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QScreenCursor Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QScreenCursor class is a base class for screen cursors in Qtopia Core. More...

 #include <QScreenCursor>

Public Functions

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

The QScreenCursor class is a base class for screen cursors in Qtopia Core.

Note that this class is non-portable, and that it is only available in Qtopia Core.

QScreenCursor implements a software cursor, but can be subclassed to support hardware cursors as well. When deriving from the QScreenCursor class it is important to maintain the cursor's image, position, hot spot (the point within the cursor's image that will be the position of the associated mouse events) and visibility as well as informing whether it is hardware accelerated or not.

Note that there may only be one screen cursor at a time. Use the static instance() function to retrieve a pointer to the current screen cursor. Typically, the cursor is constructed by the QScreen class or one of its descendants when it is initializing the device; the QScreenCursor class should never be instantiated explicitly.

Use the move() function to change the position of the cursor, and the set() function to alter its image or its hot spot. In addition, you can find out whether the cursor is accelerated or not, using the isAccelerated() function, and the boundingRect() function returns the cursor's bounding rectangle.

The cursor's appearance can be controlled using the isVisible(), hide() and show() functions; alternatively the QWSServer class provides some means of controlling the cursor's appearance using the QWSServer::isCursorVisible() and QWSServer::setCursorVisible() functions.

See also QScreen and QWSServer.

Member Function Documentation

QScreenCursor::QScreenCursor ()

Constructs a screen cursor

QScreenCursor::~QScreenCursor ()   [virtual]

Destroys the screen cursor.

QRect QScreenCursor::boundingRect () const

Returns the cursor's bounding rectangle.

void QScreenCursor::hide ()   [virtual]

Hides the cursor from the screen.

See also show().

QImage QScreenCursor::image () const

Returns the cursor's image.

void QScreenCursor::initSoftwareCursor ()   [static]

Initializes the screen cursor.

This function is typically called from the screen driver when initializing the device. Alternatively, the cursor can be set directly using the pointer returned by the static instance() function.

See also QScreen::initDevice().

QScreenCursor * QScreenCursor::instance ()   [static]

Returns a pointer to the application's unique screen cursor.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

bool QScreenCursor::isAccelerated () const

Returns true if the cursor is accelerated; otherwise false.

bool QScreenCursor::isVisible () const

Returns true if the cursor is visible; otherwise false.

void QScreenCursor::move ( int x, int y )   [virtual]

Moves the mouse cursor to the given position, i.e., (x, y).

Note that the given position defines the top-left corner of the cursor's image, i.e., not the cursor's hot spot (the position of the associated mouse events).

See also set().

void QScreenCursor::set ( const QImage & image, int hotx, int hoty )   [virtual]

Sets the cursor's image to be the given image.

The hotx and hoty parameters define the cursor's hot spot, i.e., the point within the cursor's image that will be the position of the associated mouse events.

See also move().

void QScreenCursor::show ()   [virtual]

Shows the mouse cursor.

See also hide().


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