Window System Specific NotesQt is a cross-platform GUI toolkit, so almost the entire API is the same on all platforms and window systems. If you wish to use platform-specific features, and still maintain a platform-independent source tree, you should protect the platform-specific code using the appropriate #ifdef directives (see below). Qt provides a few low-level global functions for fine-tuning applications on specific platforms. See Platform-Specific Functions for details. For information about which platforms are supported by Qt, see the Platform and Compiler Notes. For information on distributing Qt applications, see Deploying Qt Applications. Qt for X11When compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_X11 is defined. Not documented here. Please contact Qt's technical support team if you have queries. See the Qt for X11 Requirements page for more information about the libraries required to build Qt with as many features as possible. Qt for WindowsWhen compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_WIN is defined. Not documented here. Please contact Qt's technical support team if you have queries. Qt for Mac OS XWhen compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_MAC is defined. Qt for Embedded LinuxWhen compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_QWS is defined (the window system is literally the Qt Window System). See the Qt for Embedded Linux documentation for more information. Qt for Windows CEWhen compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_WINCE is defined. See the Qt for Windows CE documentation for more information. Qt for the Symbian platformWhen compiling for this platform, the macro Q_WS_S60 is defined. See the The Symbian platform - Introduction to Qt documentation for more information. |
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