bool |
qint8 |
qint16 |
qint32 |
qint64 |
quint8 |
quint16 |
quint32 |
quint64 |
float |
- 32-bit floating point number using the standard IEEE 754 format
double |
- 64-bit floating point number using the standard IEEE 754 format
const char * |
- The string length (quint32)
- The string bytes, excluding the terminating 0
QBitArray |
- The array size (quint32)
- The array bits, i.e. (size + 7)/8 bytes
QBrush |
- The brush style (quint8)
- The brush color (QColor)
- If style is CustomPattern, the brush pixmap (QPixmap)
QByteArray |
- If the byte array is null: 0xFFFFFFFF (quint32)
- Otherwise: the array size (quint32) followed by the array bytes, i.e. size bytes
QColor |
- Color spec (qint8)
- Alpha value (quint16)
- Red value (quint16)
- Green value (quint16)
- Blue value (quint16)
- Pad value (quint16)
QCursor |
- Shape ID (qint16)
- If shape is BitmapCursor: The bitmap (QPixmap), mask (QPixmap), and hot spot (QPoint)
QDate |
QDateTime |
QEasingCurve |
- type (quint8)
- func (quint64)
- hasConfig (bool)
- If hasConfig is true then these fields follow:
- list
- period (double)
- amplitude (double)
- overshoot (double)
QFont |
- The family (QString)
- The point size (qint16)
- The style hint (quint8)
- The char set (quint8)
- The weight (quint8)
- The font bits (quint8)
QHash<Key, T> |
- The number of items (quint32)
- For all items, the key (Key) and value (T)
QIcon |
- The number of pixmap entries (quint32)
- For all pixmap entries:
QImage |
- If the image is null a "null image" marker is saved; otherwise the image is saved in PNG or BMP format (depending on the stream version). If you want control of the format, stream the image into a QBuffer (using QImageIO) and stream that.
QKeySequence |
- A QList<int>, where each integer is a key in the key sequence
QLinkedList<T> |
- The number of items (quint32)
- The items (T)
QList<T> |
- The number of items (quint32)
- The items (T)
QMap<Key, T> |
- The number of items (quint32)
- For all items, the key (Key) and value (T)
QMatrix(obsolete) |
- m11 (double)
- m12 (double)
- m21 (double)
- m22 (double)
- dx (double)
- dy (double)
QMatrix4x4 |
- m11 (double)
- m12 (double)
- m13 (double)
- m14 (double)
- m21 (double)
- m22 (double)
- m23 (double)
- m24 (double)
- m31 (double)
- m32 (double)
- m33 (double)
- m34 (double)
- m41 (double)
- m42 (double)
- m43 (double)
- m44 (double)
QPair<T1, T2> |
QPalette | The disabled, active, and inactive color groups, each of which consists of the following:
QPen |
- The pen styles (quint8)
- The pen width (quint16)
- The pen color (QColor)
QPicture |
- The size of the picture data (quint32)
- The raw bytes of picture data (char)
QPixmap |
QPoint |
- The x coordinate (qint32)
- The y coordinate (qint32)
QQuaternion |
- The scalar component (double)
- The x coordinate (double)
- The y coordinate (double)
- The z coordinate (double)
QRect |
- left (qint32)
- top (qint32)
- right (qint32)
- bottom (qint32)
QRegExp |
- The regexp pattern (QString)
- Case sensitivity (quint8)
- Regular expression syntax (quint8)
- Minimal matching (quint8)
QRegion |
- The size of the data, i.e. 8 + 16 * (number of rectangles) (quint32)
- 10 (qint32)
- The number of rectangles (quint32)
- The rectangles in sequential order (QRect)
QSize |
- width (qint32)
- height (qint32)
QString |
- If the string is null: 0xFFFFFFFF (quint32)
- Otherwise: The string length in bytes (quint32) followed by the data in UTF-16
QTime |
- Milliseconds since midnight (quint32)
QTransform |
- m11 (double)
- m12 (double)
- m13 (double)
- m21 (double)
- m22 (double)
- m23 (double)
- m31 (double)
- m32 (double)
- m33 (double)
QUrl |
QVariant |
- The type of the data (quint32)
- The null flag (qint8)
- The data of the specified type
QVector2D |
- the x coordinate (double)
- the y coordinate (double)
QVector3D |
- the x coordinate (double)
- the y coordinate (double)
- the z coordinate (double)
QVector4D |
- the x coordinate (double)
- the y coordinate (double)
- the z coordinate (double)
- the w coordinate (double)
QVector<T> |
- The number of items (quint32)
- The items (T)