLocale::Ukraine | 222 |
QLocale::UnitedArabEmirates | 223 |
QLocale::UnitedKingdom | 224 |
QLocale::UnitedStates | 225 |
QLocale::UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands | 226 |
QLocale::Uruguay | 227 |
QLocale::Uzbekistan | 228 |
QLocale::Vanuatu | 229 |
QLocale::VaticanCityState | 230 |
QLocale::Venezuela | 231 |
QLocale::VietNam | 232 |
QLocale::BritishVirginIslands | 233 |
QLocale::USVirginIslands | 234 |
QLocale::WallisAndFutunaIslands | 235 |
QLocale::WesternSahara | 236 |
QLocale::Yemen | 237 |
QLocale::Yugoslavia | 238 |
QLocale::Zambia | 239 |
QLocale::Zimbabwe | 240 |
See also country().
This enum describes the types of format that can be used when converting QDate and QTime objects to strings.
Constant | Value |
QLocale::LongFormat | 0 |
QLocale::ShortFormat | 1 |
This enumerated type is used to specify a language.
Constant | Value | Description |
QLocale::C | 1 | |
QLocale::Abkhazian | 2 | |
QLocale::Afan | 3 | |
QLocale::Afar | 4 | |
QLocale::Afrikaans | 5 | |
QLocale::Albanian | 6 | |
QLocale::Amharic | 7 | |
QLocale::Arabic | 8 | |
QLocale::Armenian | 9 | |
QLocale::Assamese | 10 | |
QLocale::Aymara | 11 | |
QLocale::Azerbaijani | 12 | |
QLocale::Bashkir | 13 | |
QLocale::Basque | 14 | |
QLocale::Bengali | 15 | |
QLocale::Bhutani | 16 | |
QLocale::Bihari | 17 | |
QLocale::Bislama | 18 | |
QLocale::Bosnian | 142 | |
QLocale::Breton | 19 | |
QLocale::Bulgarian | 20 | |
QLocale::Burmese | 21 | |
QLocale::Byelorussian | 22 | |
QLocale::Cambodian | 23 | |
QLocale::Catalan | 24 | |
QLocale::Chinese | 25 | |
QLocale::Cornish | 145 | |
QLocale::Corsican | 26 | |
QLocale::Croatian | 27 | |
QLocale::Czech | 28 | |
QLocale::Danish | 29 | |
QLocale::Divehi | 143 | |
QLocale::Dutch | 30 | |
QLocale::English | 31 | |
QLocale::Esperanto | 32 | |
QLocale::Estonian | 33 | |
QLocale::Faroese | 34 | |
QLocale::FijiLanguage | 35 | |
QLocale::Finnish | 36 | |
QLocale::French | 37 | |
QLocale::Frisian | 38 | |
QLocale::Gaelic | 39 | |
QLocale::Galician | 40 | |
QLocale::Georgian | 41 | |
QLocale::German | 42 | |
QLocale::Greek | 43 | |
QLocale::Greenlandic | 44 | |
QLocale::Guarani | 45 | |
QLocale::Gujarati | 46 | |
QLocale::Hausa | 47 | |
QLocale::Hebrew | 48 | |
QLocale::Hindi | 49 | |
QLocale::Hungarian | 50 | |
QLocale::Icelandic | 51 | |
QLocale::Indonesian | 52 | |
QLocale::Interlingua | 53 | |
QLocale::Interlingue | 54 | |
QLocale::Inuktitut | 55 | |
QLocale::Inupiak | 56 | |
QLocale::Irish | 57 | |
QLocale::Italian | 58 | |
QLocale::Japanese | 59 | |
QLocale::Javanese | 60 | |
QLocale::Kannada | 61 | |
QLocale::Kashmiri | 62 | |
QLocale::Kazakh | 63 | |
QLocale::Kinyarwanda | 64 | |
QLocale::Kirghiz | 65 | |
QLocale::Korean | 66 | |
QLocale::Kurdish | 67 | |
QLocale::Kurundi | 68 | |
QLocale::Laothian | 69 | |
QLocale::Latin | 70 | |
QLocale::Latvian | 71 | |
QLocale::Lingala | 72 | |
QLocale::Lithuanian | 73 | |
QLocale::Macedonian | 74 | |
QLocale::Malagasy | 75 | |
QLocale::Malay | 76 | |
QLocale::Malayalam | 77 | |
QLocale::Maltese | 78 | |
QLocale::Manx | 144 | |
QLocale::Maori | 79 | |
QLocale::Marathi | 80 | |
QLocale::Moldavian | 81 | |
QLocale::Mongolian | 82 | |
QLocale::NauruLanguage | 83 | |
QLocale::Nepali | 84 | |
QLocale::Norwegian | 85 | |
QLocale::NorwegianBokmal | Norwegian | |
QLocale::Nynorsk | NorwegianNynorsk | Obsolete, please use NorwegianNynorsk |
QLocale::NorwegianNynorsk | 141 | |
QLocale::Occitan | 86 | |
QLocale::Oriya | 87 | |
QLocale::Pashto | 88 | |
QLocale::Persian | 89 | |
QLocale::Polish | 90 | |
QLocale::Portuguese | 91 | |
QLocale::Punjabi | 92 | |
QLocale::Quechua | 93 | |
QLocale::RhaetoRomance | 94 | |
QLocale::Romanian | 95 | |
QLocale::Russian | 96 | |
QLocale::Samoan | 97 | |
QLocale::Sangho | 98 | |
QLocale::Sanskrit | 99 | |
QLocale::Serbian | 100 | |
QLocale::SerboCroatian | 101 | |
QLocale::Sesotho | 102 | |
QLocale::Setswana | 103 | |
QLocale::Shona | 104 | |
QLocale::Sindhi | 105 | |
QLocale::Singhalese | 106 | |
QLocale::Siswati | 107 | |
QLocale::Slovak | 108 | |
QLocale::Slovenian | 109 | |
QLocale::Somali | 110 | |
QLocale::Spanish | 111 | |
QLocale::Sundanese | 112 | |
QLocale::Swahili | 113 | |
QLocale::Swedish | 114 | |
QLocale::Tagalog | 115 | |
QLocale::Tajik | 116 | |
QLocale::Tamil | 117 | |
QLocale::Tatar | 118 | |
QLocale::Telugu | 119 | |
QLocale::Thai | 120 | |
