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Qt Extended startup

The Qtopia server consists of a variety of components and widgets which are loaded and executed during the startup phase of Qtopia.

    main( int argc, char **argv )
        // step 1
        QtopiaServerApplication::startup( argc, argv, QList<ByteArray> << "startup" );

        // step 2
        QAbstractServerInterface *interface =
        if ( interface )

        // step 3

The above main function gives a brief summary what the server is doing. This function is not complete and does not reflect the actual implementation. However it demonstrates the general order during the startup phase.

  1. Starting server tasks

    The server task documentation provides a detailed introduction into the concept of server tasks. The call to QtopiaServerApplication::startup(..) will call the constructor of each task. The order of tasks is dynamically calculated based on parameters provided in $QPEDIR/etc/Tasks.cfg. The Qt Extended logging mechanism should be used to obtain the actual order of execution at runtime. The QtopiaServer logging channel should be used. The subsequent log is an example how this log may look like (note that for simplification reasons some output has been removed):

        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "ApplicationLauncher"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "QtopiaServerApplicationLauncher"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "BuiltinApplicationLauncher"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "QuickExeApplicationLauncher"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "ConsoleApplicationLauncher"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "SandboxedExeApplicationLauncher"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "SimpleExeApplicationLauncher"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "PhoneServer"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "QtopiaNetworkServer"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "QtopiaVpnManager"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "DocumentServer"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "DefaultBluetoothPassKeyAgent"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "BluetoothServiceManager"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "StandardDeviceFeatures"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "BtHandsfreeServiceTask"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "ShutdownSplashScreen"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "GenericMemoryMonitor"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "BtHeadsetServiceTask"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "InputDeviceSettings"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "BtDialupServiceTask"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "TerminationHandler"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "DummyVolumeService"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "TimeUpdateService"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "QtopiaApplication"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "PhonePowerManager"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "MediaServicesTask"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "WindowManagement"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "EnvironmentSetup"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "BtFtpServiceTask"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "VirtualKeyboard"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "StandardDialogs"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "SecurityMonitor"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "StorageMonitor"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "IrPowerService"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "ExternalAccess"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "DefaultBattery"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "BtPowerService"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "WaitIndicator"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "SystemSuspend"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "PhoneProfiles"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "LowMemoryTask"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "DefaultSignal"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "ContentServer"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "DeviceButton"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "AlertService"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "TimeMonitor"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "StabMonitor"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "RingControl"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "MediaServer"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "GPRSMonitor"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "QDSyncTask"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "APMBattery"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "IpcRouter"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "DBMigrate"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "CellModem"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "Asterisk"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "VoIP"
        QtopiaServer :  Starting task "StartupApplications"
  2. Showing the main widget

    Once all server tasks in the prestartup and startup groups are loaded the main server widget will be found, loaded and shown. The main Qtopia widget is a subclass of QAbstractServerInterface and it is responsible for the loading of all other widgets. The server widget documentation provides more detailed documentation on how to use widgets in the server and the Integration Guide provides a summary of existing server widgets and how they interact with each other.

  3. Entering Qt's event loop by calling QtopiaApplication::exec()

    The last step is to enter the event loop. From this point on every subsequent execution of code is event-driven.


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