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Qtopia - 4.1.3 Release Notes


Qtopia 4.1.3 is a patch release that provides:

  • improved performance
  • fixes for a number of bugs.


  1. Performance:
    • Qtopia 4.1.3 runs in a memory footprint of 32MB of RAM on a Linux mobile phone device.
    • An example test on a mobile phone with 32MB of RAM provides information relevant to most devices and Qtopia ran comfortably with six applications in the background. The combination of the Linux OS, Qtopia and the six applications resulted in consumed memory of approximately 16MB.
    • For optimal performance Qtopia Phone Edition requires a minimum of 32MB of RAM to function. It will function with less memory however performance will be degraded.

Bug Fixes

  1. Secure Execution Environment
    • BUG : Added support for cardreader domain.
    • BUG 118439,113183: Fixed packaging error for SXE installer.
    • BUG 116715: Fixed application close mechanism.
  2. Digital Rights Management
    • BUG 114774,114775: Save DRM MMS attachments directly to the enclosures folder to prevent multiple copies of the file and save disk space.
  3. Messages
    • BUG 119421: Reset new mail count when an unread message is deleted.
    • BUG: Improved disk full detection.
    • BUG: Ensure DRM attachments are deleted when trash is emptied to prevent orphaned files.
    • BUG : Fix a problem where the status text (unread count) vanished for IMAP folders after checking mail.
    • BUG 113080: Prevent UI hang during download of large email attachments.
    • BUG: Fix issue of mail displaying in the incorrect order when downloading and viewing for the first time.
    • BUG 115821: Could not display VCard raw data when viewing SMS messages.
    • BUG 114267: Removed the "send all mail" button as it has no relevance when mails are moved to drafts on failure.
    • BUG 114773: Correctly display messages (specifically MMS) with attachments that do not have a Content-Type name parameter.
    • BUG 113017: Fixed sending of VCards over SMS. The SMS was being sent to the wrong port without an SCKL header.
  4. Qtopia/Server
    • BUG 119285: Context label changes were not properly synchronized with window activation.
    • BUG 118631: Fixed crashes by replacing dynamic_cast<>() with a static_cast<>().
    • BUG 118268: Fixed the problem of quicklauncher consuming 100% CPU time.
    • BUG 113234: Add IM Speeddial support.
    • BUG 116712: Fixed a segfault caused by dereferencing a deleted pointer.
    • BUG 114622: Mime filters with no matching types in the database resulted in invalid SQL.
  5. Helix support
    • BUG 119283: Hide player widget when application window deactivated.
    • BUG 118622: Deflate player when hidden.
  6. Mediaplayer
    • BUG 118626: Progress bar must be updated when seeking in a paused state.
  7. Calculator
    • BUG 118927: Fixed 100% CPU usage on devices that are not IEEE float compliant.
  8. Telephony
    • BUG : Changed device vendor plug-in so that it only reports a single SMS message store.
    • BUG 118942: Fix hangup of outgoing but unconnected call (it displayed as Active, when it should have displayed as Ended).
    • BUG 118792: Always use GSM for emergency numbers, and ensure that emergency numbers are always dialed, regardless of the network registration state.
    • BUG : Fix problem of hold not working the second time.
    • BUG : Fix unhold for VoIP.
    • BUG 112870: Fixed DTMF tones.
    • BUG 117380: Display location information after reconnecting to the network.
    • BUG 116578: Clear alert messages from the home screen after viewing missed calls and missed messages.
  9. Appearance
    • BUG 118967, 118815: Apply selected theme immediately and improved presentation of selected styles.
  10. PhotoEdit
    • BUG 113333: Handle selection when changing categories and row. inserted/removed correctly in QImageSelectionDialog and PhotoEdit.
    • BUG 113211: Fixed bug when saving edits to read-only pictures.
    • BUG 115367: Did not display magnifying glass in single picture view.
    • BUG 113173: Explicitly quit when closing out of the editor in edit only mode.
  11. Networking
    • BUG 118623: Fixed the autostart feature for network interfaces.
  12. Documents
    • BUG 113082: Fixed inconsistent size of Document Properties dialog.
    • BUG 113348: Keep QContentSetModel in sync with QContentSet.
    • BUG 118435: Removed directories when not removed from database.
    • BUG 114780: Empty documents tab had inappropriate menu items.
    • BUG : Fixed Unknown document icons being shown incorrectly.
  13. Contacts
    • BUG 113302: Fixed crash caused when deleting objects.
    • BUG 116028: Fixed Full Screen Handwriting support.
    • BUG 113557: Store whole task in detail view and use that for editing.
  14. Datebook
    • BUG 113192: Prevent creation of empty appointments.
    • BUG 116029: Unfolding all day events was accidentally blowing out the size of the main window.
    • BUG 113294: Datebook times that do not match up to exact hours showed their label in grey which was hard to read.
    • BUG 114067: Moving the cursor in Day view did not update the OK button icon.
    • BUG 114436: Category selector with the editable flag set did not actually allow for editing.
  15. TextEdit
    • BUG 114439: Fixed find option.
  16. Voip
    • BUG : Start up locally-initiated sessions correctly.
  17. Profiles
    • BUG 116577: Renamed Ring Profiles to Profiles to avoid confusion.

Known Issues

  1. Helix
    • Helix Client Code Technology Compatibility Kit (HCCTCK) can be found at:
    • Qtopia 4.1.3 complies fully to the HCCTCK except in the following cases:
      • HCCTCK 6.1: Play back QCIF video at minimum 15 frames per second. Hardware reliant, mandatory requirement.) Vendors are responsible for compliance to the HCCTCK in this regard and all other device/feature specific requirements that are further customized which require compliance.
      • HCCTCK 11.1 Compliance to 11.1 (Audio/video playback should respond gracefully to system interruptions) has a known bug that causes Helix to skip and occasionally crash when interrupted. (See Helix Bugzilla #831).
      • NullSoft ShoutCast streams are currently incompatible with the Helix Mediaplayer.
  2. Mediaplayer
    • Mediaplayer skips/crash when interrupted by ring tones or system sounds (see Helix notes).
    • No touch screen support in Mediaplayer
    • Mediaplayer does not pause video when run in the background.
  3. VoIP
    • VoIP SIP agent intermittently crashes when settings are changed.
    • Case of simultaneous GSM and VoIP calls not handled correctly.
  4. Contacts
    • Contacts cannot be terminated if close attempted by hang up key
  5. Tasks
    • Tasks list does not scroll via keypad
  6. Calendar
    • Events created for the last day of a month are not displayed in month view
  7. Touchscreen
    • Simultaneous touch screen and keypad-based input methods not fully supported.
  8. Messages
    • Does not handle Out of Storage error correctly.
    • Message cannot save to drafts if a recipient is entered.
  9. Input
    • Words cannot be added to/edited dictionary after a word is entered.
    • Input methods does not remember set mode, resets every time field is focused
  10. Internet
    • Cannot create PCMCIA Ethernet, Ethernet, PCMCIA Wireless and Wireless LAN accounts in SingleExec builds.


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