Detailed Description
The QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPlugin class defines a base class for implementing multiplexing plugins.
Multiplexer plug-ins should override at least detect() and create().
See the Tutorial: Writing a Multiplexer Plug-in for more information on how to write a multiplexer plug-in.
See also QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPluginInterface and QSerialIODeviceMultiplexer.
Member Function Documentation
QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPlugin::QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 )
Create a multiplexer plug-in instance and attach it to parent.
QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPlugin::~QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPlugin ()
Destruct a multiplexer plug-in instance.
Create a multiplexer handler around device. This will be called only if detect() returns true.
Reimplemented from QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPluginInterface.
See also forceGsm0710Stop() and detect().
bool QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPlugin::detect ( QSerialIODevice * device ) [virtual]
Issue commands to detect if this plug-in can provide multiplexing for device. Returns true if multiplexing is possible, or false if not. The plug-in can use QSerialIODeviceMultiplexer::chat() to simplify the issuing of commands.
Reimplemented from QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPluginInterface.
See also create() and QSerialIODeviceMultiplexer::chat().
bool QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPlugin::forceGsm0710Stop () [virtual]
Returns true if the caller should force an existing GSM 07.10 session to stop before calling detect(). The default implementation returns false. This is typcially needed for plugins that issue the AT+CMUX command in their detect() function.
Reimplemented from QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPluginInterface.
See also detect() and create().
QStringList QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPlugin::keys () const
Returns the list of keys for this plugin.