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QPrintEngine Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QPrintEngine class defines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem. More...

 #include <QPrintEngine>

Note: All the functions in this class are reentrant.

Public Types

  • enum PrintEnginePropertyKey { PPK_CollateCopies, PPK_ColorMode, PPK_Creator, PPK_Duplex, ..., PPK_CustomBase }

Public Functions

  • virtual ~QPrintEngine ()
  • virtual bool abort () = 0
  • virtual int metric ( QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric id ) const = 0
  • virtual bool newPage () = 0
  • virtual QPrinter::PrinterState printerState () const = 0
  • virtual QVariant property ( PrintEnginePropertyKey key ) const = 0
  • virtual void setProperty ( PrintEnginePropertyKey key, const QVariant & value ) = 0

Detailed Description

The QPrintEngine class defines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem.

The common case when creating your own print engine is to derive from both QPaintEngine and QPrintEngine. Various properties of a print engine are given with property() and set with setProperty().

See also QPaintEngine.

Member Type Documentation

enum QPrintEngine::PrintEnginePropertyKey

This enum is used to communicate properties between the print engine and QPrinter. A property may or may not be supported by a given print engine.

QPrintEngine::PPK_CollateCopies0A boolean value indicating whether the printout should be collated or not.
QPrintEngine::PPK_ColorMode1Refers to QPrinter::ColorMode, either color or monochrome.
QPrintEngine::PPK_Creator2A string describing the document's creator.
QPrintEngine::PPK_Duplex21A boolean value indicating whether both sides of the printer paper should be used for the printout.
QPrintEngine::PPK_DocumentName3A string describing the document name in the spooler.
QPrintEngine::PPK_FontEmbedding19A boolean value indicating whether data for the document's fonts should be embedded in the data sent to the printer.
QPrintEngine::PPK_FullPage4A boolean describing if the printer should be full page or not.
QPrintEngine::PPK_NumberOfCopies5An integer specifying the number of copies
QPrintEngine::PPK_Orientation6Specifies a QPrinter::Orientation value.
QPrintEngine::PPK_OutputFileName7The output file name as a string. An empty file name indicates that the printer should not print to a file.
QPrintEngine::PPK_PageOrder8Specifies a QPrinter::PageOrder value.
QPrintEngine::PPK_PageRect9A QRect specifying the page rectangle
QPrintEngine::PPK_PageSize10Obsolete. Use PPK_PaperSize instead.
QPrintEngine::PPK_PaperRect11A QRect specifying the paper rectangle.
QPrintEngine::PPK_PaperSource12Specifies a QPrinter::PaperSource value.
QPrintEngine::PPK_PaperSources22Specifies more than one QPrinter::PaperSource value.
QPrintEngine::PPK_PaperSizePPK_PageSizeSpecifies a QPrinter::PaperSize value.
QPrintEngine::PPK_PrinterName13A string specifying the name of the printer.
QPrintEngine::PPK_PrinterProgram14A string specifying the name of the printer program used for printing,
QPrintEngine::PPK_Resolution15An integer describing the dots per inch for this printer.
QPrintEngine::PPK_SupportedResolutions17A list of integer QVariants describing the set of supported resolutions that the printer has.
QPrintEngine::PPK_SuppressSystemPrintStatus20Suppress the built-in dialog for showing printing progress. As of 4.1 this only has effect on Mac OS X where, by default, a status dialog is shown.
QPrintEngine::PPK_WindowsPageSize18An integer specifying a DM_PAPER entry on Windows.
QPrintEngine::PPK_CustomPaperSize23A QSizeF specifying a custom paper size in the QPrinter::Point unit.
QPrintEngine::PPK_PageMargins24A QList<QVariant> containing the left, top, right and bottom margin values.
QPrintEngine::PPK_CustomBase0xff00Basis for extension.

Member Function Documentation

QPrintEngine::~QPrintEngine ()   [virtual]

Destroys the print engine.

bool QPrintEngine::abort ()   [pure virtual]

Instructs the print engine to abort the printing process. Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.

int QPrintEngine::metric ( QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric id ) const   [pure virtual]

Returns the metric for the given id.

bool QPrintEngine::newPage ()   [pure virtual]

Instructs the print engine to start a new page. Returns true if the printer was able to create the new page; otherwise returns false.

QPrinter::PrinterState QPrintEngine::printerState () const   [pure virtual]

Returns the current state of the printer being used by the print engine.

QVariant QPrintEngine::property ( PrintEnginePropertyKey key ) const   [pure virtual]

Returns the print engine's property specified by key.

See also setProperty().

void QPrintEngine::setProperty ( PrintEnginePropertyKey key, const QVariant & value )   [pure virtual]

Sets the print engine's property specified by key to the given value.

See also property().


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