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Communications: Internet: VoIP
Functional Description

VoIP is integrated into Qt Extended at the Phone Library level. The intuitive user interface integration, together with a generic VoIP framework facilitate the use of VoIP stacks. The VoIP user interface integration functions the same way as traditional GSM telephony, that is, a VoIP call can be made by simply dialing a VoIP identifier in the same way a phone number is dialed and a contact can have a corresponding VoIP identifier. As with GSM calls the corresponding contact is shown when making and receiving a VoIP call and VoIP calls are recorded in Call History.

Documentation describing the process of integrating a VoIP stack and the associated framework is provided in the Qt Extended VoIP Integration documentation.


Asterisk IAX2 Support

The open source Asterisk VoIP server supports several protocols, including SIP and IAX2. The IAX2 protocol is Asterisk's native protocol, and can be simpler to deploy than SIP-based systems.

Qt Extended Phone Edition contains an example integration of IAX2 using the LGPL'ed iaxclient library, which handles registration, call setup, audio codecs, etc. The integration serves as an example of how to integrate a non-SIP VoIP implementation. The VoIP Integration Guide describes the IAX2 integration in further detail.

Incoming voice calls

This feature is provided as part of the Deskphone Reference Design.

On the event of an incoming call, a dialog prompts the user to either accept or reject the call.

If the user is already on a call, the user is given the additional options of ending or holding the current call to answer the incoming call, or merging the calls into a multiparty (or conference) call.

Outgoing voice calls

Calls can be made to other phones which are provided by the subscribed service. Calls are made via the dialer, or through supported applications.


  • General features
    • VoIP integrated into dialer user interface
    • VoIP ID included in contact data and accessible from the Contacts application
    • Presence status of contacts shown in Contacts application
    • VoIP is provided as a compiler option
    • framework provides an interface to abstract the VoIP stack from Qt Extended
  • Phone Library Integration
    • provides access to VoIP functionality to applications
    • provides basic call management functionality - VoIP call initiation/origination and termination
    • supports Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
    • implements a statusQuery API to allow other applications to query information and status

Copyright © 2009 Nokia Trademarks
Qt Extended 4.4.3

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