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Installing Qt on the Symbian platform

Note: Qt for the Symbian platform has some requirements that are given in more detail in the Qt for the Symbian platform Requirements document.

Note: This document describes how to install and configure Qt for the Symbian platform from scratch. If you are using pre-built binaries, follow the instructions given in the Installing Qt on the Symbian platform from a Binary Package document.

  1. Setup the development environment

    Make sure your Symbian development environment is correctly installed and patched as explained in the Qt for the Symbian platform Requirements document.

    After you have finished the Symbian development environment setup, it is good to verify that environment is functional for example by compiling one of the pure Symbian examples for both emulator and HW. This can be done from command prompt as follows:

     cd <Your SDK path>\S60CppExamples\Note\group
     bldmake bldfiles
     abld build winscw udeb
     abld build gcce urel

    If all steps pass without errors your Symbian development environment is very likely installed correctly.

  2. Install Qt

    Uncompress the downloaded source package into the directory you want Qt installed, e.g. C:\Qt\Snapshot: 2010-05-06 (Thursday) 04:14:24.

    Note: Qt must be installed on the same drive as the Symbian SDK you are using, and the install path must not contain any spaces.

  3. Environment variables

    In order to build and use Qt, the PATH environment variable needs to be extended:

     PATH               - to locate qmake, moc and other Qt tools

    This is done by adding c:\Qt\Snapshot: 2010-05-06 (Thursday) 04:14:24\bin to the PATH variable.

    On Windows the PATH can be extended by navigating to "Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environment variables".

    In addition, you must configure the environment for use with the Symbian emulator. This is done by locating the Carbide.c++ submenu on the Start menu, and choosing "Configure environment for WINSCW command line".

    If you are planning to use abld (the default build system that comes with the S60 SDK) to build Qt, you will also need to set the following environment variable:


    This is not necessary for other applications, only when building Qt.

  4. Configure Qt

    To configure Qt for the Symbian platform, do:

     cd \Qt\Snapshot: 2010-05-06 (Thursday) 04:14:24
     configure -platform win32-g++ -xplatform symbian-abld

    to build the tools using MinGW, and the libraries using abld. or

     cd \Qt\Snapshot: 2010-05-06 (Thursday) 04:14:24
     configure -platform win32-g++ -xplatform symbian-sbsv2

    to build the tools using MinGW, and the libraries using SBSv2.

    SBSv2 (also known as Raptor) is a next-generation Symbian build system. SBSv2 is not officially supported by any of the S60 SDKs currently available from Forum Nokia.

  5. Build Qt

    To build Qt for the emulator, type:

     make debug-winscw

    To build Qt for the device, type:

     make release-armv5

    Congratulations, Qt is now ready to use.

  6. Installing Qt libraries on the device

    To run the demo on a real device, you first have to install the Qt libraries on the device:

     cd src\s60installs
     make sis QT_SIS_OPTIONS=-i QT_SIS_CERTIFICATE=<certificate file> QT_SIS_KEY=<certificate key file>
     cd ..\3rdparty\webkit\WebCore
     make sis QT_SIS_OPTIONS=-i QT_SIS_CERTIFICATE=<certificate file> QT_SIS_KEY=<certificate key file>

    The Qt libraries are built with "All -Tcb" capability, so that they can support all types of application. If you don't have a suitable certificate, it is possible to patch the binaries as follows:

    1. Installing Qt without a certificate

      If you have no certificate, build a self signed Qt:

       cd src\s60installs Qt_template.pkg release-armv5
       make sis QT_SIS_OPTIONS=-i
       cd ..\3rdparty\webkit\WebCore QtWebkit_template.pkg release-armv5
       make sis QT_SIS_OPTIONS=-i
    2. Installing Qt with a Symbian developer certificate

      If you have a symbian-signed developer certificate, specify the capabilities you can sign for, for example:

       cd src\s60installs Qt_template.pkg release-armv5 "ALL -Tcb -AllFiles -DRM"
       make sis QT_SIS_OPTIONS=-i QT_SIS_CERTIFICATE=<certificate file> QT_SIS_KEY=<certificate key file>
       cd ..\3rdparty\webkit\WebCore QtWebKit_template.pkg release-armv5 "ALL -Tcb -AllFiles -DRM"
       make sis QT_SIS_OPTIONS=-i QT_SIS_CERTIFICATE=<certificate file> QT_SIS_KEY=<certificate key file>
  7. Running Qt demos

    We've included a subset of the Qt demos in this package for you to try out. An excellent starting point is the "fluidlauncher" demo.

    Similarly, install fluidlauncher to the device:

     cd demos\embedded\fluidlauncher
     make sis QT_SIS_OPTIONS=-i

    This will create a self-signed fluidlauncher.sis and install it to your device.

    To run the demos on the emulator simply navigate to the directory of the demo you want to see and run:

     make run

    For more information about building and running Qt programs on the Symbian platform, see The Symbian platform - Introduction to Qt.

    We hope you will enjoy using Qt.


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Le Qt Developer Network est un réseau de développeurs Qt anglophone, où ils peuvent partager leur expérience sur le framework. Lire l'article.



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