Detailed Description
The Q3CheckTableItem class provides checkboxes in Q3Tables.
A Q3CheckTableItem is a table item which looks and behaves like a checkbox. The advantage of using Q3CheckTableItems rather than real checkboxes is that a Q3CheckTableItem uses far less resources than a real checkbox would in a Q3Table. When the cell has the focus it displays a real checkbox which the user can interact with. When the cell does not have the focus the cell looks like a checkbox. Pixmaps may not be used in Q3CheckTableItems.
Q3CheckTableItem items have the edit type WhenCurrent (see EditType).
To change the checkbox's label use setText(). The checkbox can be checked and unchecked with setChecked() and its state retrieved using isChecked().
To populate a table cell with a Q3CheckTableItem use Q3Table::setItem().
Q3CheckTableItems can be distinguished from Q3TableItems and Q3ComboTableItems using their Run Time Type Identification (rtti) value.

See also rtti(), EditType, Q3ComboTableItem, Q3TableItem, and QCheckBox.
Member Function Documentation
Q3CheckTableItem::Q3CheckTableItem ( Q3Table * table, const QString & txt )
Creates a Q3CheckTableItem with an EditType of WhenCurrent as a child of table. The checkbox is initially unchecked and its label is set to the string txt.
bool Q3CheckTableItem::isChecked () const
Returns true if the checkbox table item is checked; otherwise returns false.
See also setChecked().
int Q3CheckTableItem::rtti () const [virtual]
Returns 2.
Make your derived classes return their own values for rtti()to distinguish between different table item subclasses. You should use values greater than 1000, preferably a large random number, to allow for extensions to this class.
Reimplemented from Q3TableItem.
See also Q3TableItem::rtti().
void Q3CheckTableItem::setChecked ( bool b ) [virtual]
If b is true the checkbox is checked; if b is false the checkbox is unchecked.
See also isChecked().