QObex Class Reference
Constant | Value | Description |
QObex::UserIdRequired | 0x01 | The party receiving the authentication challenge must provide a user ID value in its authentication response. |
QObex::ReadOnlyAccess | 0x2 | The sender of the authentication challenge will offer read-only access to its data. If this option is not set, the sender will permit full access (both read and write). |
The AuthChallengeOptions type is a typedef for QFlags<AuthChallengeOption>. It stores an OR combination of AuthChallengeOption values.
Defines the types of requests that can be made by an OBEX client to an OBEX server.
Constant | Value | Description |
QObex::Connect | 0 | Initiate the OBEX session. |
QObex::Disconnect | 1 | Close the OBEX session. |
QObex::Put | 2 | Send an object. |
QObex::PutDelete | 3 | Delete an object. |
QObex::Get | 4 | Get an object. |
QObex::SetPath | 5 | Change the current path on the OBEX server. |
QObex::NoRequest | 100 |
Defines the response codes that may be sent by an OBEX server in response to a client request.
Constant | Value | Description |
QObex::Success | 0x20 | OK, Success |
QObex::Created | 0x21 | Created |
QObex::Accepted | 0x22 | Accepted |
QObex::NonAuthoritative | 0x23 | Non-authoritative information |
QObex::NoContent | 0x24 | No content |
QObex::ResetContent | 0x25 | Reset content |
QObex::PartialContent | 0x26 | Partial content |
QObex::MultipleChoices | 0x30 | Multiple choices |
QObex::MovedPermanently | 0x31 | Moved permanently |
QObex::MovedTemporarily | 0x32 | Moved temporarily |
QObex::SeeOther | 0x33 | See other |
QObex::NotModified | 0x34 | Not modified |
QObex::UseProxy | 0x35 | Use proxy |
QObex::BadRequest | 0x40 | Bad request - server couldn't understand request |
QObex::Unauthorized | 0x41 | Unauthorized |
QObex::PaymentRequired | 0x42 | Payment required |
QObex::Forbidden | 0x43 | Forbidden - operation is understood but refused |
QObex::NotFound | 0x44 | Not found |
QObex::MethodNotAllowed | 0x45 | Method not allowed |
QObex::NotAcceptable | 0x46 | Not acceptable |
QObex::ProxyAuthenticationRequired | 0x47 | Proxy authentication required |
QObex::RequestTimeOut | 0x48 | Request time out |
QObex::Conflict | 0x49 | Conflict |
QObex::Gone | 0x4a | Gone |
QObex::LengthRequired | 0x4b | Length required |
QObex::PreconditionFailed | 0x4c | Precondition failed |
QObex::RequestedEntityTooLarge | 0x4d | Requested entity too large |
QObex::RequestedUrlTooLarge | 0x4e | Request URL too large |
QObex::UnsupportedMediaType | 0x4f | Unsupported media type |
QObex::InternalServerError | 0x50 | Internal server error |
QObex::NotImplemented | 0x51 | Not implemented |
QObex::BadGateway | 0x52 | Bad Gateway |
QObex::ServiceUnavailable | 0x53 | Service unavailable |
QObex::GatewayTimeout | 0x54 | Gateway timeout |
QObex::HttpVersionNotSupported | 0x55 | HTTP version not supported |
QObex::DatabaseFull | 0x60 | Database full |
QObex::DatabaseLocked | 061 | Database locked |
Defines the option flags that can be used for an OBEX Set Path operation. An OBEX client can use these options to specify a Set Path request in greater detail.
Constant | Value | Description |
QObex::BackUpOneLevel | 0x1 | The OBEX server should go back up one directory level before applying the path. |
QObex::NoPathCreation | 0x2 | The OBEX server should not automatically create the path if it does not exist. |
The SetPathFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<SetPathFlag>. It stores an OR combination of SetPathFlag values.
See also QObexClientSession::setPath() and QObexServerSession::setPath().
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