QExifValue Class Reference
Constant | Value | Description |
QExifValue::NoEncoding | 0 | An ASCII string of Ascii type. |
QExifValue::AsciiEncoding | 1 | An ASCII string of Undefined type. |
QExifValue::JisEncoding | 2 | A JIS X208-1990 string of Undefined type. |
QExifValue::UnicodeEncoding | 3 | A Unicode string of Undefined type. |
QExifValue::UndefinedEncoding | 4 | An unspecified string encoding of Undefined type. Assumed to be the local 8-bit encoding. |
Enumerates the possible types of EXIF values.
Constant | Value | Description |
QExifValue::Byte | 1 | An unsigned 8 bit integer. |
QExifValue::Ascii | 2 | A null terminated ascii string. |
QExifValue::Short | 3 | An unsigned 16 bit integer. |
QExifValue::Long | 4 | An unsigned 32 bit integer. |
QExifValue::Rational | 5 | Two unsigned 32 bit integers, representing a the numerator and denominator of an unsigned rational number. |
QExifValue::Undefined | 7 | An array of 8 bit integers. |
QExifValue::SignedLong | 9 | A signed 32 bit integer. |
QExifValue::SignedRational | 10 | Two signed 32 bit integers representing the numerator and denominator of a signed rational number. |
Constructs a null QExifValue.
Constructs a QExifValue with a value of type Byte.
Constructs a QExifValue with an array of values of type Byte.
Constructs a QExifValue with a value of type Ascii or Undefined.
If the encoding is NoEncoding the value will be of type Ascii, otherwise it will be Undefined and the string encoded using the given encoding.
Constructs a QExifValue with a value of type Short.
Constructs a QExifValue with an array of values of type Short.
Constructs a QExifValue with a value of type Long.
Constructs a QExifValue with an array of values of type Long.
Constructs a QExifValue with a value of type Rational.
Constructs a QExifValue with an array of values of type Rational.
Constructs a QExifValue with a value of type Undefined.
Constructs a QExifValue with a value of type SignedLong.
Constructs a QExifValue with an array of values of type SignedLong.
Constructs a QExifValue with a value of type SignedRational.
Constructs a QExifValue with an array of values of type SignedRational.
Constructs a QExifValue of type Ascii with an ascii string formatted from a date-time value.
Date-times are stored as strings in the format yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss.
Constructs a copy of the QExifValue other.
Destroys a QExifValue.
Returns the number of elements in a QExifValue. For ascii strings this is the length of the string including the terminating null.
Returns the encoding of strings stored in Undefined values.
Returns true if a QExifValue has a null value and false otherwise.
Returns the value of a single element QExifValue of type Byte.
Returns the value of a QExifValue of type Undefined.
Returns the value of a multiple element QExifValue of type Byte.
Returns the value of QExifValue storing a date-time.
Date-times are stored as ascii strings in the format yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss.
Returns the value of a single element QExifValue of type Byte, Short, Long, or SignedLong.
Returns the value of a multiple element QExifValue of type Long.
Returns the value of a multiple element QExifValue of type Rational.
Returns the value of a multiple element QExifValue of type Rational.
Returns the value of a single element QExifValue of type Byte or Short.
Returns the value of a single element QExifValue of type Short.
Returns the value of a single element QExifValue of type Byte, Short, Long, or SignedLong.
Returns the value of a multiple element QExifValue of type SignedLong.
Returns the value of a single element QExifValue of type SignedRational.
Returns the value of a multiple element QExifValue of type SignedRational.
Returns the value of a QExifValue of type Ascii.
Returns the type of a QExifValue.
Assigns the value of other to a QExifValue.
Compares a QExifValue to other. Returns true if they are the same value and false otherwise.
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