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Multimedia: Media Player
Functional Description


Display album cover art

The Media Player supports the display of cover art and track details in the "now playing" window. This information can be:

  • Embedded in the id3 tag of an mp3 file.
  • Available through local specially named files, file name Folder.jpg in the same directory as the mp3.

Fullscreen video playback

Playback can be made full screen (hiding the navigation bar), or confined to the normal player window

Media Browser

The media player allows users to browse their media library using metadata. The metadata types include artist, album and genre. These metadata types form hierarchies which the user is able to browse.

Media Player

The Qt Extended Media Player application is used to playback music and videos. It is based on the common application framework provided by the Multimedia Architecture.

Online Help

The media player includes context sensitive online help.

Playback controls

Qt Extended Home provides an overlayed, non-persistent panel for controlling audio/video playback.

This means the player will

  • not display the panel until the user taps on the screen, or if the user has just entered the screen,
  • after which it will 'slide' off the screen bottom, or fade.

Having the panel shown on entry is a UI helper action for the user, to indicate that there is a non-persistent control.

The controls are:

  • Playback status
    o Play, pause and stop icons
  • Playback control
    o Play, pause, stop
  • Seek control
  • Volume control
    o Mute

Playback Status

When a music file is played the following information is displayed:

  • track name
  • track duration
  • current position in the track.

In addition the use is able to view:

  • track artist
  • track album
  • album cover

Playlist Support

Qt Extended supports the following playlist formats:

  • M3U
  • PLS

Playlists (apart from "My Shuffle") contain support for the following operations:
Queuing Songs,
Removing Songs,
Playing specific indexes,
Storage and Retrieval.

Also being based upon the QAbstractListModel class, they support most basic model functionality.


The media player allows users to:

  • create a playlist by queuing an artist, album, genre or individual track
  • save custom playlists
  • modify the playlists 'on the fly'
  • clear a playlist

Smart Shuffle

Users are able to control the shuffling of tracks by voting for those they like.

Support rotation of video.

This feature is provided as part of the Touchscreen Phone Reference Design.

Qt Extended supports rotation of video.

Touchscreen Support

The media player provides touchscreen support for playback, seek and volume control. For seeking and volume the media player uses a throttle widget for precise control and operation without a stylus.

User Interface

The user interface takes full advantage of features available in Qt to enhance user experience. The user interface features a complex composition as well as anti-aliased rendering.

Playback of music and video now share a common simplified interface for:

  • Playback status
    • Play, pause and stop icons
  • Playback control
    • Play, pause, stop
  • Seek control
  • Volume control
    • Mute

Copyright © 2009 Nokia Trademarks
Qt Extended 4.4.3

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