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Messaging Classes

These classes allow clients to work with mail messages, providing access to message creation, storage and display functionality.

See also Qt Extended Messaging Library.

AccountConfigurationStores attributes associated with an external messaging account
QMailAccountRepresents a messaging account in the mail store
QMailAccountIdUsed to identify accounts stored by QMailStore
QMailAccountKeyDefines the parameters used for querying a subset of all available accounts from the mail store
QMailAccountListModelAccess to a list of stored accounts
QMailAccountMessageSetRepresents a set of messages corresponding to the content of a QMailAccount
QMailAccountSortKeyDefines the parameters used for sorting a subset of queried accounts from the store
QMailAddressInterface for manipulating message address strings
QMailBase64CodecEncodes or decodes between 8-bit data and 7-bit ASCII, using the Base64 character mapping scheme
QMailCodecMechanisms for encoding and decoding between 7-bit ASCII strings and arbitrary octet sequences
QMailComposerFactoryCreates objects implementing the QMailComposerInterface interface
QMailComposerInterfaceDefines the interface to objects that can compose a mail message
QMailComposerPluginDefines a base class for implementing mail message composer plug-ins
QMailComposerPluginInterfaceDefines the interface to plug-ins that provide mail message composers
QMailFilterMessageSetRepresents a set of messages selected by a pre-determined filter criteria
QMailFolderRepresents a folder for mail messages in the mail store
QMailFolderIdUsed to identify folders stored by QMailStore
QMailFolderKeyDefines the parameters used for querying a subset of all available folders from the mail store
QMailFolderMessageSetRepresents a set of messages corresponding to the content of a QMailFolder
QMailFolderSortKeyDefines the parameters used for sorting a subset of queried folders from the mail store
QMailLineEndingCodecEncodes textual data to use CR/LF line endings required for SMTP transmission
QMailMessageConvenient interface for working with messages
QMailMessageBodyContains the body element of a message or message part
QMailMessageContentDispositionEncapsulates the parsing of the RFC 2822 'Content-Disposition' header field
QMailMessageContentTypeEncapsulates the parsing of the RFC 2822 'Content-Type' header field
QMailMessageDelegateVisual representation of a message suitable for display in a list of messages
QMailMessageHeaderFieldEncapsulates the parsing of message header fields
QMailMessageIdUsed to identify messages stored by QMailStore
QMailMessageKeyDefines the parameters used for querying a subset of all available messages from the mail store
QMailMessageListModelAccess to a list of stored messages
QMailMessageMetaDataInformation about a message stored by Qtopia
QMailMessagePartConvenient interface for working with message attachments
QMailMessagePartContainerAccess to a collection of message parts
QMailMessageRemovalRecordRepresents the record of a message which has been removed from the mail store
QMailMessageServerSignals and slots which implement a convenient interface for communicating with the MessageServer process via IPC
QMailMessageSetRepresents a subset of the messages in the mail store
QMailMessageSetContainerSpecifies the interface implemented by container nodes in a QMailMessageSet tree hierarchy
QMailMessageSetModelModel for a tree of QMailMessageSets
QMailMessageSortKeyDefines the parameters used for sorting a subset of queried messages from the mail store
QMailNewEmailHandlerConvenient interface for responding to new email arrival notifications emitted by the message server
QMailNewInstantMessageHandlerConvenient interface for responding to new instant message arrival notifications emitted by the message server
QMailNewMessageHandlerConvenient interface for responding to new message arrival notifications emitted by the message server
QMailNewMmsHandlerConvenient interface for responding to new MMS arrival notifications emitted by the message server
QMailNewSmsHandlerConvenient interface for responding to new SMS arrival notifications emitted by the message server
QMailNewSystemMessageHandlerConvenient interface for responding to new system message arrival notifications emitted by the message server
QMailPassThroughCodecUses the QMailCodec interface to move data between streams without coding or decoding
QMailQuotedPrintableCodecEncodes or decodes between 8-bit data and 7-bit ASCII, using the 'quoted printable' character mapping scheme
QMailRetrievalActionThe interface for retrieving messages from external message services
QMailSearchActionThe interface for identifying messages that match a set of search criteria
QMailServiceActionThe interface for requesting actions from external message services
QMailStoreRepresents the main interface for storage and retrieval of messages and folders on the message store
QMailTimeStampManages message time stamps
QMailTransmitActionThe interface for transmitting messages to external message services
QMailViewerFactoryCreates objects implementing the QMailViewerInterface interface
QMailViewerInterfaceDefines the interface to objects that can display a mail message
QMailViewerPluginDefines a base class for implementing mail message viewer plug-ins
QMailViewerPluginInterfaceDefines the interface to plug-ins that provide mail message viewers
QMailServiceAction::StatusEncapsulates the instantaneous state of a QMailServiceAction


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