QPasswordDialog Class Reference
Constant | Value | Description |
QPasswordDialog::Crypted | 0 | Password will be returned one-way encrypted (using MD5). If the dialog is shown using getPassword(), it will be maximized. |
QPasswordDialog::Plain | 1 | Password will be returned as plain text. If the dialog is shown using getPassword(), it will not be maximized. |
QPasswordDialog::Pin | 2 | Same as Plain, but '#' can also be used to accept the dialog. |
Constructs a new QPasswordDialog with the given parent and widget flags.
The input mode for the dialog is set by default to Crypted.
Destroys the QPasswordDialog.
Creates and displays a password dialog with the given parent and prompt; returns the entered password.
mode specifies whether the returned password is one-way encrypted (using MD5) or plain text. It also determines whether or not the dialog will be maximized. If the operation is required to accept more than one password -- for example, if accepting an old password and a new password -- set last to false to set the context label to 'Next'.
The returned value is a null string if the user cancels the operation, or an empty string if the user enters no password (but confirms the dialog).
Returns the input mode used by the dialog.
See also setInputMode().
Returns the password entered in the dialog.
If the input mode is Crypted, the password will be returned one-way encrypted (using MD5); otherwise it will be returned as plain text.
Returns the prompt used by the dialog.
See also setPrompt().
Resets any password previously entered in the dialog.
Sets the input mode for the dialog to mode.
See also inputMode().
Sets the prompt to be displayed by the dialog.
See also prompt().
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