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Qt's Tools

Qt is supplied with several command line and graphical tools to ease and speed the development process. Each tool is listed here with a link to its documentation.

Qt DesignerCreate forms visually.
Qt AssistantQuickly find the help you need.
Qt Linguist, lupdate, lrelease, lconvertTranslate applications to reach international markets.
qmakeCreate makefiles from simple platform-independent project files (.pro files).
qvfbRun and test embedded applications on the desktop.
makeqpfCreate pre-rendered fonts for embedded devices.
Meta-Object Compiler (moc)Generate meta-object information for QObject subclasses.
User Interface Compiler (uic)Generate C++ code from user interface files.
Resource Compiler (rcc)Embed resources into Qt applications during the build process.
Configuring Qt (qtconfig)X11-based Qt configuration tool with online help.
Configuring Qt Embedded (qconfig)Qt Embedded (Linux and Windows CE) configuration tool.
Examples and Demos LauncherA launcher for Qt's Examples and Demonstration programs.
qt3to4 - The Qt 3 to 4 Porting ToolA tool to assist in porting applications from Qt 3 to Qt 4.
QtDBus XML compiler (qdbusxml2cpp)A tool to convert D-Bus interface descriptions to C++ source code.
D-Bus ViewerA tool to introspect D-Bus objects and messages.
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