QWSClient Class ReferenceThe QWSClient class encapsulates a client process in Qt for Embedded Linux. More... #include <QWSClient> Inherits: QObject. Public Functions
Additional Inherited Members
Detailed DescriptionThe QWSClient class encapsulates a client process in Qt for Embedded Linux. When you run a Qt for Embedded Linux application, it either runs as a server or connects to an existing server. The server and client processes have different responsibilities: The client process performs all application specific operations. The server process is responsible for managing the clients as well as taking care of the pointer handling, character input, and screen output. In addition, the server provides functionality to handle input methods. As applications add and remove windows, the server process maintains information about each window. In Qt for Embedded Linux, top-level windows are encapsulated as QWSWindow objects. A list of the current windows can be retrieved using the QWSServer::clientWindows() function, and each window can tell which client that owns it through its QWSWindow::client() function. A QWSClient object has an unique ID that can be retrieved using its clientId() function. QWSClient also provides the identity() function which typically returns the name of this client's running application. See also QWSServer, QWSWindow, and Qt for Embedded Linux Architecture. Member Function Documentation
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