reportGlobals.xq Example Filexmlpatterns/xquery/globalVariables/reportGlobals.xq(: This XQuery loads a GCC-XML file and reports the locations of all global variables in the original C++ source. To run the query, use the command line: xmlpatterns reportGlobals.xq -param fileToOpen=globals.gccxml -output globals.html "fileToOpen=globals.gccxml" binds the file name "globals.gccxml" to the variable "fileToOpen" declared and used below. :) declare variable $fileToOpen as xs:anyURI external; declare variable $inDoc as document-node() := doc($fileToOpen); (: This function determines whether the typeId is a complex type, e.g. QString. We only check whether it's a class. To be strictly correct, we should check whether the class has a non-synthesized constructor. We accept both mutable and const types. :) declare function local:isComplexType($typeID as xs:string) as xs:boolean { exists($inDoc/GCC_XML/Class[@id = $typeID]) or exists($inDoc/GCC_XML/Class[@id = $inDoc/GCC_XML/CvQualifiedType[@id = $typeID]/@type]) }; (: This function determines whether the typeId is a primitive type. :) declare function local:isPrimitive($typeId as xs:string) as xs:boolean { exists($inDoc/GCC_XML/FundamentalType[@id = $typeId]) }; (: This function constructs a line for the report. The line contains a variable name, the source file, and the line number. :) declare function local:location($block as element()) as xs:string { concat($inDoc/GCC_XML/File[@id = $block/@file]/@name, " at line ", $block/@line) }; (: This function generates the report. Note that it is called once in the <body> element of the <html> output. It ignores const variables of simple types but reports all others. :) declare function local:report() as element()+ { let $complexVariables as element(Variable)* := $inDoc/GCC_XML/Variable[local:isComplexType(@type)] return if (exists($complexVariables)) then (<p xmlns="">Global variables with complex types:</p>, <ol xmlns=""> { (: For each Variable in $complexVariables... :) $complexVariables/<li><span class="variableName">{string(@name)}</span> in {local:location(.)}</li> } </ol>) else <p xmlns="">No complex global variables found.</p> , let $primitiveVariables as element(Variable)+ := $inDoc/GCC_XML/Variable[local:isPrimitive(@type)] return if (exists($primitiveVariables)) then (<p xmlns="">Mutable global variables with primitives types:</p>, <ol xmlns=""> { (: For each Variable in $complexVariables... :) $primitiveVariables/<li><span class="variableName">{string(@name)}</span> in {local:location(.)}</li> } </ol>) else <p xmlns="">No mutable primitive global variables found.</p> }; (: This is where the <html> report is output. First there is some style stuff, then the <body> element, which contains the call to the \c{local:report()} declared above. :) <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Global variables report for {$fileToOpen}</title> </head> <style type="text/css"> .details {{ text-align: left; font-size: 80%; color: blue }} .variableName {{ font-family: courier; color: blue }} </style> <body> <p class="details">Start report: {current-dateTime()}</p> { local:report() } <p class="details">End report: {current-dateTime()}</p> </body> </html> |
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