Detailed Description
The QHardwareManager class finds available hardware abstraction providers for a given interface.
QHardwareManager is part of the Qt Extended Hardware Abstraction, which provides information about the available hardware devices.
A QHardwareMonitor can be used to monitor the availability of a given type of hardware, providing a list of providers through providers() and emitting signals providerAdded() and providerRemoved() when that list changes. The type of hardware monitored is given as a parameter to constructing the QHardwareMonitor.
The following example responds whenever a new QSignalSource becomes available:
QHardwareManager* manager = new QHardwareManager( "QSignalSource" );
connect( manager, SIGNAL(providerAdded(QString)),
this, SLOT(newBatteryAdded(QString)));
The types of a hardware abstraction is the name of the abstraction classes which implement the interface to the device. Any class that is subclassing QHardwareInterface is considered to be a Qt Extended hardware abstraction.
See also QHardwareInterface, QPowerSource, QSignalSource, and QVibrateAccessory.
Member Function Documentation
QHardwareManager::QHardwareManager ( const QString & interface, QObject * parent = 0 )
Creates a QHardwareManager object and attaches it to parent. interface is the name of the hardware interface that this object is monitoring.
The following code assumes that Qt Extended is running on a device that has a modem as power source (for more details see QPowerStatus and QPowerSource).
QHardwareManager manager( "QPowerSource" );
QStringList providers = manager.providers();
providers.contains( "DefaultBattery" );
providers.contains( "modem" );
Another way to achieve the same as the above example would be:
QStringList providers = QHardwareManager::providers<QPowerSource>();
providers.contains( "DefaultBattery" );
providers.contains( "modem" );
QHardwareManager::~QHardwareManager () [virtual]
Destroys the QHardwareManager object.
QString QHardwareManager::interface () const
Returns the interface that this object is monitoring.
void QHardwareManager::providerAdded ( const QString & id ) [signal]
This signal is emitted when provider id is added.
void QHardwareManager::providerRemoved ( const QString & id ) [signal]
This signal is emitted when provider id is removed.
QStringList QHardwareManager::providers () const
Returns a list of providers that support the interface that this object was initialized with.
QStringList QHardwareManager::providers () [static]
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
Returns a list of providers which support the given interface of type T. The following example demonstrates how to get the list of providers that supports the QPowerSource interface.
QStringList providers = QHardwareManager::providers<QPowerSource>();