Qt Extended Namespaces
QSystemTest | Script based system test functionality for Qt |
QValueSpace | Methods that are useful to Value Space layer implementors |
QtUiTest | The plugin interfaces used for customizing the behaviour of QtUiTest |
Qtopia | Contains miscellaneous functionality |
QtopiaCamera | Common camera definitions |
QtopiaSystemTest | Script based system test functionality for Qt Extended |
QtopiaVideo | Common video definitions |
StandardDeviceFeatures | Contains methods to disable the standard device feature handling |
Phonon::BackendCapabilities | Contains functions to describe the capabilities of the multimedia backend |
Phonon | Contains classes and functions for multimedia applications |
QDBus | Contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the QtDBus library |
QGL | Specifies miscellaneous identifiers used in the Qt OpenGL module |
QSql | Contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the Qt SQL library |
QSsl | Declares enums common to all SSL classes in QtNetwork |
QTest | Contains all the functions and declarations that are related to the QTestLib tool |
Qt | Contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the Qt library |
QtConcurrent | High-level APIs that make it possible to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives |
Cette page est une traduction d'une page de la documentation de Qt, écrite par Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). Les éventuels problèmes résultant d'une mauvaise traduction ne sont pas imputables à Nokia. | Qt qtextended4.4 | |
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