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ContactsService Class Reference

The ContactsService class provides the Contacts service. More...

    #include <ContactsService>

Inherits QtopiaAbstractService.

Public Slots

  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The ContactsService class provides the Contacts service.

The Contacts service enables applications to access features of the Contacts application.

Member Function Documentation

void ContactsService::activateLink ( const QDSActionRequest & request )   [slot]

Activate the QDL link contained within request.

This slot corresponds to a QDS service with a request data type of QDLLink::mimeType() and no response data.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::activateLink(QDSActionRequest).

void ContactsService::addAndEditContact ( const QContact & contact )   [slot]

Adds a contact, and invokes a dialog with the user to then edit the contact, for example to fill in any additional fields not supplied by the caller.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::addAndEditContact(QContact).

void ContactsService::addContact ( const QContact & contact )   [slot]

Adds a contact.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::addContact(QContact).

void ContactsService::addPhoneNumberToContact ( const QString & phoneNumber )   [slot]

Prompts the user to assign the given phoneNumber to a contact of their choice, or to a new contact they then create. The phone number might for example have been supplied by phone network calling-number-identification.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::addPhoneNumberToContact(QString).

void ContactsService::createNewContact ( const QString & phoneNumber )   [slot]

Prompts the user to create a new contact with given phoneNumber. The user will need to select a phone type for phoneNumber first and then edit the new contact.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::createNewContact(QString).

void ContactsService::editPersonal ()   [slot]

Invokes a dialog with the user, allowing them to enter their personal details as a Contact entry.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::editPersonal().

void ContactsService::editPersonalAndClose ()   [slot]

Invokes a dialog with the user, allowing them to enter their personal details as a Contact entry. The main application window will be closed, with only the dialog displayed.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::editPersonalAndClose().

void ContactsService::peerPublishRequest ( const QString & provider )   [slot]

A request to add the current user as a subscribed presence has been received.

The provider corresponds to the QCollectivePresence service provider with that name. Each of the pending publish requests are processed.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::peerPublishRequest(QString)

void ContactsService::removeContact ( const QContact & contact )   [slot]

Removes a contact.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::removeContact(QContact).

void ContactsService::requestLinks ( const QDSActionRequest & request )   [slot]

Request for one or more QDL links using the hint contained within request.

This slot corresponds to a QDS service with a request data type of "text/x-qstring" and response data type of QDLLink::listMimeType().

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::requestLinks(QDSActionRequest).

void ContactsService::setContactImage ( const QString & filename )   [slot]

Prompts the user to assign the image in filename to a contact of their choice. The image might, for example, have been recently taken by a built-in camera.

The file is owned by the application that sent it. The Contacts application will make a copy if it could later delete the image.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::setContactImage(QString).

void ContactsService::setContactImage ( const QDSActionRequest & request )   [slot]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Prompts the user to assign the image in request to a contact of their choice. The image might, for example, have been recently taken by a built-in camera. The Contacts application will make a copy of the image.

This slot corresponds to a QDS service with a request data type of "image/x-qpixmap" and no response data.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::setContactImage(QDSActionRequest).

void ContactsService::setPersonalImage ( const QString & filename )   [slot]

Sets the image in filename as the portrait in the user's personal contact details.

The file is owned by the application that sent it. The Contacts application will make a copy if it could later delete the image.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::setPersonalImage(QString).

void ContactsService::showContact ( const QUniqueId & uid )   [slot]

Shows details of the contact identified by uid to the user.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::showContact(QUniqueId).

void ContactsService::showContacts ()   [slot]

Shows the list of contacts.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::showContacts().

void ContactsService::updateContact ( const QContact & contact )   [slot]

Updates a contact.

This slot corresponds to the QCop service message Contacts::updateContact(QContact).

void ContactsService::updateEditDetails ( const QContact & contact )   [slot]

If the edit contact dialog is closed, or open to a contact with the same identifier as the given contact then update the details of the contact edit dialog to reflect the data in the given contact.


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