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QObex Class Reference

The QObex namespace contains miscellaneous OBEX functionality. More...

    #include <QObex>

Public Types

Detailed Description

The QObex namespace contains miscellaneous OBEX functionality.

The QObex namespace defines various functions and enums that are used globally by the OBEX library.

Member Type Documentation

enum QObex::AuthChallengeOption
flags QObex::AuthChallengeOptions

Defines the option flags that can be used in an OBEX authentication challenge.

QObex::UserIdRequired0x01The party receiving the authentication challenge must provide a user ID value in its authentication response.
QObex::ReadOnlyAccess0x2The sender of the authentication challenge will offer read-only access to its data. If this option is not set, the sender will permit full access (both read and write).

The AuthChallengeOptions type is a typedef for QFlags<AuthChallengeOption>. It stores an OR combination of AuthChallengeOption values.

enum QObex::Request

Defines the types of requests that can be made by an OBEX client to an OBEX server.

QObex::Connect0Initiate the OBEX session.
QObex::Disconnect1Close the OBEX session.
QObex::Put2Send an object.
QObex::PutDelete3Delete an object.
QObex::Get4Get an object.
QObex::SetPath5Change the current path on the OBEX server.

enum QObex::ResponseCode

Defines the response codes that may be sent by an OBEX server in response to a client request.

QObex::Success0x20OK, Success
QObex::NonAuthoritative0x23Non-authoritative information
QObex::NoContent0x24No content
QObex::ResetContent0x25Reset content
QObex::PartialContent0x26Partial content
QObex::MultipleChoices0x30Multiple choices
QObex::MovedPermanently0x31Moved permanently
QObex::MovedTemporarily0x32Moved temporarily
QObex::SeeOther0x33See other
QObex::NotModified0x34Not modified
QObex::UseProxy0x35Use proxy
QObex::BadRequest0x40Bad request - server couldn't understand request
QObex::PaymentRequired0x42Payment required
QObex::Forbidden0x43Forbidden - operation is understood but refused
QObex::NotFound0x44Not found
QObex::MethodNotAllowed0x45Method not allowed
QObex::NotAcceptable0x46Not acceptable
QObex::ProxyAuthenticationRequired0x47Proxy authentication required
QObex::RequestTimeOut0x48Request time out
QObex::LengthRequired0x4bLength required
QObex::PreconditionFailed0x4cPrecondition failed
QObex::RequestedEntityTooLarge0x4dRequested entity too large
QObex::RequestedUrlTooLarge0x4eRequest URL too large
QObex::UnsupportedMediaType0x4fUnsupported media type
QObex::InternalServerError0x50Internal server error
QObex::NotImplemented0x51Not implemented
QObex::BadGateway0x52Bad Gateway
QObex::ServiceUnavailable0x53Service unavailable
QObex::GatewayTimeout0x54Gateway timeout
QObex::HttpVersionNotSupported0x55HTTP version not supported
QObex::DatabaseFull0x60Database full
QObex::DatabaseLocked061Database locked

enum QObex::SetPathFlag
flags QObex::SetPathFlags

Defines the option flags that can be used for an OBEX Set Path operation. An OBEX client can use these options to specify a Set Path request in greater detail.

QObex::BackUpOneLevel0x1The OBEX server should go back up one directory level before applying the path.
QObex::NoPathCreation0x2The OBEX server should not automatically create the path if it does not exist.

The SetPathFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<SetPathFlag>. It stores an OR combination of SetPathFlag values.

See also QObexClientSession::setPath() and QObexServerSession::setPath().

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