QLocale::Tibetan | 121 | |
QLocale::Tigrinya | 122 | |
QLocale::TongaLanguage | 123 | |
QLocale::Tsonga | 124 | |
QLocale::Turkish | 125 | |
QLocale::Turkmen | 126 | |
QLocale::Twi | 127 | |
QLocale::Uigur | 128 | |
QLocale::Ukrainian | 129 | |
QLocale::Urdu | 130 | |
QLocale::Uzbek | 131 | |
QLocale::Vietnamese | 132 | |
QLocale::Volapuk | 133 | |
QLocale::Welsh | 134 | |
QLocale::Wolof | 135 | |
QLocale::Xhosa | 136 | |
QLocale::Yiddish | 137 | |
QLocale::Yoruba | 138 | |
QLocale::Zhuang | 139 | |
QLocale::Zulu | 140 | |
QLocale::Bosnian | 142 | |
QLocale::Divehi | 143 | |
QLocale::Manx | 144 | |
QLocale::Cornish | 145 | |
QLocale::Akan | 146 | |
QLocale::Konkani | 147 | |
QLocale::Ga | 148 | |
QLocale::Igbo | 149 | |
QLocale::Kamba | 150 | |
QLocale::Syriac | 151 | |
QLocale::Blin | 152 | |
QLocale::Geez | 153 | |
QLocale::Koro | 154 | |
QLocale::Sidamo | 155 | |
QLocale::Atsam | 156 | |
QLocale::Tigre | 157 | |
QLocale::Jju | 158 | |
QLocale::Friulian | 159 | |
QLocale::Venda | 160 | |
QLocale::Ewe | 161 | |
QLocale::Walamo | 162 | |
QLocale::Hawaiian | 163 | |
QLocale::Tyap | 164 | |
QLocale::Chewa | 165 |
See also language().
This enum defines a set of options for number-to-string and string-to-number conversions. They can be retrieved with numberOptions() and set with setNumberOptions().
Constant | Value | Description |
QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator | 0x01 | If this option is set, the number-to-string functions will not insert group separators in their return values. The default is to insert group seperators. |
QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator | 0x02 | If this option is set, the string-to-number functions will fail if they encounter group separators in their input. The default is to accept numbers containing correctly placed group separators. |
The NumberOptions type is a typedef for QFlags<NumberOption>. It stores an OR combination of NumberOption values.
See also setNumberOptions() and numberOptions().
Constructs a QLocale object initialized with the default locale. If no default locale was set using setDefaultLocale(), this locale will be the same as the one returned by system().
See also setDefault().
Constructs a QLocale object with the specified name, which has the format "language[_country][.codeset][@modifier]" or "C", where:
If the string violates the locale format, or language is not a valid ISO 369 code, the "C" locale is used instead. If country is not present, or is not a valid ISO 3166 code, the most appropriate country is chosen for the specified language.
The language and country codes are converted to their respective Language and Country enums. After this conversion is performed the constructor behaves exactly like QLocale(Country, Language).
This constructor is much slower than QLocale(Country, Language).
See also name().
Constructs a QLocale object with the specified language and country.
The language and country that are actually used can be queried using language() and country().
See also setDefault(), language(), and country().
Constructs a QLocale object as a copy of other.
Returns a QLocale object initialized to the "C" locale.
See also system().
Returns the list of countries that have entires for language in Qt's locale database. If the result is an empty list, then language is not represented in Qt's locale database.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.3.
Returns the country of this locale.
See also language(), countryToString(), and name().
Returns a QString containing the name of country.
See also country() and name().
Returns the date format used for the current locale.
If format is ShortFormat the format will be a short version. Otherwise it uses a longer version.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.
See also QDate::toString() and QDate::fromString().
Returns the localized name of day, in the format specified by type.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also monthName().
Returns the decimal point character of this locale.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.
Returns the exponential character of this locale.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.
Returns the group separator character of this locale.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.
