QTextFrame Class ReferenceThe QTextFrame class represents a frame in a QTextDocument. More... #include <QTextFrame> Inherits: QTextObject. Inherited by: QTextTable. Note: All functions in this class are reentrant. Public Types
Public Functions
Additional Inherited Members
Detailed DescriptionThe QTextFrame class represents a frame in a QTextDocument. Text frames provide structure for the text in a document. They are used as generic containers for other document elements. Frames are usually created by using QTextCursor::insertFrame(). Frames can be used to create hierarchical structures in rich text documents. Each document has a root frame (QTextDocument::rootFrame()), and each frame beneath the root frame has a parent frame and a (possibly empty) list of child frames. The parent frame can be found with parentFrame(), and the childFrames() function provides a list of child frames. Each frame contains at least one text block to enable text cursors to insert new document elements within. As a result, the QTextFrame::iterator class is used to traverse both the blocks and child frames within a given frame. The first and last child elements in the frame can be found with begin() and end(). A frame also has a format (specified using QTextFrameFormat) which can be set with setFormat() and read with format(). Text cursors can be obtained that point to the first and last valid cursor positions within a frame; use the firstCursorPosition() and lastCursorPosition() functions for this. The frame's extent in the document can be found with firstPosition() and lastPosition(). You can iterate over a frame's contents using the QTextFrame::iterator class: this provides read-only access to its internal list of text blocks and child frames. See also QTextCursor and QTextDocument. Member Function Documentation
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