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Qt Development Tools Module

The Qt Extended Development Tools module contains applications which simplify the design and implementation process when developing software with Qt Extended. This module is based on the Base module.

The following configure line can be used to build the Base and DevTools module only:

    ./configure -modules devtools -device xyz

Note that not specifying a device profile would result in the reference device being build.

Feature description

This module's software components are not intended for final consumer device builds. It provides development and debugging tools such as convenient access to log facilities, ValueSpace browsing or the Modem Simulator.

Logging applicationThe logging application allows enabling and disabling of logging streams and can display current log output.
Out-of-Memory instrumentationThis component allows the simulation of out-of-memory simulations and thus tests the device behavior under such conditions. The TestMemoryMonitor server task provides the implementation.
Phone/Modem SimulatorThe Modem Simulator allows testing of telephony applications without the need to have an actual AT modem. The simulator listens for AT commands and provides responses defined by an XML description.
Service managementIn cases where only one application should provide a service yet multiple applications are installed which provide the service, the "Application Services" settings application can be used to select which application should be used as service provider.
ValueSpace explorerThe vsexplorer tool can diagnose issues with the Value Space. It inspects the contents of the value space on a device, enables temporary modifications and to watch for changes.

Software components

The Development Tools module includes the following software components:

  • AppServices application
  • Logging application
  • Out-of-memory test components (server components)
  • tools/phonesim - Phone simulator (depends on Cell module)
  • tools/vsexplorer - vsexplorer application

The exact list of components included in this module can be found in $QPEDIR/src/module_devtools.pri.

The test plan for the DevTools module summarizes the Quality Assurance procedures for this module. The results of these test are available here.

The following table contains all classes and services which are part of this module:

LowMemoryTaskResponds to low memory situations by closing applications
MemoryMonitorInterface determines the available amount of available memory
OomManagerManages low and out of memory situations
TestMemoryMonitorInstrumented implementation of MemoryMonitor for testing

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