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Modem Emulator - Network

The AT commands in this section are used for accessing network services on GSM and similar networks.

AT+CAOC Advice of Charge

The AT+CAOC command enables the subscriber to get information about the cost of calls.

CommandPossible Responses
  • [+CAOC: <ccm>]
  • +CME ERROR: <err>
AT+CAOC?+CAOC: <mode>
AT+CAOC=?[+CAOC:(list of supported <mode>s)

The <mode> parameter can take the following values:

  • 0 Query CCM value
  • 1 Deactivate the unsolicited reporting of CCM value
  • 2 Activate the unsolicited reporting of CCM value

The unsolicited result code +CCCM: <ccm> is sent when the CCM value changes, but not more than every ten seconds, if enabled.

<ccm> is a string type; 3 bytes of the current call meter value in hexadecimal format.

Conforms with: 3GPP TS 27.007.

AT+CPLS Selection of Preferred PLMN List

The AT+CPLS command can be used to select one PLMN Selector With Access Technology list from the SIM card or active application in the UICC, which is used by the AT+CPOL command.

CommandPossible Responses
+CPLS=<list>+CME ERROR: <err>
  • +CPLS: <list>
  • +CME ERROR: <err>
  • +CPLS: (list of supported <list>s)
  • +CME ERROR: <err>

The <list> parameter can take the following values:

0User controlled PLMN Selector With Access Technology list
1Operator controlled PLMN Selector With Access Technology list
2HPLMN Selector With Access Technology list

Conforms with: 3GPP TS 27.007.


AT+CPOL Preferred PLMN List

The AT+CPOL command is used to edit the PLMN Selector With Access Technology lists in the SIM card or active application in the UICC.

CommandPossible Responses
+CPOL=[<index>][,<format>[,<oper>[,<GSM_AcT>, <GSM_Compact_AcT>,<UTRAN_AcT>]]]+CME ERROR: <err>
  • +CPOL: <index1>,<format>,<oper1>[,<GSM_AcT1>,<GSM_Compact_AcT1>,<UTRAN_AcT1>] [<CR><LF>+CPOL: <index2>,<format>,<oper2>[,<GSM_AcT2>,<GSM_Compact_AcT2>,<UTRAN_AcT2>]
  • +CME ERROR: <err>
  • +CPOL:(list of supported <index>s),list of supported <format>s)
  • +CME ERROR: <err>

Conforms with: 3GPP TS 27.007.


AT+CNUM Subscriber Number

The AT+CNUM command retrieves the MSISDN's related to the subscriber from the SIM.

CommandPossible Responses
    +CNUM: [<alpha>],<number>,<type>[,<speed>,<service>[,<itc>]]

Execution command returns the MSISDN's related to the subscriber from the SIM. If the subscriber has different MSISDN's for different services, each MSISDN is returned on a separate line.

<alpha>String indicating the name of a phonebook entry corresponding to <number>. Usually this is empty.
<number>String type phone number of calling address in format specified by <type>.
<type>Type of address octet in integer format (refer 3GPP TS 24.008).
<speed>GSM bearer speed value. See 3GPP TS 27.007 for more information.
  • Asynchronous modem
  • Synchronous modem
  • PAD access
  • Packet access
  • Voice
  • Reserved for future use: Fax
  • 0 3.1 kHz
  • 1 UDI

Conforms with: 3GPP TS 27.007.

AT+COPS Operator Selection

The AT+COPS command is used to select operators, to request the current operator details, and to request a list of the available operators.

CommandPossible Responses
  • OK
  • +CME ERROR: <err>
AT+COPS?+COPS: <mode>[,<format>,<oper>[,<AcT>]]
AT+COPS=?+COPS: [list of supported (<stat>,long <oper>,short <oper>,numeric <oper>[,<AcT>])][,,(list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <format>s)]

Set command forces an attempt to select and register the network operator. <mode> is used to select whether the selection is done automatically by the MT or is forced by this command to use operator <oper>. If the selected operator is not available, no other operator shall be selected (except for <mode>=4). The selected operator name format shall apply to further read commands. <mode>=2 forces an attempt to deregister from the network.

Read command returns the current mode, the currently selected operator and the current access technology (AcT). If no operator is selected, <format>, <oper>, and <AcT> are omitted.

Test command returns a set of five parameters, each representing an operator present in the network. Each set consists of a <stat> integer indicating the availability of the operator, long and short alphanumeric names for the operator, the numeric name for the operator, and the access technology.

  • 0 automatic
  • 1 manual
  • 2 deregister from the network
  • 3 set only <format>
  • 4 manual/automatic; if manual selection fails, use automatic
  • 0 long format alphanumeric <oper>
  • 1 short format alphanumeric <oper>
  • 2 numeric <oper>
<oper>String type indicating the name of the operator according to <format>.
  • 0 unknown
  • 1 available
  • 2 current
  • 3 forbidden
  • 0 GSM
  • 1 GSM Compact
  • 2 UTRAN

Conforms with: 3GPP TS 27.007.

AT+CREG Network Registration

The AT+CREG command control the presentation of unsolicited network registration changes.

CommandPossible Responses
  • OK
  • +CME ERROR: 3
AT+CREG?+CREG: <n>,<stat>[,<lac>,<ci>]
AT+CREG=?+CREG: (0-2)

Set command controls the presentation of an unsolicited result code +CREG: <stat>[,<lac>,<ci>] when there is a change in the network registration status.

Read command returns the presentation value and the current network registration status.

  • 0 disable network registration result code
  • 1 enable network registration unsolicited result code +CREG: <stat>
  • 2 enable network registration unsolicited result code +CREG: <stat>[,<lac>,<ci>]
  • 0 not registered and not currently searching for a network
  • 1 registered, home network
  • 2 not registered and searching for a network
  • 3 registration denied
  • 4 unknown
  • 5 registered, roaming
<lac>String type, indicating the two byte location area code in hexadecimal format.
<ci>String type, indicating the two byte cell ID in hexadecimal format.

Conforms with: 3GPP TS 27.007.

AT+CTFR Call Deflection

The AT+CTFR command causes an incoming alerting call to be forwarded to a specific number.

Call Deflection is only available to Teleservice 11.

CommandPossible Responses
AT+CTFR=<number>[,<type>[,<subaddr>[,<satype>]]]+CME ERROR: <err>

The <type>,<subaddr> and <satype> parameters are ignored in this implementation. The <number> parameter is a string type phone number.

Conforms with: 3GPP TS 27.007.

AT+CIMI Request International Mobile Subscriber Identity

The AT+CIMI command retrieves the IMSI value from the SIM.

CommandPossible Responses
  • <IMSI>
  • +CME ERROR: 10

An error will be returned if there is no SIM present, or the SIM is still being initialized and the IMSI is not available yet.

Conforms with: 3GPP TS 27.007.

[Previous: Modem Emulator - Identification] [Next: Modem Emulator - Supplementary Services]


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