QSizePolicy Class Reference
Constant | Value | Description |
QSizePolicy::DefaultType | 0x00000001 | The default type, when none is specified. |
QSizePolicy::ButtonBox | 0x00000002 | A QDialogButtonBox instance. |
QSizePolicy::CheckBox | 0x00000004 | A QCheckBox instance. |
QSizePolicy::ComboBox | 0x00000008 | A QComboBox instance. |
QSizePolicy::Frame | 0x00000010 | A QFrame instance. |
QSizePolicy::GroupBox | 0x00000020 | A QGroupBox instance. |
QSizePolicy::Label | 0x00000040 | A QLabel instance. |
QSizePolicy::Line | 0x00000080 | A QFrame instance with QFrame::HLine or QFrame::VLine. |
QSizePolicy::LineEdit | 0x00000100 | A QLineEdit instance. |
QSizePolicy::PushButton | 0x00000200 | A QPushButton instance. |
QSizePolicy::RadioButton | 0x00000400 | A QRadioButton instance. |
QSizePolicy::Slider | 0x00000800 | A QAbstractSlider instance. |
QSizePolicy::SpinBox | 0x00001000 | A QAbstractSpinBox instance. |
QSizePolicy::TabWidget | 0x00002000 | A QTabWidget instance. |
QSizePolicy::ToolButton | 0x00004000 | A QToolButton instance. |
This enum was introduced in Qt 4.3.
The ControlTypes type is a typedef for QFlags<ControlType>. It stores an OR combination of ControlType values.
See also setControlType() and controlType().
This enum describes the various per-dimension sizing types used when constructing a QSizePolicy.
Constant | Value | Description |
QSizePolicy::Fixed | 0 | The QWidget::sizeHint() is the only acceptable alternative, so the widget can never grow or shrink (e.g. the vertical direction of a push button). |
QSizePolicy::Minimum | GrowFlag | The sizeHint() is minimal, and sufficient. The widget can be expanded, but there is no advantage to it being larger (e.g. the horizontal direction of a push button). It cannot be smaller than the size provided by sizeHint(). |
QSizePolicy::Maximum | ShrinkFlag | The sizeHint() is a maximum. The widget can be shrunk any amount without detriment if other widgets need the space (e.g. a separator line). It cannot be larger than the size provided by sizeHint(). |
QSizePolicy::Preferred | GrowFlag | ShrinkFlag | The sizeHint() is best, but the widget can be shrunk and still be useful. The widget can be expanded, but there is no advantage to it being larger than sizeHint() (the default QWidget policy). |
QSizePolicy::Expanding | GrowFlag | ShrinkFlag | ExpandFlag | The sizeHint() is a sensible size, but the widget can be shrunk and still be useful. The widget can make use of extra space, so it should get as much space as possible (e.g. the horizontal direction of a horizontal slider). |
QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding | GrowFlag | ExpandFlag | The sizeHint() is minimal, and sufficient. The widget can make use of extra space, so it should get as much space as possible (e.g. the horizontal direction of a horizontal slider). |
QSizePolicy::Ignored | ShrinkFlag | GrowFlag | IgnoreFlag | The sizeHint() is ignored. The widget will get as much space as possible. |
See also PolicyFlag, setHorizontalPolicy(), and setVerticalPolicy().
These flags are combined together to form the various Policy values:
Constant | Value | Description |
QSizePolicy::GrowFlag | 1 | The widget can grow beyond its size hint if necessary. |
QSizePolicy::ExpandFlag | 2 | The widget should get as much space as possible. |
QSizePolicy::ShrinkFlag | 4 | The widget can shrink below its size hint if necessary. |
QSizePolicy::IgnoreFlag | 8 | The widget's size hint is ignored. The widget will get as much space as possible. |
See also Policy.
Constructs a QSizePolicy object with Fixed as its horizontal and vertical policies.
The policies can be altered using the setHorizontalPolicy() and setVerticalPolicy() functions. Use the setHeightForWidth() function if the preferred height of the widget is dependent on the width of the widget (for example, a QLabel with line wrapping).
See also setHorizontalStretch() and setVerticalStretch().
Constructs a QSizePolicy object with the given horizontal and vertical policies, and DefaultType as the control type.
Use setHeightForWidth() if the preferred height of the widget is dependent on the width of the widget (for example, a QLabel with line wrapping).
See also setHorizontalStretch() and setVerticalStretch().
Constructs a QSizePolicy object with the given horizontal and vertical policies, and the specified control type.
Use setHeightForWidth() if the preferred height of the widget is dependent on the width of the widget (for example, a QLabel with line wrapping).
This function was introduced in Qt 4.3.
See also setHorizontalStretch(), setVerticalStretch(), and controlType().
Returns the control type associated with the widget for which this size policy applies.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.3.
See also setControlType().
Returns whether a widget can make use of more space than the QWidget::sizeHint() function indicates.
A value of Qt::Horizontal or Qt::Vertical means that the widget can grow horizontally or vertically (i.e., the horizontal or vertical policy is Expanding or MinimumExpanding), whereas Qt::Horizontal | Qt::Vertical means that it can grow in both dimensions.
See also horizontalPolicy() and verticalPolicy().
Returns true if the widget's preferred height depends on its width; otherwise returns false.
See also setHeightForWidth().
Returns the horizontal component of the size policy.
See also setHorizontalPolicy(), verticalPolicy(), and horizontalStretch().
Returns the horizontal stretch factor of the size policy.
See also setHorizontalStretch(), verticalStretch(), and horizontalPolicy().
Sets the control type associated with the widget for which this size policy applies to type.
The control type specifies the type of the widget for which this size policy applies. It is used by some styles, notably QMacStyle, to insert proper spacing between widgets. For example, the Mac OS X Aqua guidelines specify that push buttons should be separated by 12 pixels, whereas vertically stacked radio buttons only require 6 pixels.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.3.
See also controlType() and QStyle::layoutSpacing().
Sets the flag determining whether the widget's preferred height depends on its width, to dependent.
See also hasHeightForWidth().
Sets the horizontal component to the given policy.
See also horizontalPolicy(), setVerticalPolicy(), and setHorizontalStretch().
Sets the horizontal stretch factor of the size policy to the given stretchFactor.
See also horizontalStretch(), setVerticalStretch(), and setHorizontalPolicy().
Sets the vertical component to the given policy.
See also verticalPolicy(), setHorizontalPolicy(), and setVerticalStretch().
Sets the vertical stretch factor of the size policy to the given stretchFactor.
See also verticalStretch(), setHorizontalStretch(), and setVerticalPolicy().
Swaps the horizontal and vertical policies and stretches.
Returns the vertical component of the size policy.
See also setVerticalPolicy(), horizontalPolicy(), and verticalStretch().
Returns the vertical stretch factor of the size policy.
See also setVerticalStretch(), horizontalStretch(), and verticalPolicy().
Returns a QVariant storing this QSizePolicy.
Returns true if this policy is different from other; otherwise returns false.
See also operator==().
Returns true if this policy is equal to other; otherwise returns false.
See also operator!=().
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
Writes the size policy to the data stream stream.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also Format of the QDataStream operators.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
Reads the size policy from the data stream stream.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also Format of the QDataStream operators.
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