Detailed Description
The iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextFrame.
A frame consists of an arbitrary sequence of QTextBlocks and child QTextFrames. This class provides a way to iterate over the child objects of a frame, and read their contents. It does not provide a way to modify the contents of the frame.
Member Function Documentation
iterator::iterator ()
Constructs an invalid iterator.
iterator::iterator ( const iterator & other )
Copy constructor. Constructs a copy of the other iterator.
bool iterator::atEnd () const
Returns true if the current item is the last item in the text frame.
QTextBlock iterator::currentBlock () const
Returns the current block the iterator points to. If the iterator points to a child frame, the returned block is invalid.
See also currentFrame().
QTextFrame * iterator::currentFrame () const
Returns the current frame pointed to by the iterator, or 0 if the iterator currently points to a block.
See also currentBlock().
QTextFrame * iterator::parentFrame () const
Returns the parent frame of the current frame.
See also currentFrame() and QTextFrame::parentFrame().
bool iterator::operator!= ( const iterator & other ) const
Retuns true if the iterator is different from the other iterator; otherwise returns false.
iterator & iterator::operator++ ()
Moves the iterator to the next frame or block.
See also currentBlock() and currentFrame().
iterator iterator::operator++ ( int )
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
The postfix ++ operator (i++) advances the iterator to the next item in the text frame, and returns an iterator to the old item.
iterator & iterator::operator-- ()
Moves the iterator to the previous frame or block.
See also currentBlock() and currentFrame().
iterator iterator::operator-- ( int )
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
The postfix -- operator (i--) makes the preceding item in the current frame, and returns an iterator to the old item.
iterator & iterator::operator= ( const iterator & other )
Assigns other to this iterator and returns a reference to this iterator.
bool iterator::operator== ( const iterator & other ) const
Retuns true if the iterator is the same as the other iterator; otherwise returns false.