QGsm0710Multiplexer Class Reference
Name | Number |
primary | 1 |
secondary | 2 |
data | 3 |
datasetup | 3 |
aux* | 4 |
This assignment causes data call setup commands to be sent on the data channel. If a modem needs data call setup on the primary AT command channel, then it should override this method and return 1 for datasetup.
The current implementation is limited to channel numbers between 1 and 63. Numbers outside this range should not be returned.
See also channel().
Construct a AT+CMUX command with the specified parameters and send it to device. Returns true if the command succeeded, or false if the command failed. This is typically called by plug-ins that use GSM 07.10 with a different frame size or operating mode.
The size of frames is frameSize. If advanced is true, then use the Advanced multiplexing option; otherwise use the Basic multiplexing option. The baud rate is acquired from device, and the subset is always set to zero.
This is a convenience function for the most common options that are passed to AT+CMUX. If more involved options are required (e.g. subset or timeout values), then the plug-in should call QSerialIODeviceMultiplexer::chat() instead.
See also QSerialIODeviceMultiplexer::chat().
Re-initialize the multiplexing session. This is called by subclasses that have detected that the modem has dropped out of multiplexing mode.
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