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QModemIndicators Class Reference

The QModemIndicators class supports indicators for signal quality, battery charge, etc. More...

    #include <QModemIndicators>

Inherits QObject.

Public Types

  • enum ChargeState { PoweredByBattery, NotPoweredByBattery, NoBattery, PowerFault }
  • enum SmsMemoryFullStatus { SmsMemoryOK, SmsMemoryFull, SmsMemoryMessageRejected }

Public Functions

  • 29 public functions inherited from QObject

Public Slots

  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 property inherited from QObject
  • 1 signal inherited from QObject
  • 1 public type inherited from QObject
  • 4 static public members inherited from QObject
  • 7 protected functions inherited from QObject
  • 2 protected variables inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QModemIndicators class supports indicators for signal quality, battery charge, etc.

Modem vendor plug-ins might have proprietary notifications for reporting this information. When such a notification arrives, the plug-in should call setSignalQuality(), setBatteryCharge(), etc.

The modem vendor plug-in will obtain an instance of this class by calling QModemService::indicators().

See also QModemService.

Member Type Documentation

enum QModemIndicators::ChargeState

This enum defines the current charging state of the battery, using the values defined by 3GPP TS 27.007.

QModemIndicators::PoweredByBattery0Currently powered by the battery.
QModemIndicators::NotPoweredByBattery1Battery is connected, but not powering the phone.
QModemIndicators::NoBattery2No battery connected.
QModemIndicators::PowerFault3There is a power fault and calls are inhibited.

enum QModemIndicators::SmsMemoryFullStatus

This enum defines the full status of the incoming SMS message store.

QModemIndicators::SmsMemoryOK0The store has slots available to receive new messages.
QModemIndicators::SmsMemoryFull1The store is full and cannot accept new messages.
QModemIndicators::SmsMemoryMessageRejected2The store is full and a new message was just rejected.

Member Function Documentation

QModemIndicators::QModemIndicators ( QModemService * service )

Construct a modem indicator object for service. Normally, a modem vendor plug-in will call QModemService::indicators().

QModemIndicators::~QModemIndicators ()

Destroy this modem indicator object.

void QModemIndicators::setBatteryCharge ( int value, int maxValue, QModemIndicators::ChargeState state )   [slot]

Report an unsolicited battery charge value and state. The maxValue parameter indicates the maximum value for the valid range of values. e.g. if value can vary between 0 and 100, then maxValue will be 100.

If value is -1, then it indicates that the battery charge is currently undetectable.

This function is typically called by modem vendor plug-ins that have a proprietary command for reporting the current battery charge. If the modem vendor plug-in does not call this function, the default implementation will poll the AT+CBC command for battery charge.

Client applications get access to the battery charge value using the QPowerSource class.

See also QPowerSource.

void QModemIndicators::setNetworkTime ( uint time, int zone, int dst )   [slot]

Sets the network time information to time, zone, and dst. The time parameter indicates the time from the network in UTC, as seconds past midnight, 1 Jan 1970.

The zone parameter indicates the number of minutes east of GMT. The dst parameter indicates the number of minutes of daylight savings adjustment that have been applied to zone.

The parameter values are placed into the value space as /Telephony/Status/Time, /Telephony/Status/TimeZone, and /Telephony/Status/TimeZoneDST. In addition, the value space item /Telephony/Status/TimeTimeStamp will be set to the current time on the phone, also in UTC.

The values of Time and TimeTimeStamp in the value space can be used to determine the network time at some point in the future relative to the current time on the phone. Subtract TimeTimeStamp from the current time and add it to Time to determine the current network time.

void QModemIndicators::setNetworkTimeZone ( int zone, int dst )   [slot]

Sets the network time zone information to zone and dst. The zone parameter indicates the number of minutes east of GMT. The dst parameter indicates the number of minutes of daylight savings adjustment that have been applied to zone.

The parameter values are placed into the value space as /Telephony/Status/TimeZone and /Telephony/Status/TimeZoneDST.

This function is deprecated in Qtopia 4.3 an later. Use setNetworkTime() instead.

See also setNetworkTime().

void QModemIndicators::setSignalQuality ( int value, int maxValue )   [slot]

Report an unsolicited signal quality value. The maxValue parameter indicates the maximum value for the valid range of values. e.g. if value can vary between 0 and 31, then maxValue will be 31.

If value is -1, then it indicates that the signal quality is currently undetectable (e.g. no network).

This function is typically called by modem vendor plug-ins that have a proprietary command for reporting the current signal quality. If the modem vendor plug-in does not call this function, the default implementation will poll the AT+CSQ command for signal quality.

Client applications get access to the signal quality value using the QSignalSource class.

See also QSignalSource.

void QModemIndicators::setSmsMemoryFull ( QModemIndicators::SmsMemoryFullStatus value )   [slot]

Sets the SMS memory full indicator to value.

Client applications get access to the SMS memory full indicator by querying the /Telephony/Status/SMSMemoryFull value space item.


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