Q3TableSelection Class ReferenceThe Q3TableSelection class provides access to a selected area in a Q3Table. More... #include <Q3TableSelection> This class is part of the Qt 3 support library. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code. See Porting to Qt 4 for more information. Public Functions
Detailed DescriptionThe Q3TableSelection class provides access to a selected area in a Q3Table. The selection is a rectangular set of cells in a Q3Table. One of the rectangle's cells is called the anchor cell; this is the cell that was selected first. The init() function sets the anchor and the selection rectangle to exactly this cell; the expandTo() function expands the selection rectangle to include additional cells. There are various access functions to find out about the area: anchorRow() and anchorCol() return the anchor's position; leftCol(), rightCol(), topRow() and bottomRow() return the rectangle's four edges. All four are part of the selection. A newly created Q3TableSelection is inactive -- isActive() returns false. You must use init() and expandTo() to activate it. Q3Table::selectCells() Q3Table::selectRow() Q3Table::selectColumn() See also Q3Table, Q3Table::addSelection(), and Q3Table::selection(). Member Function Documentation
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