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QCBSMessage Class Reference

The QCBSMessage class specifies the contents of a cell broadcast message. More...

    #include <QCBSMessage>

Public Types

  • enum GeographicalScope { CellWide, PLMNWide, LocationAreaWide, CellWide2 }
  • enum Language { German, English, Italian, French, ..., Unspecified }

Public Functions

Static Public Members

  • QCBSMessage fromPdu ( const QByteArray & pdu )

Detailed Description

The QCBSMessage class specifies the contents of a cell broadcast message.

Cell broadcast messages arrive asynchronously from the network and are delivered to applications via the QCellBroadcast::broadcast() signal. The most common use of cell broadcast messages is to display cell location information.

Cell broadcast messages are uniquely identified by a combination of scope(), messageCode(), and updateNumber(). Together with the cell identifier, QNetworkRegistration::cellId(), and the location area code, QNetworkRegistration::locationAreaCode(), client applications can determine if a message is new, or a repetition of an existing message.

See also QCellBroadcast and QNetworkRegistration.

Member Type Documentation

enum QCBSMessage::GeographicalScope

Describes the geographical scope of a cell broadcast message, which is used to help determine if a cell broadcast message is new.

QCBSMessage::CellWide0The message is specific to the current cell. If a message arrives with the same messageCode() and updateNumber() as an existing message, but QNetworkRegistration::cellId() has changed, then the message is new rather than a repetition. Messages with the CellWide scope should be displayed immediately if possible.
QCBSMessage::PLMNWide1The message is specific to the network operator, regardless of cell.
QCBSMessage::LocationAreaWide2The message is specific to the location area. If a message arrives with the same messageCode() and updateNumber() as an existing message, but the QNetworkRegistration::locationAreaCode() has changed, then the message is new rather than a repetition.
QCBSMessage::CellWide23Same as CellWide, but the message does not need to be displayed immediately.

enum QCBSMessage::Language

Describes the language that a cell broadcast message is written in.

QCBSMessage::German0The message is written in German.
QCBSMessage::English1The message is written in English.
QCBSMessage::Italian2The message is written in Italian.
QCBSMessage::French3The message is written in French.
QCBSMessage::Spanish4The message is written in Spanish.
QCBSMessage::Dutch5The message is written in Dutch.
QCBSMessage::Swedish6The message is written in Swedish.
QCBSMessage::Danish7The message is written in Danish.
QCBSMessage::Portuguese8The message is written in Portuguese.
QCBSMessage::Finnish9The message is written in Finnish.
QCBSMessage::Norwegian10The message is written in Norwegian.
QCBSMessage::Greek11The message is written in Greek.
QCBSMessage::Turkish12The message is written in Turkish.
QCBSMessage::Hungarian13The message is written in Hungarian.
QCBSMessage::Polish14The message is written in Polish.
QCBSMessage::Unspecified15The language that the message is written in is unspecified.

Member Function Documentation

QCBSMessage::QCBSMessage ()

Constructs an empty QCBSMessage.

QCBSMessage::QCBSMessage ( const QCBSMessage & msg )

Constructs a copy of msg.

QCBSMessage::~QCBSMessage ()

Destructs the QCBSMessage.

uint QCBSMessage::channel () const

Returns the channel number for this cell broadcast message. The most common channel number is 50, indicating cell location information.

See also setChannel().

QCBSMessage QCBSMessage::fromPdu ( const QByteArray & pdu )   [static]

Convert a binary pdu into a CBS message, according to 3GPP TS 03.41 and 3GPP TS 23.041.

QCBSMessage::Language QCBSMessage::language () const

Returns the language that this cell broadcast message is expressed in. This can allow applications to distinguish between multiple copies of the same information in different languages.

See also setLanguage().

uint QCBSMessage::messageCode () const

Returns the cell broadcast message code.

See also setMessageCode().

uint QCBSMessage::numPages () const

Returns the number of pages that make up this cell broadcast message.

See also setNumPages().

uint QCBSMessage::page () const

Returns the page number for this cell broadcast message if the information that it contains is split over multiple pages.

See also setPage().

QCBSMessage::GeographicalScope QCBSMessage::scope () const

Returns the geographical scope of the message.

See also setScope().

void QCBSMessage::setChannel ( uint chan )

Sets the channel number for this cell broadcast message to chan.

See also channel().

void QCBSMessage::setLanguage ( QCBSMessage::Language lang )

Sets the language that this cell broadcast message is expressed in to lang.

See also language().

void QCBSMessage::setMessageCode ( uint num )

Sets the cell broadcast message code to num.

See also messageCode().

void QCBSMessage::setNumPages ( uint npages )

Sets the number of pages in this cell broadcast message to npages.

See also numPages().

void QCBSMessage::setPage ( uint page )

Sets the page number for this cell broadcast message to page.

See also page().

void QCBSMessage::setScope ( QCBSMessage::GeographicalScope scope )

Sets the geographical scope of the message to scope.

See also scope().

void QCBSMessage::setText ( const QString & str )

Sets the text that is contained in this cell broadcast message to str.

See also text().

void QCBSMessage::setUpdateNumber ( uint num )

Sets the update number for this cell broadcast message to num.

See also updateNumber().

QString QCBSMessage::text () const

Returns the text that is contained in this cell broadcast message.

See also setText().

QByteArray QCBSMessage::toPdu () const

Convert this CBS message into its binary PDU form, according to 3GPP TS 03.41 and 3GPP TS 23.041.

uint QCBSMessage::updateNumber () const

Returns the update number for this cell broadcast message.

See also setUpdateNumber().

bool QCBSMessage::operator!= ( const QCBSMessage & other ) const

Returns true if this cell broadcast message object is equal to other; otherwise returns false.

QCBSMessage & QCBSMessage::operator= ( const QCBSMessage & msg )

Assigns a copy of msg to this object.

bool QCBSMessage::operator== ( const QCBSMessage & other ) const

Returns true if this cell broadcast message object is equal to other; otherwise returns false.


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