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QCursor Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QCursor class provides a mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape. More...

 #include <QCursor>

Public Functions

Static Public Members

  • QPoint pos ()
  • void setPos ( int x, int y )
  • void setPos ( const QPoint & p )

Related Non-Members

  • QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & stream, const QCursor & cursor )
  • QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & stream, QCursor & cursor )

Detailed Description

The QCursor class provides a mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape.

This class is mainly used to create mouse cursors that are associated with particular widgets and to get and set the position of the mouse cursor.

Qt has a number of standard cursor shapes, but you can also make custom cursor shapes based on a QBitmap, a mask and a hotspot.

To associate a cursor with a widget, use QWidget::setCursor(). To associate a cursor with all widgets (normally for a short period of time), use QApplication::setOverrideCursor().

To set a cursor shape use QCursor::setShape() or use the QCursor constructor which takes the shape as argument, or you can use one of the predefined cursors defined in the Qt::CursorShape enum.

If you want to create a cursor with your own bitmap, either use the QCursor constructor which takes a bitmap and a mask or the constructor which takes a pixmap as arguments.

To set or get the position of the mouse cursor use the static methods QCursor::pos() and QCursor::setPos().

Note: It is possible to create a QCursor before QApplication, but it is not useful except as a place-holder for a real QCursor created after QApplication. Attempting to use a QCursor that was created before QApplication will result in a crash.

A Note for X11 Users

On X11, Qt supports the Xcursor library, which allows for full color icon themes. The table below shows the cursor name used for each Qt::CursorShape value. If a cursor cannot be found using the name shown below, a standard X11 cursor will be used instead. Note: X11 does not provide appropriate cursors for all possible Qt::CursorShape values. It is possible that some cursors will be taken from the Xcursor theme, while others will use an internal bitmap cursor.

ShapeQt::CursorShape ValueCursor NameShapeQt::CursorShape ValueCursor Name

See also QWidget and GUI Design Handbook: Cursors.

Member Function Documentation

QCursor::QCursor ()

Constructs a cursor with the default arrow shape.

QCursor::QCursor ( Qt::CursorShape shape )

Constructs a cursor with the specified shape.

See Qt::CursorShape for a list of shapes.

See also setShape().

QCursor::QCursor ( const QBitmap & bitmap, const QBitmap & mask, int hotX = -1, int hotY = -1 )

Constructs a custom bitmap cursor.

bitmap and mask make up the bitmap. hotX and hotY define the cursor's hot spot.

If hotX is negative, it is set to the bitmap().width()/2. If hotY is negative, it is set to the bitmap().height()/2.

The cursor bitmap (B) and mask (M) bits are combined like this:

  • B=1 and M=1 gives black.
  • B=0 and M=1 gives white.
  • B=0 and M=0 gives transparent.
  • B=1 and M=0 gives an XOR'd result.

Use the global Qt color Qt::color0 to draw 0-pixels and Qt::color1 to draw 1-pixels in the bitmaps.

Valid cursor sizes depend on the display hardware (or the underlying window system). We recommend using 32 x 32 cursors, because this size is supported on all platforms. Some platforms also support 16 x 16, 48 x 48, and 64 x 64 cursors.

Note: On Windows CE, the cursor size is fixed. If the pixmap is bigger than the system size, it will be scaled.

See also QBitmap::QBitmap() and QBitmap::setMask().

QCursor::QCursor ( const QPixmap & pixmap, int hotX = -1, int hotY = -1 )

Constructs a custom pixmap cursor.

pixmap is the image. It is usual to give it a mask (set using QPixmap::setMask()). hotX and hotY define the cursor's hot spot.

If hotX is negative, it is set to the pixmap().width()/2. If hotY is negative, it is set to the pixmap().height()/2.

Valid cursor sizes depend on the display hardware (or the underlying window system). We recommend using 32 x 32 cursors, because this size is supported on all platforms. Some platforms also support 16 x 16, 48 x 48, and 64 x 64 cursors.

Note: On Windows CE, the cursor size is fixed. If the pixmap is bigger than the system size, it will be scaled.

See also QPixmap::QPixmap() and QPixmap::setMask().

QCursor::QCursor ( const QCursor & c )

Constructs a copy of the cursor c.

QCursor::QCursor ( HCURSOR cursor )

Constructs a Qt cursor from the given Windows cursor.

Warning: This function is only available on Windows.

See also handle().

QCursor::QCursor ( Qt::HANDLE handle )

Constructs a Qt cursor from the given handle.

Warning: This function is only available on X11.

See also handle().

QCursor::~QCursor ()

Destroys the cursor.

const QBitmap * QCursor::bitmap () const

Returns the cursor bitmap, or 0 if it is one of the standard cursors.

HCURSOR_or_HANDLE QCursor::handle () const

Returns a platform-specific cursor handle. The HCURSOR_or_HANDLE type is HCURSOR on Windows and Qt::HANDLE on X11 and Mac OS X. On Qt for Embedded Linux it is an integer.

Warning: Using the value returned by this function is not portable.

QPoint QCursor::hotSpot () const

Returns the cursor hot spot, or (0, 0) if it is one of the standard cursors.

const QBitmap * QCursor::mask () const

Returns the cursor bitmap mask, or 0 if it is one of the standard cursors.

QPixmap QCursor::pixmap () const

Returns the cursor pixmap. This is only valid if the cursor is a pixmap cursor.

QPoint QCursor::pos ()   [static]

Returns the position of the cursor (hot spot) in global screen coordinates.

You can call QWidget::mapFromGlobal() to translate it to widget coordinates.

See also setPos(), QWidget::mapFromGlobal(), and QWidget::mapToGlobal().

void QCursor::setPos ( int x, int y )   [static]

Moves the cursor (hot spot) to the global screen position (x, y).

You can call QWidget::mapToGlobal() to translate widget coordinates to global screen coordinates.

See also pos(), QWidget::mapFromGlobal(), and QWidget::mapToGlobal().

void QCursor::setPos ( const QPoint & p )   [static]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Moves the cursor (hot spot) to the global screen position at point p.

void QCursor::setShape ( Qt::CursorShape shape )

Sets the cursor to the shape identified by shape.

See Qt::CursorShape for the list of cursor shapes.

See also shape().

Qt::CursorShape QCursor::shape () const

Returns the cursor shape identifier. The return value is one of the Qt::CursorShape enum values (cast to an int).

See also setShape().

QCursor::operator QVariant () const

Returns the cursor as a QVariant.

QCursor & QCursor::operator= ( const QCursor & c )

Assigns c to this cursor and returns a reference to this cursor.

Related Non-Members

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & stream, const QCursor & cursor )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Writes the cursor to the stream.

See also Format of the QDataStream operators.

QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & stream, QCursor & cursor )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Reads the cursor from the stream.

See also Format of the QDataStream operators.


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