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QDomNodeList Class Reference
[QtXml module]

The QDomNodeList class is a list of QDomNode objects. More...

 #include <QDomNodeList>

Note: All the functions in this class are reentrant.

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QDomNodeList class is a list of QDomNode objects.

Lists can be obtained by QDomDocument::elementsByTagName() and QDomNode::childNodes(). The Document Object Model (DOM) requires these lists to be "live": whenever you change the underlying document, the contents of the list will get updated.

You can get a particular node from the list with item(). The number of items in the list is returned by length().

For further information about the Document Object Model see Level 1 and Level 2 Core. For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the QDomDocument documentation.

See also QDomNode::childNodes() and QDomDocument::elementsByTagName().

Member Function Documentation

QDomNodeList::QDomNodeList ()

Creates an empty node list.

QDomNodeList::QDomNodeList ( const QDomNodeList & n )

Constructs a copy of n.

QDomNodeList::~QDomNodeList ()

Destroys the object and frees its resources.

QDomNode QDomNodeList::at ( int index ) const

This function is provided for Qt API consistency. It is equivalent to item().

If index is negative or if index >= length() then a null node is returned (i.e. a node for which QDomNode::isNull() returns true).

int QDomNodeList::count () const

This function is provided for Qt API consistency. It is equivalent to length().

bool QDomNodeList::isEmpty () const

Returns true if the list contains no items; otherwise returns false. This function is provided for Qt API consistency.

QDomNode QDomNodeList::item ( int index ) const

Returns the node at position index.

If index is negative or if index >= length() then a null node is returned (i.e. a node for which QDomNode::isNull() returns true).

See also length().

uint QDomNodeList::length () const

Returns the number of nodes in the list.

int QDomNodeList::size () const

This function is provided for Qt API consistency. It is equivalent to length().

bool QDomNodeList::operator!= ( const QDomNodeList & n ) const

Returns true the node list n and this node list are not equal; otherwise returns false.

QDomNodeList & QDomNodeList::operator= ( const QDomNodeList & n )

Assigns n to this node list.

bool QDomNodeList::operator== ( const QDomNodeList & n ) const

Returns true if the node list n and this node list are equal; otherwise returns false.

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