Returns the language of this locale.
See also country(), languageToString(), and name().
Returns a QString containing the name of language.
See also countryToString() and name().
Returns the localized name of month, in the format specified by type.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also dayName().
Returns the language and country of this locale as a string of the form "language_country", where language is a lowercase, two-letter ISO 639 language code, and country is an uppercase, two-letter ISO 3166 country code.
See also language() and country().
Returns the negative sign character of this locale.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.
Returns the options related to number conversions for this QLocale instance.
By default, no options are set for the standard locales.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also setNumberOptions().
Returns the percent character of this locale.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.
Sets the global default locale to locale. These values are used when a QLocale object is constructed with no arguments. If this function is not called, the system's locale is used.
Warning: In a multithreaded application, the default locale should be set at application startup, before any non-GUI threads are created.
Warning: This function is not reentrant.
Sets the options related to number conversions for this QLocale instance.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also numberOptions().
Returns a QLocale object initialized to the system locale.
On Windows and Mac, this locale will use the decimal/grouping characters and date/time formats specified in the system configuration panel.
See also QTextCodec::locale() and c().
Returns the time format used for the current locale.
If format is ShortFormat the format will be a short version. Otherwise it uses a longer version.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.
See also QTime::toString() and QTime::fromString().
Returns the double represented by the localized string s, or 0.0 if the conversion failed.
If ok is not 0, reports failure by setting *ok to false and success by setting *ok to true.
Unlike QString::toDouble(), this function does not fall back to the "C" locale if the string cannot be interpreted in this locale.
bool ok; double d; QLocale c(QLocale::C); d = c.toDouble( "1234.56", &ok ); // ok == true, d == 1234.56 d = c.toDouble( "1,234.56", &ok ); // ok == true, d == 1234.56 d = c.toDouble( "1234,56", &ok ); // ok == false QLocale german(QLocale::German); d = german.toDouble( "1234,56", &ok ); // ok == true, d == 1234.56 d = german.toDouble( "1.234,56", &ok ); // ok == true, d == 1234.56 d = german.toDouble( "1234.56", &ok ); // ok == false d = german.toDouble( "1.234", &ok ); // ok == true, d == 1234.0
Notice that the last conversion returns 1234.0, because '.' is the thousands group separator in the German locale.
This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.
See also toFloat(), toInt(), and toString().
Returns the float represented by the localized string s, or 0.0 if the conversion failed.
If ok is not 0, reports failure by setting *ok to false and success by setting *ok to true.
This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.
See also toDouble(), toInt(), and toString().
Returns the int represented by the localized string s, using base base. If base is 0 the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the string begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal; if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal; otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.
If the conversion fails the function returns 0.
If ok is not 0, failure is reported by setting *ok to false, and success by setting *ok to true.
This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.
See also toUInt() and toString().
Returns the long long int represented by the localized string s, using base base. If base is 0 the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the string begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal; if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal; otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.
If the conversion fails the function returns 0.
If ok is not 0, failure is reported by setting *ok to false, and success by setting *ok to true.
This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.
See also toInt(), toULongLong(), toDouble(), and toString().
Returns the short int represented by the localized string s, using base base. If base is 0 the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the string begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal; if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal; otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.
If the conversion fails the function returns 0.
If ok is not 0, failure is reported by setting *ok to false, and success by setting *ok to true.
This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.
See also toUShort() and toString().
Returns a localized string representation of i.
See also toLongLong().
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
Returns a localized string representation of the given date in the specified format. If format is an empty string, an empty string is returned.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
Returns a localized string representation of the given date according to the specified format.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
Returns a localized string representation of the given time according to the specified format. If format is an empty string, an empty string is returned.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
Returns a localized string representation of the given time in the specified format.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
See also toULongLong().
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
f and prec have the same meaning as in QString::number(double, char, int).
See also toDouble().
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
See also toShort().
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
See also toUShort().
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
See also toInt().
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
See also toUInt().
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
f and prec have the same meaning as in QString::number(double, char, int).
See also toDouble().
Returns the unsigned int represented by the localized string s, using base base. If base is 0 the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the string begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal; if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal; otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.
If the conversion fails the function returns 0.
If ok is not 0, failure is reported by setting *ok to false, and success by setting *ok to true.
This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.
See also toInt() and toString().
Returns the unsigned long long int represented by the localized string s, using base base. If base is 0 the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the string begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal; if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal; otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.
If the conversion fails the function returns 0.
If ok is not 0, failure is reported by setting *ok to false, and success by setting *ok to true.
This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.
See also toLongLong(), toInt(), toDouble(), and toString().
Returns the unsigned short int represented by the localized string s, using base base. If base is 0 the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the string begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal; if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal; otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.
If the conversion fails the function returns 0.
If ok is not 0, failure is reported by setting *ok to false, and success by setting *ok to true.
This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.
See also toShort() and toString().
Returns the zero digit character of this locale.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.
Returns true if the QLocale object is not the same as the other locale specified; otherwise returns false.
Assigns other to this QLocale object and returns a reference to this QLocale object.
Returns true if the QLocale object is the same as the other locale specified; otherwise returns false.
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