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Cross-Platform and Platform-Specific Development

Qt allows you to write advanced applications and UIs once, and deploy them across desktop and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code. The top section of this page provides an overview of the tools and techniques used in Qt application development. Still, you might want to add platform-specific features to your code. The bottom section of the page links to documents that describe platform-specific features provided by Qt, and discuss issues related to particular platforms and environments.

Cross-Platform Development with Qt

Qt is provided with a set of build tools to help developers automate the process of building and installing Qt applications.

DevelopmentCross-Platform IssuesSpecific Tools

Platform-Specific Development with Qt

These documents describe platform-specific features provided by Qt, and discuss issues related to particular platforms and environments.

  • Workaround to make it work.
  • Information about the C++ compilers and tools used to build Qt.
  • Information for developing Qt applications for Mac OS X
  • A summary of known issues in this Qt version at the time of release.
  • Information about the platforms on which Qt can be used.
  • Information about the state of support for the Symbian platform.
  • Qt API's for using ActiveX controls, servers, and COM.
  • Classes that are specific to Qt for Embedded Linux.
  • Documents related to Qt for Embedded Platforms.
  • A description of issues with Qt that are specific to Mac OS X.
  • An explanation of Qt's native features on Mac OS X.
  • The platforms supported by Nokia for Qt.
  • Describes the use and license of the qtmain helper library.
  • Collections of notes about Qt implementations on different window systems.
Cette page est une traduction d'une page de la documentation de Qt, écrite par Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). Les éventuels problèmes résultant d'une mauvaise traduction ne sont pas imputables à Nokia. Qt 4.7-snapshot
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