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Tutorial: Simple Media Engine


The Ffmpeg Media Engine tutorial shows how to use the Qt Extended Media API to create a simple Media Engine.

The engine requires ffmpeg installed into your system or toolchain. This engine is for demonstration purposes only.

Firstly ffmpeg requires initialization, this is added to ffmpegengine.cpp


Everything else goes into ffmpegplaybinsession.cpp In constructor open audio output

    d->output = new QAudioOutput(this);

Create video output, wrapper class for QVideoFrame, see ffmpegdirectpainterwidget.cpp

    d->sinkWidget = new DirectPainterWidget;

Ffmpeg's open and codec functions


Once we have all the information about the file to play we can register if it has video to play.

    d->videoControlServer = new QMediaVideoControlServer(d->id);
    d->interfaces << "Video";
    emit interfaceAvailable("Video");
    d->haveStreamInfo = true;

When the system is ready to start playback void PlaybinSession::start() is called to begin, readFrame() is called to decode and output the audio and video data.

    // audio output
    d->output->write((const char*)audio_buf,(qint64)data_size);
    // video output

Engine Class Definition

    class QMediaEngineInformation;
    class QMediaSessionRequest;
    class QMediaServerSession;

    namespace ffmpeg

    class EnginePrivate;

    class Engine : public QMediaEngine


        void initialize();

        void start();
        void stop();

        void suspend();
        void resume();

        QMediaEngineInformation const* engineInformation();

        void registerSession(QMediaServerSession* session);
        void unregisterSession(QMediaServerSession* session);

        PlaybinSession*   s;
        EnginePrivate*    d;

PlaybinSession Class Definition

    class PlaybinSessionPrivate;

    class PlaybinSession : public QMediaServerSession

        PlaybinSession(Engine* engine, QUuid const& id, QUrl const& url,
                QMediaDevice* sink);

        bool isValid() const;

        void start();
        void pause();
        void stop();

        void suspend();
        void resume();

        void seek(quint32 ms);
        quint32 length();

        void setVolume(int volume);
        int volume() const;

        void setMuted(bool mute);
        bool isMuted() const;

        QtopiaMedia::State playerState() const;

        QString errorString();

        void setDomain(QString const& domain);
        QString domain() const;

        QStringList interfaces();

        QString id() const;
        QString reportData() const;

    private slots:
        void readFrame();

        void getStreamsInfo();
        void readySession();

        PlaybinSessionPrivate*  d;

Building the Simple Media Engine

To install and run the demonstration, carry out the following steps.

  1. Create a new directory (e.g. $HOME/src/ffmpeg) and copy all the example files to that directory.
            mkdir $HOME/src/ffmpeg
            cd $HOME/src/ffmpeg
            cp -r <qt-extended-source-directory>/examples/ffmpeg/* .
            chmod +w *
  2. Build the new engine.

    Add CONFIG+=enable_ffmpeg to the pro file or add it to your device profiles custom.pri file

            export QPEDIR=<qt-extended-build-directory>
            $QPEDIR/bin/qbuild image
  3. Run Qt Extended.
  4. Restart Qt Extended.

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